Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Postgraduate Scholarships - University of Leeds

Bibliography Scholarships is currently offered by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IMS) for international postgraduate students who are beginning either the MA programme or the PhD in the Institute. The scholarship is worth £1500 (paid in instalments over the academic year).

The successful candidates will work in the team producing the International Medieval Bibliography. They will receive training in the principles and practice of bibliographical abstracting and indexing in the different disciplines relevant to Medieval Studies, with particular emphasis on historical geography, manuscript referencing and different linguistic equivalents of index terms.

They will undertake practical work experience in the production of an electronic serial bibliography under the supervision of the Editor of the International Medieval Bibliography, and will be required to compile complete bibliographical records in appropriate areas of expertise. The work will be undertaken for half a day per week over the academic year; there will be some flexibility in working times to accommodate vacations and/or research trips.

Candidates Qualifications
Essential Attributes

* A BA degree or equivalent in the Humanities with sufficient medieval components
* A wide range of knowledge of the European Middle Ages (c. 400-1500)
* Evidence of proof-reading skills
* Computer literacy
* Good communication and interpersonal skills

Desirable attributes

* Good command of at least one modern European language in addition to English
* Specialist knowledge of medieval history and/or a medieval European language
* Previous experience of: research / publishing / bibliographic work / librarianship/archiving
* Familiarity with Microsoft Access

Applications for the Bibliography Scholarships should consist of a separate curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages) along with a letter of application for the scholarship (maximum 2 pages). Scholarship applicants may be required to attend an interview and/or undertake a written test.

Bibliography Scholarships applications may be submitted either in conjunction with applications for IMS MA and PhD programmes or at any point subsequently up to the deadline for receipt of Bibliography Scholarship applications: 12 May 2008. Applications should be submitted to Ms Alison Martin at the address given below.

Payment of the scholarships will be contingent on satisfactory performance. In awarding the scholarship, priority may be given to applicants who have not secured full scholarship funding for their studies.

In addition, two smaller IMS bursaries (of £1000 each) are available for students beginning the MA in autumn 2008. To apply and for further details, please contact:
Ms Alison Martin
Teaching and Postgraduate Research Institute for Medieval Studies
Parkinson Building Room 4.05
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
email: medieval@leeds.ac.uk.

Decisions about the award of the scholarship will be announced to applicants in the week of 21 July 2008.

Two Master scholarships - University of Manchester

Two scholarships are being made available to developing country applicants wishing to study on either of the following University of Manchester one-year Masters degrees:

* MSc in ICTs for Development
* MSc in Management and Information Systems: Change & Development

One full (£21,000) scholarship is available on a competitive basis for applicants to any development- related Masters degrees. One partial fee-waiver (£5,500) scholarship is available exclusively for applicants to these two information systems and development- related Masters degrees.

Applicants must have applied, received and accepted a formal offer by 30 June 2008 to be considered.

For further details of these programmes, please visit http://www.sed.manchester.ac.uk/idpm/postgraduate/taught/courses/

Do please pass on details to any relevant final-year undergraduates.
Richard Heeks
E-mail : richard.heeks@manchester.ac.uk
Development Informatics Group, IDPM, SED,
University of Manchester, UK

The Netherlands: PhD Scholarship on Biocatalysis, University of Groningen

Four-year PhD scholarship on biocatalysis
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Project description
It concerns a 4-year research project aimed at the exploration of proline-based biocatalysts for catalyzing non-natural carbonyl transformation reactions. The work involves the extensive screening for aldolase, alkylation, decarboxylation, and Michael addition activities in several well-known tautomerases. The target activities or products will be identified by UV and fluorescence spectroscopy (e.g., in an 96/384-well format), HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR. Of the best enzymes, a detailed mechanistic characterization will be carried out, using kinetic and pH studies as well as site-directed mutagenesis. In collaboration with other members of the research group, the most promising enzymes that show the desired activity will be used in engineering experiments to enhance or extent the activity to a practical level.

Offered scholarship
We offer a PhD grant of about €1580,- per month during 4 years. The research should lead at the end of the 4-years period to a PhD in Natural Sciences. See also this link.

The research will be conducted in the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology group of Dr. G.J. Poelarends, which is embedded in the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology headed by Prof. Dr. W.J. Quax (www.farmbio.nl). The department participates in the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP) and the interfaculty Graduate School for Drug Exploration (GUIDE). The living cell as a factory for pharmaceutically relevant compounds is the central theme of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology. The laboratory is well equipped for enzymology, protein engineering, analytical chemistry, and biocatalysis work. We offer a stimulating work environment for a researcher interested in these topics. The project will be carried out in collaboration with the research group of Prof. Dr. C.P. Whitman (Medicinal Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin).

We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled researcher with a masters (MSc) degree in organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biocatalysis, or similar, and with expertise in analytical techniques (NMR, HPLC and/or LC/GC-MS) and/or synthetic chemistry. You are expected to have an excellent academic record and be fluent in the English language.

You can apply for this scholarship until we have found a suitable candidate. For further information and applications contact: Dr. G.J. Poelarends, Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, GRIP, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, 9713 AV Groningen, The Netherlands. E-mail: g.j.poelarends[ at ]rug.nl. Applications (preferably by e-mail) should include a description of past education and expertise, a CV, a list of examination marks from your university study, and the names and addresses of at least 2 references.

Ireland: Research Positions in Software Appliance Anomaly Detection

Applications are invited by well-qualified applicants for an MSc (by research) and PhD position in the application of statistical machine learning techniques to anomaly detection in software appliances (firewalls etc).

Supported by a major manufacturer, the project will involve the development of new approaches for predictive modelling of measured signals, adaptive learning and inference of fault conditions. The project is supported by a dedicated hardware testbed and as part of the project the developed detection approaches will be implemented in order to evaluate performance in realistic environments.

Good numerate and analytic skills will be essential. Applicants should have a good understanding of machine learning and time-series analysis. A basic understanding of IP networking and some familiarity with the configuration and use of Linux or BSD systems will be helpful.

The Hamilton Institute is committed to research excellence. This post offers an exciting opportunity for successful candidates to tackle fundamental research problems within a stimulating multi-disciplinary research environment with state of the art facilities and strong links to the international research community.

Stipend: €21000 (tax free)

To apply, candidates should submit a detailed CV and the names and addresses of two referees for letters of recommendation to: hamilton[ at ]nuim.ie. Applicants should also include transcipts of undegraduate grades, motivation letter. Informal enquiries to Prof. Doug Leith (doug.leith[ at ]nuim.ie)

Website: www.hamilton.ie

South East Asia Undergraduate Scholarships 2008 - University of Leeds

The Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Leeds is one of the largest groups of life-science researchers within the UK, and offers superb facilities and a high quality research training environment for all areas including agriculture, animal and plant sciences, biochemistry and molecular biology, bioinformatics, ecology and evolution, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neurosciences, pharmacology and physiology, and structural molecular biology.

The Faculty of Biological Sciences offers a number of scholarships for students who are both resident and currently being educated in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei (Nationals of Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei paying full overseas fees but resident outside of their home country may apply for the Faculty of Biological Sciences International Scholarships Scheme). The schemes are open to new undergraduate students who commence a programme of study within the Faculty in September 2008.

The Biological Sciences South East Asia Undergraduate Prize Scholarships - £3,000. For 2008 entry there will be one competitive prize scholarship of £3,000 available for outstanding new undergraduate students from South East Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei).

• How to apply: All applicants will be considered via their UCAS application form.

• Academic criteria: To be awarded as determined by the Faculty International Scholarships Committee.

• Renewal of scholarship: For undergraduate study, the scholarship may be renewed for up to a maximum of three years of study subject to satisfactory academic progress.

To receive any Faculty of Biological Sciences SE Asia Prize Scholarship all students must meet all the following conditions:
• Commence a programme of study in the Faculty of Biological Sciences in September 2008 and be fully registered on 1st December 2008.
• Be a full-time student paying full overseas rated fees.
• Be in receipt of a written scholarship offer from the Faculty and fulfil the academic conditions of that offer.
• Be a national of Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei and be resident and educated in that country immediately prior to joining the Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Leeds.

Scholarships will be allocated subject to the full terms of the schemes. Students may only be awarded one Faculty of Biological Sciences Scholarship. Faculty of Biological Sciences International Scholarships are not available to students who have other University of Leeds scholarships or bursaries or who have secured alternative external sources of funding e.g. government sponsorship. The Faculty reserves the right not to award scholarships if candidates do not meet the required criteria.

Applicants should normally apply for The Biological Sciences South East Asia Undergraduate Prize Scholarships of study within the Faculty by 30 May 2008.

The University of Leeds has its own offices in Kuala Lumpur and our advisers there will be pleased to help you. Contact details are given below.

SE Asia Regional Office, University of Leeds
Suite 5.3, Level 5, Menara Weld,
No.76 Jalan Raja
50200 Kuala Lumpur

T:+60 (3) 20315330
F:+60 (3) 20315331

E: seaoffice@leeds.ac.uk

For more information please click here

Program Bantuan Dana Penelitian Indofood Riset Nugraha (IRN) 2008

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. (Indofood) kembali mengundang para akademisi bersama bergandeng tangan untuk mengambil langkah konkret mencari solusi yang mengancam bangsa kita saat ini, yaitu krisis pangan. Salah satu langkah strategis adalah mencermati masalah ini secara obyektif dan ilmiah melalui riset-riset yang berbobot dalam program Indofood Riset Nugraha (IRN) 2008. Indofood Riset Nugraha (IRN) adalah Program Bantuan Dana Riset bagi kalangan akademisi/perguruan tinggi dan atau para peneliti baik dari kalangan perguruan tinggi maupun non-perguruan tinggi.

Indofood Riset Nugraha (IRN) merupakan kelanjutan dari program Bogasari Nugraha yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 1998. Melalui Indofood Riset Nugraha, Indofood memberikan bantuan dana penelitian kepada kalangan akademisi baik mahasiswa maupun dosen berbagai strata dari perguruan tinggi negeri & swasta di seluruh Indonesia.

Tujuan Indofood Riset Nugraha:
• Meningkatkan antusiasme riset di kalagan akademisi/peguruan tinggi di Indonesia , khususnya di seputar bidang pangan
• Menunjang peluang dan upaya penerapan hasil riset akademis di sektor industri
• Ikut berkontribusi dalam upaya peningkatan daya saing industri pangan nasional
• Ikut berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan ketahanan pangan nasional

Tahun 2008 Indofood Riset Nugraha kembali meluncurkan Program Bantuan Dana Penelitian dengan tema “PENGANEKARAGAMAN PANGAN BERBASIS SEPULUH KOMODITI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETAHANAN PANGAN DAN PERBAIKAN GIZI”

Fokus penelitian Indofood Riset Nugraha tahun 2008 cukup menantang peserta program karena terarah pada 10(sepuluh) komoditi pangan sesuai tema kegiatan, yaitu:
1. Gandum / Terigu (Triticum sp.)
2. Jagung (Zea mays)
3. Pisang (Musa sp.)
4. Singkong (Manihot sp.)
5. Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea sp.)
6. Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis sp.)
7. Sagu (Metroxylon sp.)
8. Garut (Marantha sp.)
9. Kentang (Solanum sp.)
10. Kedelai (Glycine spp.)

Sedangkan cakupan bidang penelitian pada tahun 2008 yang disediakan bagi peserta program, terdiri atas 4(empat) bidang cakupan dengan pelbagai pilihan topik penelitian, masing-masing :

1. Bidang Teknologi & Produksi
Topik Pilihan :
a. Pengembangan mesin-mesin produksi pangan berbasis 10 komoditi untuk industri kecil dan menengah
b. Pengembangan teknologi dan produksi pangan berbasis 10 komoditi
c. Pengembangan alat dan mesin pertanian untuk meningkatkan produktifitas dan efisiensi
d. Pengembangan budidaya dan teknologi pasca panen berbasis 10 komoditi.

2. Bidang Kesehatan & Gizi Masyarakat
Topik Pilihan :
a. Pengembangan alternatif pengawet, pewarna dan penguat rasa yang aman dari komoditas lokal.
b. Fortisifikasi Pangan.
c. Pengembangan produk kaya protein.

3. Bidang Sosial, Ekonomi, Budaya
Topik Pilihan :
a. Pola distribusi dan pemasaran pangan berbasis 10 komoditi.
b. Kelembagaan formal dan non formal penganekaragaman pangan.
c. Penanganan limbah industri pangan
d. Pemanfaatan produk samping industri pangan.

4. Bidang Penelitian Lain
Topik pilihan :
a. Pemuliaan gandum hasil penelitian sebelumnya di Indonesia agar memenuhi standar kualitas untuk produksi roti dan mie
b. Pengembangan teknologi modifikasi pati dari sepuluh sumber komoditi untuk memperbaiki kualitas mie dan bihun.
c. Karakteristik nilai gizi dan daya cerna dari sepuluh komoditi
d. Pengembangan teknik analisis tocotrienol dalam kelapa sawit dan pengaruh proses pemurnian minyak terhadap kandungan tocotrienol tersebut
e. Pengaruh pemanfaatan berbagai jenis gula untuk pembuatan kecap

Program IRN 2008 terbuka bagi:
• Mahasiswa perorangan dari berbagai strata dalam rangka tugas akhir studi
• Kelompok Mahasiswa dari berbagai strata (3-5 orang dengan Dosen Pembimbing)
• Dosen & Peneliti perorang atau kelompok (3-5 orang)

• Jangka waktu penelitian maksimum 1 (satu) tahun.
• Penelitian dilakukan di dalam wilayah Republik Indonesia .
• Bagi mahasiswa perorangan, penelitian dilakukan dalam rangka menyelesaikan tugas akhir (skripsi/tesis/disertasi).
• Untuk kategori Kelompok Mahasiswa, mereka harus bernaung di bawah institusi kemahasiswaan/Jurusan/Pusat Penelitian.
• Untuk kategori Dosen dan Peneliti, kepersertaannya harus didukung dengan surat keterangan dari departemen/ fakultas atau lembaga penelitian yang menaunginya.
• Harus menyertakan riwayat hidup lengkap Peneliti dan anggotanya (bagi kelompok) serta mencantumkan NPM/NIM/NIP, alamat lengkap (termasuk telp, HP, faksimili dan email).
• Peserta mahasiswa perorangan dan kelompok mahasiswa harus juga menyertakan transkrip nilai terakhir, serta riwayat hidup dan data diri dosen pembimbingnya.

Batas Waktu Pengajuan Proposal:
Pengurus IRN telah menetapkan tanggal 30 Juni 2008 sebagai batas waktu penerimaan proposal dari peserta.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pendaftaran kepesertaan pada Indofood Riset Nugraha dan pengajuan Proposal Penelitian baik secara perorangan maupun kelompok dilakukan secara online di www.indofood.co.id

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

UK: MPhil/PhD in Rural Tourism Studies - University of central Lancashire

MPhil/PhD Funded Studentship
Rural Tourism and Farm Diversification: An Analysis of Farmers as Entrepreneurs
Reference No RS/07/18

A full-time MPhil/PhD funded studentship is available in the Lancashire Business School. The studentship is tenable up to 3 years (subject to satisfactory progress) with an expected commencement date of 1 July 2008. The studentship will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU and Overseas rates plus a maintenance based grant (currently £12,600 per annum).

This project critically appraises the nature and extent of the entrepreneurial skills, activities and needs of farmers as providers of rural tourism products and experiences, locating the analysis within contemporary rural development and diversification policies. Its purpose is to develop a model of successful entrepreneurship skills and strategies for farm diversification into tourism as a basis for developing appropriate rural development and diversification policies.

Applicants are required to submit a two-page outline research proposal for their research degree, AND a sample of their written work taken from their previous higher education. (eg chapter from dissertation, or essay) along with their completed application form

Applicants should have, or expect to receive, an upper second class or first class honours degree or an MSc in a related discipline.

Informal enquiries (project related) may be directed to Professor Richard Sharpley (+44 01772 894622, or email rajsharpley@ uclan.ac. uk)

Requests for an application pack (quoting the reference number RS/07/18) should be directed to the Graduate Research Office. Tel +44 (0)1772 894287 or e-mail researchdegrees@ uclan.ac. uk

Closing Date: 16th May 2008

Taiwan: NCKU International Students

At the request of several students and also due to the overflow of applications we have been receiving, the application deadline has been extended until April 30, 2008. Applications must be postmarked by that date or will not be reviewed. You may download the application at: http://www.ncku. edu.tw/~ooia/ eng/

Admission results will be posted online at: http://www.ncku. edu.tw/~ooia/ eng/
on May 30, 2008. Admission letters will be mailed separately.

Just a reminder that there is no application fee; NCKU also offers many incentives to International students studying at our University, such as FREE Chinese course, academic counseling system and buddy-buddy program.

Should you have any additional questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or email us at the following:
Email: em50951@email. ncku.edu. tw
Tel: +886-6-275-7575 ext. 50950

Kindly share this announcement with those who may be interested. Thank you in advance.

2008 NCKU International Student Scholarships
The following scholarships are offered by the University. As for the government’s scholarship, such as Taiwan Scholarship, it’s available at http://www.studyint aiwan.org/ Scholarships and the government’s scholarship are considered and granted jointly. Each person may only receive one source of the scholarship. Violators will lose their scholarship status.
There are two kinds of scholarships to apply for:

* (a) Undergraduate students’ application of scholarships ( regulated by Guidelines for Application of International Student Scholarship) .
* Eligibility
Applicants should be registered international students at NCKU Applicants should study in the undergraduate level at NCKU for one semester and should take at least six credits with average academic grades over 65 for the last semester
* Grant: It depends on the quota of scholarship recipients.

* (b) Undergraduate students’ application of scholarships ( regulated by the NCKU Project of Promoting Academic Excellence and Developing World Class Research Centers).
* Eligibility
Available for all the NCKU undergraduate international students. For juniors: All the application documents would be evaluated by the on-campus committee, which is organized by the Principal. For seniors: Apply to International Student Affairs Division, Office of the International Affairs, with the transcript of the last semester.
* Grant: The on-campus accommodation fee will be covered by university for all undergraduate students.
* For juniors: The quota and grant are based on the proportion of the enrolled undergraduate international students of the year. 20% and 30% of undergraduate international students could obtain the full and half tuition fund respectively. For seniors: Applicants with 15% and 30% rank of department could obtain the full and half tuition fund respectively.

There are two kinds of scholarships to apply for:

* (a) International Student Scholarship (regulated by Guidelines for Application of International Student Scholarship)
* Eligibility:
Applicants should be registered international students at NCKU Applicants should study in the postgraduate level at NCKU for one semester and should take at least three credits with average academic grades over 75 for the last semester
* Grant: It depends on the quota of scholarship recipients.

* (b) International Student Scholarship (regulated by the NCKU Project of Promoting Academic Excellence & Developing World Class Research Centers)
* Eligibility: registered international students at NCKU
* Grant:
o Full: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee, plus scholarship for
o Master student recipient: Maximum NT$ 8,000 (US$ 242) per month
o Doctoral student recipient: MaximumNT$15, 000(US$454) per month
o Partial: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee, plus scholarship for Master student recipient: NT$ 4,000(US$ 121) per month
o Doctoral student recipient: NT$ 10,000 (US$ 303) per month
o Special: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee

Note: The quota and grant for international student scholarship in the postgraduate level should be dependent on the recipient’s academic performance and assistance (such as teaching, research or administration) evaluated by the department/institut e concerned.

For further information about scholarships and other financial aids, please visit the following
websites: http://stud. adm.ncku. edu.tw/act/ english/index. htm or http://www.ncku. edu.tw/%7Eisad/ english/ADMISSIO N.htm

International Student Affairs Division (ISAD)
Office of International Affairs
National Cheng Kung University
Taiwan, R.O.C.
http://www.ncku. edu.tw/~ooia/ eng/
Tel: +886-6-2757575 ext. 50990
Fax: +886-6-208-5608
E-mail: em50990@email. ncku.edu. tw

South Korea: Postions for MS Degree or Phd Candidates in the Control Area, Gyeongsang National University

There are 2 or 3 positions available for M.S. degree or Ph.D candidates in the control area of the school of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Gyeongsang National University in South Korea. The prospective students can start to study from this comming fall semester, 2008.

The students graduated from mechanical or electrical engineering department are expected to apply to these positions.

They can be supported for living cost (US$ 300 - US$ 800 per month) and tuition.

If you are interested in these positions, please send me (iyoun[ at ]gnu.ac. kr) academic transcript and resume (please show your English proficiency).

Professor Iljoong Youn
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Gyeongsang National University,
South Korea
Tel. +82-55-751-5317

Monday, April 21, 2008

Germany: PhD Position for e-NMR in Frankfurt am Main

Job description

You will be part of a European team working toward the deployment and unification of the NMR computational infrastructure in system biology, e-NMR, a project funded under the 7th framework programme of the European Union.

Biomolecular NMR plays an important role in life sciences, and structural biology in particular, at both European and international levels. The main objective of this project is to optimize and extend the use of the NMR Research Infrastructures of EU-NMR through the implementation of an e-Infrastructure in order to provide the European biomolecular NMR user community with a platform integrating and streamlining the computational approaches necessary for NMR data analysis.

For this, you will work on the development of a uniformed and integrated e-NMR platform that will form the core of the e-NMR infrastructure. The work will be carried in close collaboration with our European partners.

You should have a degree in (bio)chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, computational biology or a related field. A background in the computational aspects of biomolecular NMR and structure calculations, experience with Linux and programming skills are an advantage. You should show initiative and the ability to work independently.

How to apply
Your application including a CV should be sent by email, post or fax to Prof. Dr. Peter Güntert, Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie, Max-von-Laue-Str. 9 (N220, 105), 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Fax +49-6979829632 guentert(at)em.uni-frankfurt.de

Mexico: Youth Journalists Scholarship

The Mexico YouthForce is looking for energetic and dedicated Youth Journalists to cover the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City August 3-8. Through writing, blogging, podcasting, photography and video, this team of Youth Journalists will bring youth issues to the forefront of the conference agenda and offer a youth perspective on the important events, announcements and presentations through their reporting.

The overall goal of the Youth Journalist team will be to provide excellent coverage of Mexico YouthForce activities, as well as the main conference, not only in the interests of increasing the exposure of youth issues at the conference and in the media, but to ensure that youth unable to physically attend the conference can remain updated on conference activities that are relevant to youth and HIV/AIDS.

The Mexico YouthForce is working to empower young delegates and promote youth participation around HIV/AIDS before, during and after the XVII Mexico City International AIDS Conference. For more information about us and activities please visit


* Between the ages of 18-29;
* Detail oriented and the ability to work in a team;
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment;
* Previous journalism experience or photography experience;
* Good communication and language skills;
* Significant interest and knowledge in HIV/AIDS;
* Proficiency in English or Spanish (proficiency in both languages is an asset);
* Already be attending the conference or have the funds to cover all costs incurred with attending the conference. Please note that the YouthForce cannot contribute financially to any costs associated with attending the conference;

Roles and Responsibilities of Youth Journalists:

* Writing Blogs;
* Conducting interviews;
* Writing a youth column for the main conference newsletter;
* Writing articles for the youth newsletter;
* Podcasting;
* Photography
* Be available for online trainings prior to the conference and trainings at the youth pre-conference

Application Process:
To submit your applications please include a cover letter, your CV, and a writing sample. For those interested in being photographic journalists please submit three examples of your work. The deadline for applications is May 15th, 2008.

Please submit your applications and any of your questions to mediamyf@gmail.com

Austria: PhD Position at Vienna University

A PhD position is available in a FWF-funded project at BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in cooperation with Vienna University, the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Commission for Development Studies) and the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, Brighton. You will be working within a team including several months of field research in rural areas of Eastern Africa (Uganda, Ethiopia).


* Must speak and write fluently English
* Social science degree with focus on social studies of science (STS)
* Experience in field research (qualitative data collection and analysis)

To be sent electronically to KNOWING@groupwise.boku. ac.at

* Curriculum vitae
* Letter of intent explaining the personal interest and motivation
* Affiliation and contact details of two persons, who might give
* additional information about applicant.
* Please do NOT send certificates or publications

More information about the project:
https://forschung. boku.ac.at/ fis/suche. projekte_ uebersicht? sprache_in= de&projekt_ id_in=6992

Deadline: Application open until a successful candidate has been identified

France: MBA Excellence Scholarship Program at ESSEC

ESSEC launches its 2008 Excellence Scholarship Program.

ESSEC, one of the best Business Schools in Europe, will provide scholarships for at least 10 outstanding International ESSEC MBA candidates.

Ranked 7th by the Wall Street Journal and 5th by the Financial Times in 2007.
On average, Excellence Scholarships will amount to €12 000 and will result in a fee-waiver for that amount.

To be considered for the Excellence Scholarship Program, applicants need to:
Be non-European Uni Nationals (double nationalities with one European cannot be considered) Meet the regular standards for admission onto the ESSEC MBA Program - for more information click here : http://mba.essec.edu/business-school-paris-program/mba/international-admissions
Submit a personal essay of one page describing their outstanding qualities and achievements
Have a GMAT score over 680, or a Tage Mage score over 380.
In order to apply for the ESSEC Business School Scholarship Program, you should send your completed application for the ESSEC MBA Program with your personal essay. Candidates who have already sent their application can send their essay by email to Elizabeth DEMARS.
The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2008.
TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT Preparation Material. Its Free!!

Director of International Recruitment ESSEC Business School Paris-Singapore
In accordance with the data privacy law (n° 78-17, 6 January 1978) relating to the collection, storage and use of personal information, you may access, modify and delete any information of a personal nature.

ESSEC will confirm the allocation of Excellence Scholarships in mid-June 2008.
Click here to know if you are eligible http://home.edt02.net/emc/R/emcrV4c.php?c=14390-163285-109394-1019340-1306409-0–637338285-0-0-0-0-0

To be considered for the ESSEC Excellence Scholarship, you must apply to the ESSEC MBA Program.
The deadline for applications is April 30th 2008
Don`t miss this outstanding opportunity, click here http://home.edt02.net/emc/R/emcrV4c.php?c=14390-163285-109394-1019690-1306759-0–637338285-0-0-0-0-0

To do so, please send your request to essec-business-school@essec.fr for the short cut: http://www.essec.edu/sites/essec-mba-eiffel/index.html?xtor=EREC-314

PhD Student in Applied Environmental Science

focus on Ozone depleting gases - Isotopic Source Apportionment

Methyl chloride and methyl bromide are both significantly affecting atmospheric chemistry including thinning of the stratospheric ozone layer. There exists a large uncertainty regarding the relative importance of their different natural (e.g., marine and land-based) and anthropogenic sources. This Ph.D. thesis project would seek to develop and apply unique measurements of the isotopic composition of these methyl halides (e.g., C, Br, and Cl isotope systems) to make progress toward improved understanding of the sources that are required for projections of future ozone layer thickness. This position offers the possibility to acquire a broad range of analytical and conceptual skills within environmental analytical chemistry, biogeochemistry and climate science. The Ph.D. student would join an internationally active group of researchers and have full access to state-of-the-art field sampling and analytical facilities at Stockholm University and the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Laboratory for Isotope Geology). Field campaigns are planned to the Swedish west coast, sub-arctic Abisko region and on northern Svalbard in the high Arctic. This project is primarily financed by the Swedish Research Council (VR).


We are seeking a highly motivated student with a completed university degree in one science and a genuine interest in interdisciplinary environmental/climate research. Your background is likely in chemistry, engineering or earth and environmental sciences. Experience in instrumental analysis would be an asset but is not a requirement.


Your application, including CV, transcripts of all university courses with grades, a copy of your university degree, a cover letter outlining your qualifications and interest for this position, name and contact information to two reference persons, and any other documents (e.g., diploma thesis/”examensarbete”) you would like to include should be submitted to

Position Nr. 617-0838-08

Applications via email (registrator@su.se) or fax (+46-8-163866) are accepted if immediately followed by a signed hard-copy original.

For further information contact Assoc. Prof. Örjan Gustafsson, tel. +46 (0)8 674 7317 / +46 (0)70 3247317, email orjan.gustafsson@itm.su.se.

Union representatives are:

Bo Ekengren (SACO): tel. +46-8-162000.
Lisbeth Häggberg (ST): tel. +46-8-162000.
Gunnar Stenberg (SECO): tel. +46-8-162000.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sweden: PhD in Mathematical Statistics, Umea University

PhD-student in Mathematical Statistics at the department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.

Starting date September 1, 2008, or by agreement.

The post-graduate student will work in a research group in stochastic processes and numeric analysis of random functions, with applications to signal and image processing and to simulation techniques. Current research areas also include financial mathematics, stochastic modeling for databases, and data mining. The mathematics which the group focuses on is stochastic processes, inference for random functions, and approximation theory. Programming in, for example, Splus and Matlab, will be a natural part of the PhD program.

A suitable background for the applicant is primarily undergraduate studies in mathematical statistics. The application should include a Curriculum Vitae, a short description of experiences that make you suitable for the position and why you are interested, copies of degree certificates, relevant publications, and contact details of at least two academic references. The department encourages women applicants.

For further information, please contact Associate Professor Oleg Seleznjev, phone +46 90-786 9918, oleg.seleznjev[ at ]math.umu.se, Head of Department Anders Fällström (anders.fallstrom[ at ]math.umu.se), phone + 46 90-786 5376, and Head of graduate school Sara Sjöstedt-de Luna (sara[ at ]math.umu.se), phone +46 90-786 5129.

For a general presentation of the department, see www.math.umu.se. See also the International office, www.umu.se/studentcentrum/verksamhet/intoffice/index.html for
a general presentation of Umeå and the University.

Union-related information is available from SACO, phone +46 90-786 5153, SEKO-civil, phone +46 90-786 5296 and also TCO/ST-ATF, phone +46 90-786 5431.

The application, marked with the reference number dnr 313-1470-08 of the position should be sent to jobb@umu.se or Umeå university, Registrator, 901 87 Umeå.

Application deadline: May 8, 2008

Via: official announcement

South Korea: Postions for MS Degree or Phd Candidates in the Control Area, Gyeongsang National University

There are 2 or 3 positions available for M.S. degree or Ph.D candidates in the control area of the school of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Gyeongsang National University in South Korea. The prospective students can start to study from this comming fall semester, 2008.

The students graduated from mechanical or electrical engineering department are expected to apply to these positions.

They can be supported for living cost (US$ 300 - US$ 800 per month) and tuition.

If you are interested in these positions, please send me (iyoun[ at ]gnu.ac. kr) academic transcript and resume (please show your English proficiency).

Professor Iljoong Youn
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Gyeongsang National University,
South Korea
Tel. +82-55-751-5317

Germany: PhD Position for e-NMR in Frankfurt am Main

Job description
You will be part of a European team working toward the deployment and unification of the NMR computational infrastructure in system biology, e-NMR, a project funded under the 7th framework programme of the European Union.

Biomolecular NMR plays an important role in life sciences, and structural biology in particular, at both European and international levels. The main objective of this project is to optimize and extend the use of the NMR Research Infrastructures of EU-NMR through the implementation of an e-Infrastructure in order to provide the European biomolecular NMR user community with a platform integrating and streamlining the computational approaches necessary for NMR data analysis.

For this, you will work on the development of a uniformed and integrated e-NMR platform that will form the core of the e-NMR infrastructure. The work will be carried in close collaboration with our European partners.

You should have a degree in (bio)chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, computational biology or a related field. A background in the computational aspects of biomolecular NMR and structure calculations, experience with Linux and programming skills are an advantage. You should show initiative and the ability to work independently.

How to apply
Your application including a CV should be sent by email, post or fax to Prof. Dr. Peter Güntert, Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie, Max-von-Laue-Str. 9 (N220, 105), 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Fax +49-6979829632 guentert(at)em.uni-frankfurt.de

USA: Scholarship programs for USA Citizens


Several scholarships are given to members of AISES who are American Indian or Alaskan Native college students pursuing an academic degree.

Award Amount
Awards range from $2,000 to $3,000

Physical Sciences. School of Engineering. School of Public Affairs.

Academic Level
Prospective/Current Graduate Student.

Open only to U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Open to American Indians and Alaskan Natives who are currently members of AISES, and enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate program. Annual membership fee is $25.

Award Type

Deadline : 6/15/2008

American Indian Science & Engineering Society
Scholarship Coordinator
PO Box 9828
Albuquerque, NM 87119-9828
(505) 765-1052

UK: PhD Studentship at University of London

PhD Studentship - Comorbid and persistent psychological distress in adolescence: a longitudinal study of preventive and risk mar Barts and the London School of Medicine & Dentistry Queen Mary, University of London

We are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic graduate with a strong interest in adolescent mental health research and quantitative methodology to undertake secondary analyses of the longitudinal RELACHS (Research with East London Adolescents: Community Health Survey) cohort data (www.relachs.org.uk). A graduate with at least an upper second class BSc (Hons) in psychology/sociology/epidemiology/or related social science or a lower second class BSc (Hons) with a relevant MSc is required for this project. The successful candidate will seek to establish a research career in epidemiology, psychology or social science.

The project will involve a literature review, as well as statistical analyses examining the role of preventive and risk markers at the individual, school, family, and neighbourhood level for comorbid and persistent psychological distress in early- to mid-adolescence. Analyses will examine patterns of psychological distress in early- and mid-adolescence; investigate factors which influence the persistence and non-persistence of psychological ill-health, as well as preventive and risk markers for comorbid psychological ill-health; and explore the effects of comorbid and persistent psychological distress in early adolescence on health and social outcomes in mid-adolescence. The successful candidate will be organised and systematic in their management and analyses of the dataset and show initiative in developing their analysis plans. The ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing in English is essential.

The student will be based in the Centre for Psychiatry, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at the School’s Charterhouse Square Campus.

Study information

* Qualification: PhD
* Study duration: Minimum three years
* Study mode: Full time
* Start month: October 2008
* Entry requirements: 2.1 or 2.2 with a MSc
* Language requirements: 6.5 IELTS
* No. of students per year: 1
* Fees: EU/UK tuition fees paid by scholarship

Funding information

* Funder: Medical Research Council
* Value: EU/UK tuition fees plus annual tax free stipend of £15100.00
* Number of awards per year: 1
* Funding applies to: EU applicants (including UK)
* Funding notes:
This studentship is funded by the Medical Research Council and the School of Medicine & Dentistry and comes with a tax free stipend of £15,100.00 per annum. This studentship is open to UK Nationals, EEA/Swiss migrant workers and non UK nationals with indefinite leave to remain in the UK who all have three years ordinary residence in the UK prior to the start of the studentship.
* Funding duration: Three years

Application deadline: 23 May 2008

Contacts and how to apply
Academic contact:
For an informal discussion, please contact the lead project supervisor:
Dr Charlotte Clark - Email: c.clark@qmul.ac.uk
Administrative contact and how to apply:
To apply, please download the School of Medicine & Dentistry application form from our website: http://www.qmul.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/index.html and return to the Admissions Office - email: pgsmd@qmul.ac.uk with a copy to the lead project supervisor.

UK: Frank Parkinson Scholarship Session 2008-2009

The Frank Parkinson Scholarship was established in 1936. The fund was bequeathed by Mr Frank Parkinson who was a former student and Baines Scholar of the University of Leeds. In announcing his gift, he stated, “I have long cherished the ambition to do something to ensure that the kind of assistance which was extended to me as a student should be available to a larger number of Yorkshire students, especially those who might otherwise be unable to contemplate a University career, or who, in spite of proved ability, might be unable to carry on postgraduate research work through lack of means.”

Candidates must complete all sections of the application form, using the space provided on the form and with strict observation of any word limits. Attachments (with the exception of degree transcripts) should be avoided. The Selection Panel will be at liberty to disregard any information that is not on the application form.

The completed form should be returned to the Scholarships Office, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT by no later than Monday 2 June 2008.

If you have not already done so, you should complete and return a Research Degree Study Application form as soon as possible. This form can be downloaded from:
http://www.leeds.ac.uk/students/appfmweb.doc Please return the study application form together with full transcripts of degree marks to the Research Degrees Office, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT. Scholarship applications from candidates who have not received a formal offer of a place at the University will not be considered.

Two scholarships will be available from October 2008 and must be taken up on that date. The award is tenable within any Faculty of the University of Leeds.

Beneficiaries under the Fund must be born of British parents who have been domiciled in Yorkshire for a period of not less than ten years. The years of domicile need not be successive, but must amount to ten in the aggregate. All candidates will be required to supply proof of eligibility in respect of British nationality and the Yorkshire domicile of parents.

This scholarship is only open to new PhD students who are commencing their first year of study in October 2008. If you are already registered as a PhD student, or if you have already obtained a PhD, you are not eligible for this award.

The award will cover academic fees at the UK rate and a maintenance grant of £8,000 per annum. There are no additional allowances for travel or research costs.

The award will be made for one year in the first instance, renewable for a further period of up to two years subject to satisfactory progress.

The University will publish the name of the successful candidate within the University and externally upon the University website.

Applications are logged by the Scholarships Office and passed on to the relevant Schools for consideration. Each School selects a shortlist of candidates who they wish to recommend for the award. The Group on Scholarships, Studentships and Prizes then meets to consider the shortlists and select the successful candidate. Candidates can expect to be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of July 2008.

Closing Date: 2 June 2008

University of Leeds
Leeds - LS2 9JT - UK
+44 (0) 113 243 1751 -
Fax: +44 (0) 113 244 3923 -
Email: enquiry@leeds.ac.uk

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ireland: PhD Possition in Early Warning Modelling, University College Cork

In computer science with applications to risk and environmental modelling

* To be appointed to the Cork Constraint Computation Centre (4C), University College Cork (http://4c.ucc.ie)
* Research project: Supporting then Concept of Early Warning Analysis (SCEWA), funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (http://4c.ucc.ie/scewa).
* Salary @ approximately 22k Euros per annum

Project Objectives

1. To develop an intelligent early warning system in water treatment plant operations.
2. To define a modelling language for designing intelligent early warning systems.
3. To build a prototype software platform to help user in designing intelligent early warming systems.

PhD Objective
Definition of a modelling language for early warning systems.

The ideal candidate for the post will have:

* Bachelor/Masters Degree in engineering (Civil, Environmental or Chemical) or in Environmental Sciences or in Computer Science
* Good knowledge in modelling languages and modelling techniques
* Experience with programming language-s
* Also, knowledge in risk analysis methods is an added value.

Additional information

* Available at http://4c.ucc.ie/scewa
* Closing date for applications is Friday 2 May 2008.
* Please forward curriculum vitae, as well as names and contact details of two referees, electronically to Dr. Ioannis Dokas (i.dokas@4c.ucc.ie)

2009 Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarships

Sampoerna Foundation is a professional philanthropic organization dedicated to improving the quality of and access to education in Indonesia. Sampoerna Foundation currently has 136 undergraduate and graduate alumni and 9,427 elementary to senior high school alumni. Through personal and professional development, Sampoerna Foundation provides opportunities to scholarship recipients to contribute to the advancement of this nation.

Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarships consist of the following programs:
• Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA
• Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia
• Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France
• Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore
• Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK

The information contained in this document is intended for the Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship, pertinent to the 2009 intake only.

Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
1. Indonesian citizen who is under 35 years of age when lodging the application.
2. Hold a local Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
3. Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of the undergraduate degree.
4. Have valid proof (validity of two years) of:
• International TOEFL with a minimum score of 600 (PBT) or 250 (CBT) or 100 (IBT), OR
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS) of minimum 6.5 (for MBA Australia only)*
5. Have valid proof (validity of five years):
• GMAT test scores above 600 with verbal score to be 25 or above*
6. Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
7. Did not enroll or graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship.
8. Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
9. Demonstrate that without the scholarship, they are not able to afford an Overseas MBA Program.

* GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS score can be submitted when the applicants pass the Sampoerna Foundation Selection Stage and chosen as Finalists. The finalists then must have a valid score as required by each program.

** All applicants selected as Finalists for MBA France shall have to take language course in the appointed institution by SCAC and pass the DELF (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française) B1 & B2 test.

Any applicant proves to have forged information in his/her application form or any of the documents attached therein will be immediately disqualified.

Application deadline is May 30, 2008. Applications should be submitted as early as possible.

For further information of this 2009 Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarships can be read here

PhD Studentships Boehringer Ingelheim Fund

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds invites applications for its PhD scholarships for basic research aimed at acquiring new scientific knowledge. The foundation supports projects aimed to elucidate basic phenomena of human life. Applicants should not be older than 27 years of age. Natural scientists may apply after having submitted a diploma or equivalent thesis; physicians, veterinary surgeons and pharmacists should have passed state examinations. At the deadline the applicant should not have worked on their project for longer than six months. Nationality is irrelevant. European citizens are supported in Europe or overseas; non-European citizens receive support when working in Europe. Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds will award approximately 15 PhD scholarships per funding round. Each scholarship is granted for at least two years, with an option of renewal for a further 12 months. Irrespective of the scholar’s age the basic monthly grant amounts to 1,400 euros. In Switzerland, in the US and the UK 500 euros are added as a compensation for purchasing power.

Application for a PhD Scholarship
The application for a PhD scholarship of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds consists of two parts:

* the online application sent by internet and
* two paper copies of the application including one CD to be sent by surface mail

Both must be submitted by one of the respective deadlines of each year (date as per postmark for the paper version):
1 February, 1 June, 1 October
The entire application - including the project proposal - must be written in English and by the applicants themselves. However, we recommend consultation with the scientific supervisor. The form of the presentation should be adequate but simple; please do not staple, tack or bind documents.
The two paper copies should contain all the data and documents listed under (1) – (10).
The CD, clearly labelled with applicant’s first name and family name should contain documents (1) - (6) preferably in one PDF or *.doc file. Please note, the Foundation can process only PC files; Macintosh files therefore cannot be accepted.

Applicants can facilitate the selection process by adhering to the following sequence:

* Printout of the online application (i.e. printout of the e-mail you receive upon submission of the online application) providing personal details and details of applicant’s scientific education;
* title and summary of PhD project (should not exceed one page);
* detailed presentation of PhD project (not less than 5 pages): formulation of the problem, current status of research, applicant’s own groundwork, objectives, experimental strategy including methods of investigation, work schedule showing the anticipated duration of the entire project and the individual steps;
* reasons for wishing to work with a particular group;
* summary of diploma or equivalent thesis which should not exceed one page;
* list of applicant’s publications (if applicable);
* photocopies (Xerox) of university entrance qualification or high school-leaving exam certificate, (e.g. Abitur, A-levels, Baccalaureat);
* certificates of all academic and public examinations and appointments (including grades);
* letter of recommendation from the supervisor of the PhD thesis;
* letter of recommendation from the supervisor of the diploma or equivalent thesis (only if changing research group for the PhD project)

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds
Stiftung für medizinische Grundlagenforschung
(Foundation for Basic Research in Medicine)
Grabenstrasse 46
55262 Heidesheim
tel. +49 6132 89850
fax: +49 6132 898511
homepage: www.bifonds.de

* Here are the details of Boehringer Ingelheim’s application. The deadlines for this application are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October annually. The next external deadline is 1 June 2008. Our internal deadline is Monday 19 May 2008.

Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia (UI) Untuk Seribu Anak Bangsa

Universitas Indonesia (UI) dengan datangnya tahun ajaran baru 2008/2009, menyediakan beasiswa untuk seribu anak bangsa yang berprestasi dan tidak mampu. Universitas Indonesia (UI) menyambut semua Anak-anak Bangsa Calon Pemimpin Masa Depan untuk menjalani proses pendidikan di Universitas Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia berkomitmen proses pendidikan yang diselenggarakan berkualitas sebaik mungkin untuk mengejar ketertinggalan bangsa kita tercinta.

Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia ini diberikan kepada calon mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat dengan bukti-bukti yang lengkap dan jelas sesuai ketentuan. Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia adalah bantuan biaya pendidikan yang diperuntukan bagi mahasiwa program sarjana reguler yang diterima Universitas Indonesia (UI) melalui PPKB dan SPMB.

Untuk itulah misi Ui adalah:
1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi berbasis riset untuk pengembangan Ilmu Teknologi, Seni dan Budaya; dan
2. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi yang mengupayakan penggunaannya untuk meningkatkan taraf dab kualitas kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia serta kemanusiaan.

1. Mahasiswa wajib mengajukan permohonan dengan mengisi Formulir Permohonan Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia beserta lampirannya.
2. Mahasiswa wajib menyerahkan atau melampirkan dokumen bukti-bukti pendukung berikut ini:
• Surat pernyataan orang tua atau wali, di atas segel, tentang alasan permohonan beasiswa.
• Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RT/RW diketahui oleh Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat, diutamakan yang memiliki Kartu Gakin.
• Slip gaji orangtua (ayah, ibu, atau wali) yang bekerja di sektor formal, atau surat keterangan penghasilan total dari RT/RW yang diketahui Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat bagi yang bekerja di sektor informal.
• Fotocopy rekening listrik rumah atau tempat tinggal orang tua atau wali, tiga bulan terakhir.
• Fotocopy rekening telepon rumah atau tempat tinggal orang tua atau wali, tiga bulan terakhir.
• Fotocopy kartu keluarga dan KTP orang tua atau wali yang masih berlaku.
• Surat pernyataan dari tiga tetangga terdekat yang bukan saudara.
• Surat rekomendasi dari Kepala Sekolah.
• Fotocopy rapor kelas 1, kelas 2, dan kelas 3 semester pertama.
• Fotocopy sertifikasi prestasi di bidang akademik, olah raga, atau seni.

Pengajuan beasiswa dilakukan secara kolektif melalui sekolah asal masing-masing disertai dengan kelengkapan berkas. Pengajuan yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses; dan jika diperlukan, panitia akan melakukan peninjauan lapangan selain dikirim ke sekolah-sekolah, formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersedia secara elektronik. Berkas-berkas kelengkapan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini dapat dilihat pada formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersebut. Hal-hal yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan lewat telepon (021)7864125 setiap jam kerja; melalui e-mail kesma.ui@gmail.com (KESMA BEM UI); atau melalui forum tanya jawab. Berkas yang diterima paling lambat dikirim 4 April 2008 (cap pos).

Setelah melaui proses seleksi, pengumuman hasil seleksi calon penerima beasiswa ini akan diumumkan melalui sekolah-sekolah dan web UI. Keputusan panitia adalah final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Penerimaan Berkas 1 Maret - 4 April 2008

Pengumuman Juni 2008

Informasi lebih lanjut:
Kantor Humas dan Protokol
Kampus UI Depok 16424
Telp: 021 7867222 ext 100606
Fax: 021 78849060
Email: humas-ui@ui.edu

Informasi lebih lanjut dan berkas pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di www.ui.edu

Australia: Software Engineering Research Scholarship

Project title:
Probabilistic Verification and Model-Based Quality Evaluation

Research topic:
Model Based Development (MBD) has established itself as the key approach to software engineering of increasingly complex systems in automotive and aerospace domains. It has proved successful at managing complexity associated with functionality. A new approach is to use model-based techniques also for quality evaluation and predictions. Since most of quality attributes such as performance, reliability, availability, safety, and security have a probabilistic nature, probabilistic verification techniques are the best solution to perform model-based quality evaluation. The research project shall explore the possibilities of probabilistic modelling and verification techniques to reason about quality attributes early in the software development lifecycle. To get a detailed introduction into this research project please have a look at the following background literature:

-Controller dependability analysis by probabilistic model checking (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2006.07.003)
-Quantitative risk-based security prediction for component-based systems with explicitly modeled attack profiles (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2007.11.716)
-Early quality prediction of component-based systems – A generic framework (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2006.08.014)

Your Benefits:
Basically, the benefits can be summarised as follows:

* You will work on real-world research problems. (There will always be opportunities to cooperate with major software and systems engineering companies.)
* You will be trained in all skills that are required to successfully finish you research project. Our goal is to help you develop the skills, connections, and opportunities required, that ensure a successful postgraduate career.
* You will create research outputs at the highest standards. In today’s world, it is not only enough to be good, students must be great and competitive compared to other graduate students. Please have a look at our own research outputs.
* You will get optimal and continuous supervision. My goal is to give you strong support on your research from a technical side. However, we also try to help my students to develop their personal skills. If you like to know more about my supervision style, we can provide contact details of recently graduated students as reference.
* You study in a friendly and cooperative environment. Australia is known for its friendliness.

We require:
We are interested in a PhD student who has an excellent academic record (first class honours or equivalent with marks above 85%) with background in one or more of the following areas:
-probabilistic logics and probabilistic verification
-probabilistic model checking
-quality attributes such as performance, reliability, availability, safety, and security
-software engineering (in the areas of embedded systems, robotics, etc. )
-software architectures and architecture evaluation
-formal methods in system design

Since this project involves working with other PhD students and industrial partner, communication skills and the ability to work in a team environment are especially required.

The scholarship carries a value of AUS$20,000+ p.a., with fee exemption for both Australian and international students. The selection process will be competitive. If you are interested in the research project, please provide the following information via email to lgrunske[ at ] swin.edu.au:

-detailed curriculum vitae
-an (electronic) copy of undergraduate and postgraduate transcripts (first class honours or equivalent with marks above 85% or GPA 3.70/4)
-evidence of English proficiency for non native English speaker (officially required is an IELTS of 6.5 with no band below 6.0, practically scores above 7.0 are preferred).

UK: Masters in Petroleum Engineering Scholarships - Imperial College London

The Centre for Petroleum Studies at Imperial College London are looking for students for its Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering Scholarship. Imperial College is ranked fifth among the best universities in the world (2007) .

The degree course in Petroleum Engineering operates as a 12-month intensive “conversion” Naturally, equip graduates in science and engineering disciplines other with the academic and technical specialties necessary for the exercise as a petroleum engineer in the oil and related services industries. The course is also desirable, before embarking on more focused research programmes doctorate.

The course is designed for those with industrial experience and for new graduates to find a career in the oil industry. The course begins in early October, and will result in obtaining a Master of Science (MSc) degree and diploma from Imperial College (DIC).

The minimum qualification for admission is a First Class Honours degree (or eqivalent) in science or engineering from a British university or its European equivalet in a university or abroad.

The MSc course is supported by grants and fellowships by the oil industry (the United Kingdom and overseas), which cover subsistence costs of college, course notes and work on spending. These are only available to British students and CE. Master’s awards interviews will be held on 2 and 3 June 2008. Applicants must apply before May 31, 2008.

Applications can be made online at: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment/phdstudentships or can be sent to the address below:
The Registrar (Postgraduate Admissions)
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 8001
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7594 8004
Email: admissions@imperial.ac.uk

Further information is available online in the prospectus and postgraduate on Earth Science and Engineering website:
http: / / www3.imperial.ac.uk/earthscienceandengineering

Or by contacting the director of course:
Professor Alain Gringarten
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 7440
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7594 7444
E-mail: a.gringarten@imperial.ac.uk

Or the administrator in progress:
Caroline Baugh
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 7338
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7594 7444
Email: c.baugh@imperial.ac.uk

Closing Date: May 31, 2008
Masters in Petroleum Engineering Scholarships