Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Travel Grant Scheme for young Scientists, Engineers and Technologists at the University of Edinburgh

The Scottish International Education Trust was set up in 1971 on the initiative of Sean Connery. The Trustees are Scots who have distinguished themselves in careers covering a wide range of activities including the arts, industry, education and sport.

The aim of the Travel Grant Scheme is to assist young scientists, engineers and technologists in Scottish Universities to attend or present papers at conferences, workshops and seminars being held at universities or similar institutions of higher education abroad.

Applications for travel grants are invited from Undergraduate or Postgraduate Students in Scottish Universities. Any student may apply for one of these grants but preference will be given to young postgraduate students who wish to visit leading overseas laboratories, or to present papers at conferences. These funds can be used to supplement funds obtained from other sources.

All Scottish universities have been invited to participate in the scheme and each university will select two candidates, one to bid for a grant in the range of £500 to £1,000, and one in the range of £1,000 to £2,000. The lower band would be for presentation of papers, possibly accompanied by visits to laboratories, the higher band would normally be for visits made in order to gain working experience. Awards in the higher band solely for the presentation of papers are not be ruled out, but would be the exception. Successful applicants will be expected to submit a short report within two months of their return.

Preference will be given to postgraduate students under 30 years of age who wish to visit overseas laboratories or to present papers at conferences. Members of university staff are not eligible to apply.

Application Procedure

Applicants can download an application form in Rich Text Format (RTF) or PDF (which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader), or request one to be sent to them from::

Scholarships and Student Finance Office
The University of Edinburgh
Old College
South Bridge

Tel: 0131 650 8182
Email: scholarships@ed.ac.uk

The closing date for submission of completed applications to the Scholarships and Student Finance Office is 30 March 2007.

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