Tuesday, February 27, 2007

British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) Scholarship

The British Federation of Women Graduates has limited funds to make awards to women graduates undertaking postgraduate research. BFWG encourages applicants to become members of the Federation in a hope to help promote better links between female graduates throughout the world.


The main criterion for offering Scholarships and Awards is academic excellence, as is a proven ability to carry out independent research.

The National Awards are open to research students of any nationality in their final year of formal study in the United Kingdom towards a PhD degree. The competition runs from 1 December 2006 until 30 March 2007 with awards paid in September 2007 to the successful applicants.
Application Procedure

For further information and an application form please contact:

British Federation of Women Graduates
4 Mandeville Courtyard
142 Battersea Park Road
SW11 4NB

Tel: 020 7498 8037
Fax: 020 7498 5213
Email: bfwg@bfwg.demon.co.uk

Website: http://www.bfwg.org.uk/scholarships.cfm

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