The latest Korn/Ferry International Executive Quiz, a survey with respondents from more than 70 countries representing a wide spectrum of industries and functional areas, asked executives what they thought about today’s young professionals’ career opportunities, work ethic, and education.
Here are the key findings:
Career Opportunities
- 64% of executives said that better career opportunities are available to today’s young professionals compared to when they began their own careers.
- 75% of executives would recommend their profession to their children.
- 83% of executives had either guided or will try to guide their children’s career paths to at least some extent, 30% of those admitting guiding them to a great or very great extent.
Work Ethic
What is the work ethic of today's young professionals compared to that of previous generations?
- 49% said it was worse
- 31% said it was unchanged
- 19% said it had improved
- 89% of executives said they want to see their children obtain at least a master’s, doctoral, or professional degree.
- 66% stated they intend to pay for these levels of continued education.
"Today's young professionals are met with improved career opportunities, however, they also face increasingly rigorous job requirements," said Charles W.B. Wardell III, managing director and head of the Northeast U.S. region of Korn/Ferry, in a statement released to the press. "In addition, many must contend with additional pressure from their Baby Boomer parents, who often try to dictate their children's education and career paths."
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