Saturday, February 24, 2007

Scholarships and the Home-schooled Student

Information provided by Scholarship Experts

Upon entering college, all students are beginners. However, some students undoubtedly have an advantage over others. This advantage can be measured in dollars; the student who has sufficient educational funding is in a position of strength. High schools, of course, know this and have put measures in place to help their students secure scholarship money. Guidance departments and high school counselors provide their juniors and seniors with a plethora of college information, perhaps even financial aid documents and visits from college recruiters. What is a home-schooled student to do without these opportunities and resources?

In addition to inquiring with community organizations, churches, and parents' employers about scholarship opportunities, it is also advisable for home-schooled students and their parents to turn to the Web for help. A reputable and accurate Internet scholarship search service can be an invaluable tool for home-schooled students and their families. By taking the time to carefully complete an online profile, prospective college students can receive a customized list of potential scholarships that match their unique backgrounds and accomplishments. The best scholarship sites also offer helpful articles and timely tips on everything from a senior year timeline with test prep information to what to expect in college during your freshman year. This information can be an excellent resource for home-schooled students and their parents. Again, it's important to choose your Web resources carefully: be sure the information offered is timely and accurate, and verify that experts write any content and articles specifically for students and their families.

Of course, researching a scholarship is one thing, but what about actually securing a scholarship?

Since home-schooled students lack traditional curricula, GPAs, and school sports, they often are in doubt about scholarship forms that require them to list AP classes, senior ranking numbers, and school leadership experience. Home-schooled students should plan to be involved in the community around them in order to obtain valuable experiences in leadership, community service, and team-building skills. Scholarship providers often want to bestow their scholarships not only upon high academic achievers, but also on well-rounded, community-minded young people with a background full of extra-curricular involvement.

With the cautious use of online resources and a bit of advanced planning, families can be assured that their home-schooled children will be able to enjoy the same advantages of publicly or privately schooled students when it comes to college preparedness. And being proactive in their search for scholarships will likely result in home-schooled students obtaining a college education with the help of some scholarship funding along the way!

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