Thursday, September 20, 2007

Italy: PhD Scholarships in Economics and Industrial Organization, University of Bergamo

Applications are invited for the PhD program in Economics and Industrial Organization at the University of Bergamo, Department of Economic Studies “Hyman P. Minsky”.

The PhD in “Economics and Industrial Organization” (Dottorato di Ricerca in “Economia ed Organizzazione Industriale”) is an advanced program whose objective is to train professional researchers in Economics, with possible career paths both in the academic field and in public or private firms and organizations.

The program is articulated on three years. English is the teaching language. First year: Full-time attendance to courses and dissertation design. Second year: Research work. A period of no less than 6 months of supervised work at a foreign research institution is compulsory during this year. Third year: Thesis completion.

Ongoing cooperation exists with the following Universities and Research Institutions: Oxford University (UK), Cass Business School - City University of London (UK), University of Kent (UK), Utrecht University (NL), Copenhagen Business School (Druid) (DK), Washington University St. Louis, Missouri (USA), IRER (Milan, IT), Erasmus University - Rotterdam (NL)

Candidates must hold a five-year or four-year degree issued by an Italian University (or an equivalent non-Italian degree). Degrees in Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering and Political Science are among the most appropriate for this Program. Candidates must pass an admission test, including a written and oral test on Economics subjects. (See the Guidelines for Admission) A number of max 3 candidates will be accepted. Two scholarships of 42.000 euros over the three years are available, to cover living expenses and tuition fees.

For further details on the PhD program in Economics and Industrial Organization, the admission requirements and the selection procedures, please visit the following website:

or contact the PhD Coordinator, Professor Giancarlo Graziola (giancarlo.graziola[ at ]

Application has to be received by 1. October 2007.

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