Monday, February 26, 2007

Undergraduate College Scholarships

CSFP awards in the United Kingdom are administered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, a non-Departmental Public Body established by Parliament. Government funding for awards comes from the Department for International Development, which supports awards for developing Commonwealth countries, and Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which supports awards for other Commonwealth countries. The Commission Secretariat is provided by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, based in London. Financial provision, welfare and other support is provided by the British Council.

Awards currently available include:

  • General Scholarships: General Scholarships: Open to Commonwealth citizens and British protected persons, permanently resident in any Commonwealth country other than the United Kingdom. Almost all awards are for taught postgraduate courses or doctoral study. Undergraduate awards are, however, available for residents of the Falkland islands, Maldives, Seychelles and St Helena. Click here to see the full text of the Scholars' Handbook

  • Scholarships for Academic Staff: with effect from 2006 entry, the former Academic Staff Scholarships have been incorporated into the General Scholarships Scheme, for which a number of developing country universities are now invited to nominate candidates. Further information regarding General Scholarships can be found above. Click here to see the full text of the Scholars' Handbook

  • Commonwealth Academic Fellowships: Support the cost of up to six months work in the United Kingdom, for staff of universities in certain developing Commonwealth countries. Applicants should have at least 5 years postdoctoral experience. Click here to see the full text of the Fellows' Handbook

  • Split-Site Doctoral Scholarships: Available to those studying for a PhD in developing Commonwealth countries. The scholarships support attendance for one year at a UK university, under the joint supervision of a home country and UK supervisor. Applications are accepted directly from certain developing country universities and from nominating agencies. Click here to see the full text of the Scholars Handbook

  • Scholarships by Distance Learning: Since 2002, the Commission has offered scholarships by distance learning. These awards are based on specific courses in development related areas.

  • Professional Fellowships: Offer opportunities for mid-career professionals to visit the United Kingdom for professional updating purposes. Fellowships last for an average of three months, and applications should be made by host organisations in the UK. Priority will be given to applications relevant to education, engineering, environment, governance, public health and technology. Click here to see the full text of the Fellows' Handbook

  • Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme: The scheme is a joint initiative between the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and UK universities, to jointly support scholarships for students from developing Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the United Kingdom.
Selections for awards in 2005/06 have been made. All candidates nominated for awards have been informed directly of the result of their nomination. If you are unsure about the status of your nomination you should check directly with your country's scholarship agency, who will also advise you about opportunities for scholarships in 2006/07.

Information on the work of the Commission

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