The Konkel Scholarship Foundation, Inc. announces its third annual Scholarship Award. This scholarship assistance is to consist of $2,000/yr. for a maximum of 4 consecutive years.
Students eligible for this scholarship are to be members of a senior high school of any Colorado community school district graduating class in good standing, manifesting a sincere desire and qualification for successful completion of a school of higher education, either academic or vocational.
Applications are available to students upon request by calling 719-324-5506 (leave a message) or by e-mailing gayle(AT), csbbev(AT)
Applications must be received by no later than April 25, 2008.
The Konkel Scholarship Foundation, Inc. was established by the late Warren “Bud” Konkel of Walsh, farmer/rancher and prominent businessman. It was Bud’s desire to support our youth’s desire to gain a higher education.
Deadline: April 25, 2008
Appy now via: Lamar Daily
Saturday, March 29, 2008
USA: Post-doctoral Opportunity in Systems Biology, University of Wisconsin
What might you gain while pursuing post-doctoral research in the Yin lab?
We are advancing new technologies to better understand the growth, spread and evolution of viruses. Active NIH-supported projects are in three areas: (1) flow-enhanced spread and characterization of infections in microfluidic devices, (2) phenotype distributions from measurements and models of infections initiated by single virus particles, (3) dynamics of virus populations in anti-viral environments. Systems of current interest are influenza virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. The most competitive applicants will be exceptionally creative, highly-motivated individuals with experience in:
Quantitative biology: methods to detect and/or quantify nucleic acids, proteins, viruses, virus-like particles, activation of innate immunity. Experience in microscopy, construction or characterization of live-cell reporters of gene expression, quantitative imaging and image analysis would be especially valuable
Engineering or physical sciences: modeling or simulation of reactive systems, fluid and particle dynamics, or microfluidics, with emphasis on the development of data-driven mechanistic models. Experience in parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis and model-discrimination would be especially valuable.
Madison, Wisconsin is routinely ranks at the top of national surveys of ‘best places to live,’ and post-docs here thrive on a rich diversity of outdoor and cultural opportunities. Forward your CV with cover letter, and have three letters of reference sent to John Yin by e-mail (yin[ at ], fax (608/262-5434) or regular mail: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706-1607 USA.
- Hands-on training in the emerging and exciting area of systems biology, focusing on virus-host interactions,
- Experience in how to integrate research, teaching and learning (see — skills that are highly valued by academic employers and funding agencies,
- Guidance by a mentor who has a strong record of placing students and post-docs in stimulating academic (Caltech, Duke, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Tufts, UConn-Storrs, UC-Berkeley), government, and industry positions,
- Opportunities for personal growth at a world-class university, located in safe, attractive and affordable city surrounded by beautiful lakes.
We are advancing new technologies to better understand the growth, spread and evolution of viruses. Active NIH-supported projects are in three areas: (1) flow-enhanced spread and characterization of infections in microfluidic devices, (2) phenotype distributions from measurements and models of infections initiated by single virus particles, (3) dynamics of virus populations in anti-viral environments. Systems of current interest are influenza virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. The most competitive applicants will be exceptionally creative, highly-motivated individuals with experience in:
Quantitative biology: methods to detect and/or quantify nucleic acids, proteins, viruses, virus-like particles, activation of innate immunity. Experience in microscopy, construction or characterization of live-cell reporters of gene expression, quantitative imaging and image analysis would be especially valuable
Engineering or physical sciences: modeling or simulation of reactive systems, fluid and particle dynamics, or microfluidics, with emphasis on the development of data-driven mechanistic models. Experience in parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis and model-discrimination would be especially valuable.
Madison, Wisconsin is routinely ranks at the top of national surveys of ‘best places to live,’ and post-docs here thrive on a rich diversity of outdoor and cultural opportunities. Forward your CV with cover letter, and have three letters of reference sent to John Yin by e-mail (yin[ at ], fax (608/262-5434) or regular mail: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706-1607 USA.
Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia (UI) Untuk Seribu Anak Bangsa
Universitas Indonesia (UI) dengan datangnya tahun ajaran baru 2008/2009, menyediakan beasiswa untuk seribu anak bangsa yang berprestasi dan tidak mampu. Universitas Indonesia (UI) menyambut semua Anak-anak Bangsa Calon Pemimpin Masa Depan untuk menjalani proses pendidikan di Universitas Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia berkomitmen proses pendidikan yang diselenggarakan berkualitas sebaik mungkin untuk mengejar ketertinggalan bangsa kita tercinta.
Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia ini diberikan kepada calon mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat dengan bukti-bukti yang lengkap dan jelas sesuai ketentuan. Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia adalah bantuan biaya pendidikan yang diperuntukan bagi mahasiwa program sarjana reguler yang diterima Universitas Indonesia (UI) melalui PPKB dan SPMB.
Untuk itulah misi Ui adalah:
1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi berbasis riset untuk pengembangan Ilmu Teknologi, Seni dan Budaya; dan
2. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi yang mengupayakan penggunaannya untuk meningkatkan taraf dab kualitas kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia serta kemanusiaan.
1. Mahasiswa wajib mengajukan permohonan dengan mengisi Formulir Permohonan Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia beserta lampirannya.
2. Mahasiswa wajib menyerahkan atau melampirkan dokumen bukti-bukti pendukung berikut ini:
• Surat pernyataan orang tua atau wali, di atas segel, tentang alasan permohonan beasiswa.
• Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RT/RW diketahui oleh Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat, diutamakan yang memiliki Kartu Gakin.
• Slip gaji orangtua (ayah, ibu, atau wali) yang bekerja di sektor formal, atau surat keterangan penghasilan total dari RT/RW yang diketahui Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat bagi yang bekerja di sektor informal.
• Fotocopy rekening listrik rumah atau tempat tinggal orang tua atau wali, tiga bulan terakhir.
• Fotocopy rekening telepon rumah atau tempat tinggal orang tua atau wali, tiga bulan terakhir.
• Fotocopy kartu keluarga dan KTP orang tua atau wali yang masih berlaku.
• Surat pernyataan dari tiga tetangga terdekat yang bukan saudara.
• Surat rekomendasi dari Kepala Sekolah.
• Fotocopy rapor kelas 1, kelas 2, dan kelas 3 semester pertama.
• Fotocopy sertifikasi prestasi di bidang akademik, olah raga, atau seni.
Pengajuan beasiswa dilakukan secara kolektif melalui sekolah asal masing-masing disertai dengan kelengkapan berkas. Pengajuan yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses; dan jika diperlukan, panitia akan melakukan peninjauan lapangan selain dikirim ke sekolah-sekolah, formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersedia secara elektronik. Berkas-berkas kelengkapan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini dapat dilihat pada formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersebut. Hal-hal yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan lewat telepon (021)7864125 setiap jam kerja; melalui e-mail (KESMA BEM UI); atau melalui forum tanya jawab. Berkas yang diterima paling lambat dikirim 4 April 2008 (cap pos).
Setelah melaui proses seleksi, pengumuman hasil seleksi calon penerima beasiswa ini akan diumumkan melalui sekolah-sekolah dan web UI. Keputusan panitia adalah final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Penerimaan Berkas 1 Maret - 4 April 2008
Pengumuman Juni 2008
Informasi lebih lanjut:
Kantor Humas dan Protokol
Kampus UI Depok 16424
Telp: 021 7867222 ext 100606
Fax: 021 78849060
Informasi lebih lanjut dan berkas pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di
Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia ini diberikan kepada calon mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat dengan bukti-bukti yang lengkap dan jelas sesuai ketentuan. Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia adalah bantuan biaya pendidikan yang diperuntukan bagi mahasiwa program sarjana reguler yang diterima Universitas Indonesia (UI) melalui PPKB dan SPMB.
Untuk itulah misi Ui adalah:
1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi berbasis riset untuk pengembangan Ilmu Teknologi, Seni dan Budaya; dan
2. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi yang mengupayakan penggunaannya untuk meningkatkan taraf dab kualitas kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia serta kemanusiaan.
1. Mahasiswa wajib mengajukan permohonan dengan mengisi Formulir Permohonan Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia beserta lampirannya.
2. Mahasiswa wajib menyerahkan atau melampirkan dokumen bukti-bukti pendukung berikut ini:
• Surat pernyataan orang tua atau wali, di atas segel, tentang alasan permohonan beasiswa.
• Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RT/RW diketahui oleh Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat, diutamakan yang memiliki Kartu Gakin.
• Slip gaji orangtua (ayah, ibu, atau wali) yang bekerja di sektor formal, atau surat keterangan penghasilan total dari RT/RW yang diketahui Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat bagi yang bekerja di sektor informal.
• Fotocopy rekening listrik rumah atau tempat tinggal orang tua atau wali, tiga bulan terakhir.
• Fotocopy rekening telepon rumah atau tempat tinggal orang tua atau wali, tiga bulan terakhir.
• Fotocopy kartu keluarga dan KTP orang tua atau wali yang masih berlaku.
• Surat pernyataan dari tiga tetangga terdekat yang bukan saudara.
• Surat rekomendasi dari Kepala Sekolah.
• Fotocopy rapor kelas 1, kelas 2, dan kelas 3 semester pertama.
• Fotocopy sertifikasi prestasi di bidang akademik, olah raga, atau seni.
Pengajuan beasiswa dilakukan secara kolektif melalui sekolah asal masing-masing disertai dengan kelengkapan berkas. Pengajuan yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses; dan jika diperlukan, panitia akan melakukan peninjauan lapangan selain dikirim ke sekolah-sekolah, formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersedia secara elektronik. Berkas-berkas kelengkapan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini dapat dilihat pada formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersebut. Hal-hal yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan lewat telepon (021)7864125 setiap jam kerja; melalui e-mail (KESMA BEM UI); atau melalui forum tanya jawab. Berkas yang diterima paling lambat dikirim 4 April 2008 (cap pos).
Setelah melaui proses seleksi, pengumuman hasil seleksi calon penerima beasiswa ini akan diumumkan melalui sekolah-sekolah dan web UI. Keputusan panitia adalah final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Penerimaan Berkas 1 Maret - 4 April 2008
Pengumuman Juni 2008
Informasi lebih lanjut:
Kantor Humas dan Protokol
Kampus UI Depok 16424
Telp: 021 7867222 ext 100606
Fax: 021 78849060
Informasi lebih lanjut dan berkas pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di
UK: PhD Studentship at Institute of Cellular Medicine
PhD Studentship - Xenobiotic Exposure as a Trigger for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Institute of Cellular Medicine
* Institute: Institute of Cellular Medicine and the Medical Toxicology Unit
* Sponsor: The British Toxicology Society
* Supervisor(s): Dr Matthew C Wright, Professor Peter G Blain and Professor Faith M Williams
* Duration: 3 years from 1 October 2008
Project description
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a liver disease of unknown aetiology characterised by the destruction of the intra-hepatic bile ducts, cholestasis, liver cirrhosis and death. The only treatment at present is liver transplantation. PBC is often thought to be an auto-immune disease. However, the auto-antigens exist in all cells of the body, yet inflammation is restricted to the bile ducts.
The aims of this project are to screen a range of xenobiotics for their oestrogenic activity in hepatocytes and for their ability to modulate mitochondrial polarisation in hepatocytes and bile duct epithelial cells. Bile duct inflammation will then be examined in an animal model of PBC using selected xenobiotics shown to have both oestrogenic and mitochondrial effects.
Person specification
The studentship is available to UK and EU applicants with an upper-second class degree or higher in a biologically-related subject or equivalent.
Value of the award
The award covers fees and a stipend of £13,000 per annum.
How to apply
You must complete the University’s postgraduate application form (, quoting the reference number CAL44, and attaching a copy of your CV and covering letter. Select PhD in Medical Sciences as the programme of study.
Further information
Please contact Dr Matthew Wright (, tel: +44 (0) 191 222 7094.
Closing date: 2 May 2008.
Funding information : EU applicants (including UK)
* Institute: Institute of Cellular Medicine and the Medical Toxicology Unit
* Sponsor: The British Toxicology Society
* Supervisor(s): Dr Matthew C Wright, Professor Peter G Blain and Professor Faith M Williams
* Duration: 3 years from 1 October 2008
Project description
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a liver disease of unknown aetiology characterised by the destruction of the intra-hepatic bile ducts, cholestasis, liver cirrhosis and death. The only treatment at present is liver transplantation. PBC is often thought to be an auto-immune disease. However, the auto-antigens exist in all cells of the body, yet inflammation is restricted to the bile ducts.
The aims of this project are to screen a range of xenobiotics for their oestrogenic activity in hepatocytes and for their ability to modulate mitochondrial polarisation in hepatocytes and bile duct epithelial cells. Bile duct inflammation will then be examined in an animal model of PBC using selected xenobiotics shown to have both oestrogenic and mitochondrial effects.
Person specification
The studentship is available to UK and EU applicants with an upper-second class degree or higher in a biologically-related subject or equivalent.
Value of the award
The award covers fees and a stipend of £13,000 per annum.
How to apply
You must complete the University’s postgraduate application form (, quoting the reference number CAL44, and attaching a copy of your CV and covering letter. Select PhD in Medical Sciences as the programme of study.
Further information
Please contact Dr Matthew Wright (, tel: +44 (0) 191 222 7094.
Closing date: 2 May 2008.
Funding information : EU applicants (including UK)
UK: 3 year funded PhD Studentship at University of Aberdeen
3 year funded PhD Studentship - Spirituality and Breast Cancer: Interdisciplinary PhD scholarship award College of Arts and Social Sciences Graduate School University of Aberdeen
As part of an interdisciplinary initiative the Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability is offering a 3 year funded PhD studentship.
The area of research covers aspects of the relationship to and role of spirituality and religion in the care of women diagnosed with breast cancer. The successful student will be managed and supervised between the Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability, which is located within the School of Divinity, History and Philosophy. ( and the Breast Cancer Unit at Foresterhill and the school of Medicine. This is a unique cross-college research and educational collaboration between the arts and medicine and is ground-breaking in terms of interdisciplinary research. It is also an exciting and innovative project which has important implications for medicine and the humanities.
The Studentship consists of an award of £5,240 per annum for three years (subject to satisfactory progress) to cover tuition fees (European rates) and a contribution to maintenance. The start date for the studentship will be October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The selected candidate will have to fulfil the general requirements for a PhD at University of Aberdeen (
To apply for the award students must
* Have either received an offer to study for a PhD in Divinity at the University of Aberdeen or have submitted a completed application to study for a PhD in Divinity at the University. Information on how to apply is available at
* submit (by email), a letter of application for the Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability studentship, a completed (unsigned)
copy of their postgraduate application form for the University of Aberdeen ( Part of the application requires a detailed research proposal. This proposal should include a description of the area of interest, the relevant research questions, and the possible methodologies that might be considered within the PhD. The application letter, copy of postgraduate application form and research proposal should be sent by email no later than 30th March 2008 to Ms Linda Ibbotson (
For informal enquiries and any further information about the studentship and application process please email Professor John Swinton (
Study information
* Qualification: PhD
* Study duration: 3 years
* Study mode: FT
* Start month: October
* Entry requirements: Strong First degree in related Subject
* Funding applies to: EU applicants (including UK)
Contacts and how to apply
Academic contact:
Professor John Swinton (
Administrative contact and how to apply:
The application letter, copy of postgraduate application form and research proposal should be sent by email no later than 30th March 2008 to Ms Linda Ibbotson (
As part of an interdisciplinary initiative the Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability is offering a 3 year funded PhD studentship.
The area of research covers aspects of the relationship to and role of spirituality and religion in the care of women diagnosed with breast cancer. The successful student will be managed and supervised between the Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability, which is located within the School of Divinity, History and Philosophy. ( and the Breast Cancer Unit at Foresterhill and the school of Medicine. This is a unique cross-college research and educational collaboration between the arts and medicine and is ground-breaking in terms of interdisciplinary research. It is also an exciting and innovative project which has important implications for medicine and the humanities.
The Studentship consists of an award of £5,240 per annum for three years (subject to satisfactory progress) to cover tuition fees (European rates) and a contribution to maintenance. The start date for the studentship will be October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The selected candidate will have to fulfil the general requirements for a PhD at University of Aberdeen (
To apply for the award students must
* Have either received an offer to study for a PhD in Divinity at the University of Aberdeen or have submitted a completed application to study for a PhD in Divinity at the University. Information on how to apply is available at
* submit (by email), a letter of application for the Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability studentship, a completed (unsigned)
copy of their postgraduate application form for the University of Aberdeen ( Part of the application requires a detailed research proposal. This proposal should include a description of the area of interest, the relevant research questions, and the possible methodologies that might be considered within the PhD. The application letter, copy of postgraduate application form and research proposal should be sent by email no later than 30th March 2008 to Ms Linda Ibbotson (
For informal enquiries and any further information about the studentship and application process please email Professor John Swinton (
Study information
* Qualification: PhD
* Study duration: 3 years
* Study mode: FT
* Start month: October
* Entry requirements: Strong First degree in related Subject
* Funding applies to: EU applicants (including UK)
Contacts and how to apply
Academic contact:
Professor John Swinton (
Administrative contact and how to apply:
The application letter, copy of postgraduate application form and research proposal should be sent by email no later than 30th March 2008 to Ms Linda Ibbotson (
Australia: International postgraduate research scholarship (EIPRS), Curtin University of Technology
2009 Endeavour international postgraduate research scholarship (EIPRS), Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Posted on November 16, 2007 by KhmerScholars
The Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (EIPRS) is available to any international student wishing to undertake a Higher Degree by Research at Curtin in 2009.
The Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship provides:
* course tuition fee for two years for a Masters by Research and three years for a Doctoral degree; and
* Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the recipient and their dependants for the duration of the award.
No other allowances are available under this award.
A Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarship (CUPS) living allowance will be awarded to the top two ranked applicants in each awarding year.
Tenable at: Curtin University of Technology.
This award is open to citizens of an overseas country (excluding New Zealand). Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and research capacity to suitably qualified overseas graduates eligible to commence a higher degree by research in 2009.
Please refer to the Guidelines for Higher Degree by Research Candidates for infomation on entry requirements at
Students currently enrolled in the degree for which an EIPRS is being sought, who commenced their degree after 1 September 2006, are eligible to apply.
Further Information:
Application forms will be available between 1st June 2008 and 31st August 2008 from this site or by contacting:
Office of Research & Development
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Telephone: (08) 9266 4905
Fax: (08) 9266 3793
Opening Date: 1 June, 2008
Closing Date: 31 August, 2008
For more details, please consult the official announcement.
Posted on November 16, 2007 by KhmerScholars
The Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (EIPRS) is available to any international student wishing to undertake a Higher Degree by Research at Curtin in 2009.
The Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship provides:
* course tuition fee for two years for a Masters by Research and three years for a Doctoral degree; and
* Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the recipient and their dependants for the duration of the award.
No other allowances are available under this award.
A Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarship (CUPS) living allowance will be awarded to the top two ranked applicants in each awarding year.
Tenable at: Curtin University of Technology.
This award is open to citizens of an overseas country (excluding New Zealand). Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and research capacity to suitably qualified overseas graduates eligible to commence a higher degree by research in 2009.
Please refer to the Guidelines for Higher Degree by Research Candidates for infomation on entry requirements at
Students currently enrolled in the degree for which an EIPRS is being sought, who commenced their degree after 1 September 2006, are eligible to apply.
Further Information:
Application forms will be available between 1st June 2008 and 31st August 2008 from this site or by contacting:
Office of Research & Development
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Telephone: (08) 9266 4905
Fax: (08) 9266 3793
Opening Date: 1 June, 2008
Closing Date: 31 August, 2008
For more details, please consult the official announcement.
France: 6 PhD Studentships in Finance
The PhD in Finance programme at EDHEC Business School is designed for the brightest and hardest-working individuals who are seeking faculty positions at leading educational institutions and senior executive careers in the financial industry. It is uniquely offered in two tracks: a “residential track” for high-potential graduate students who will hold part-time research or teaching positions at EDHEC Business School, and an “executive track” for high-level practitioners who will keep their full-time jobs.
The key benefits of the EDHEC PhD in Finance are its outstanding faculty, its balance between course and dissertation work, its supportive research environment and close dissertation supervision, its talented and diverse participant body, and the first-rate industry relationships and global impact of the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre. These combine to create the best opportunities for participants to develop their research expertise and to prepare for faculty positions at leading universities worldwide and top industry jobs.
The programme is designed to be completed in three years; course requirements will be fulfilled after two years. PhD students work individually with faculty members on dissertation topics selected for their academic and business relevance and in accordance with each student’s research interests and professional goals.
Programme prerequisites are economics and econometrics. PhD in Finance candidates on the “residential track” who may be lacking in these fields will have the opportunity to take supplementary graduate courses at EDHEC Business School during the first year of their doctoral studies. Core courses in Financial Economics, Corporate Finance, Continuous-Time Financial Economics and Empirical Methods in Finance offer PhD candidates sound training in financial theory and analytic methods so that they can take on a broad variety of teaching and research assignments. Elective research seminars expose candidates to the latest research advances in specific fields, providing them with opportunities to develop a specialisation and acquire additional skills necessary for their dissertation work.
The faculty is made up of specialists in finance, asset management, and financial modelling and brings together the school’s senior economics and finance professors and affiliated professors from top research institutions the world over. The programme also draws on the resources and reputation of the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre, Europe’s premier centre for applied financial research.
Admission to the EDHEC PhD in Finance is highly selective. Normal entrance requirements include a master’s degree (or equivalent) from an accredited school, college, or university (business management, economics, or science and engineering degrees are preferred); high CGPA in master’s-level and upper-undergraduate coursework; excellent GMAT or GRE scores; English proficiency; evidence of research capability (master’s thesis or research proposal); letters of reference; and a letter of intent. The application deadline for September admission is May 30th of the same year. However, PhD in Finance admissions are rolling: the earlier an application is received, the earlier it will be processed.
Students on the residential track will work as research assistants at the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre, as research assistants to senior finance faculty, or as teaching assistants (TA) in the department of accounting, law, finance and economics. In return for their part-time duties with the school, residential track participants will receive a full tuition waiver plus competitive RA/TA compensation. A total of six RA/TA positions are offered for PhD in Finance candidates entering the programme in September 2008; they will be filled as early as possible.
For further information about the PhD in Finance programme, please log on to or contact Ms Maud Gauchon, PhD Admissions at or on +33 493 183 267.
PhD Admissions
393-400 promenade des Anglais - BP 3116
06202 Nice Cedex 3
Study information
* Qualification: PhD in Finance
* Study duration: 3 years
* Study mode:
“Residential track” (full-time on-campus presence) and “executive track” (short residential periods plus distance learning) ava
* Start month: September
* Entry requirements: Master’s degree (or equivalent) - business management, economics, or science and engineering degrees preferred.
* Language requirements: Any of the following: TOEFL 603(PBT)/250(CBT)/100(IBT); TOEIC 900; IELTS 6.5; UCLES: CAE Pass.
* No. of students per year: 5-7 per year on the “residential track”
* Fees: 22,500 euros per annum
Funding information
* Title: PhD Studentships in Finance (RA/TA-ships)
* Value: 38,700 euros per annum
* Number of awards per year: 6
* Funding applies to: Open to applicants from a range of countries
* Funding duration: 3 years
Application deadline: 30 May 2008
Contacts and how to apply
Academic contact:
Ms Maud Gauchon, PhD Admissions
+33 493 183 267
Administrative contact and how to apply:
To receive the application package, please contact:
Ms Maud Gauchon, PhD Admissions
+33 493 183 267
The key benefits of the EDHEC PhD in Finance are its outstanding faculty, its balance between course and dissertation work, its supportive research environment and close dissertation supervision, its talented and diverse participant body, and the first-rate industry relationships and global impact of the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre. These combine to create the best opportunities for participants to develop their research expertise and to prepare for faculty positions at leading universities worldwide and top industry jobs.
The programme is designed to be completed in three years; course requirements will be fulfilled after two years. PhD students work individually with faculty members on dissertation topics selected for their academic and business relevance and in accordance with each student’s research interests and professional goals.
Programme prerequisites are economics and econometrics. PhD in Finance candidates on the “residential track” who may be lacking in these fields will have the opportunity to take supplementary graduate courses at EDHEC Business School during the first year of their doctoral studies. Core courses in Financial Economics, Corporate Finance, Continuous-Time Financial Economics and Empirical Methods in Finance offer PhD candidates sound training in financial theory and analytic methods so that they can take on a broad variety of teaching and research assignments. Elective research seminars expose candidates to the latest research advances in specific fields, providing them with opportunities to develop a specialisation and acquire additional skills necessary for their dissertation work.
The faculty is made up of specialists in finance, asset management, and financial modelling and brings together the school’s senior economics and finance professors and affiliated professors from top research institutions the world over. The programme also draws on the resources and reputation of the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre, Europe’s premier centre for applied financial research.
Admission to the EDHEC PhD in Finance is highly selective. Normal entrance requirements include a master’s degree (or equivalent) from an accredited school, college, or university (business management, economics, or science and engineering degrees are preferred); high CGPA in master’s-level and upper-undergraduate coursework; excellent GMAT or GRE scores; English proficiency; evidence of research capability (master’s thesis or research proposal); letters of reference; and a letter of intent. The application deadline for September admission is May 30th of the same year. However, PhD in Finance admissions are rolling: the earlier an application is received, the earlier it will be processed.
Students on the residential track will work as research assistants at the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre, as research assistants to senior finance faculty, or as teaching assistants (TA) in the department of accounting, law, finance and economics. In return for their part-time duties with the school, residential track participants will receive a full tuition waiver plus competitive RA/TA compensation. A total of six RA/TA positions are offered for PhD in Finance candidates entering the programme in September 2008; they will be filled as early as possible.
For further information about the PhD in Finance programme, please log on to or contact Ms Maud Gauchon, PhD Admissions at or on +33 493 183 267.
PhD Admissions
393-400 promenade des Anglais - BP 3116
06202 Nice Cedex 3
Study information
* Qualification: PhD in Finance
* Study duration: 3 years
* Study mode:
“Residential track” (full-time on-campus presence) and “executive track” (short residential periods plus distance learning) ava
* Start month: September
* Entry requirements: Master’s degree (or equivalent) - business management, economics, or science and engineering degrees preferred.
* Language requirements: Any of the following: TOEFL 603(PBT)/250(CBT)/100(IBT); TOEIC 900; IELTS 6.5; UCLES: CAE Pass.
* No. of students per year: 5-7 per year on the “residential track”
* Fees: 22,500 euros per annum
Funding information
* Title: PhD Studentships in Finance (RA/TA-ships)
* Value: 38,700 euros per annum
* Number of awards per year: 6
* Funding applies to: Open to applicants from a range of countries
* Funding duration: 3 years
Application deadline: 30 May 2008
Contacts and how to apply
Academic contact:
Ms Maud Gauchon, PhD Admissions
+33 493 183 267
Administrative contact and how to apply:
To receive the application package, please contact:
Ms Maud Gauchon, PhD Admissions
+33 493 183 267
UK: 11 MPhil/PhD Studentships in Humanities and Social Sciences
Join our internationally recognised research community and benefit from cutting edge research facilities and great funding opportunities. We are currently offering 11 MPhil/PhD studentships worth £40,200 over three years across our humanities and social sciences disciplines.
Available to students enrolled on our programmes beginning in 2008/09, the awards cover:
* Direct payment of tuition fees (at the standard UK/EU rate – International students will have to the pay the difference between UK and International fees)
* Maintenance allowance for accommodation and living expenses
* Payment for limited teaching and other duties carried out by the student for their department
The awards will be made across our Humanities and Social Sciences Departments as follows:
# 4 awards in History or Classics and/or Ancient History
# 3 awards in Politics and International Relations
# 1 award in Arab and Islamic Studies
# 3 awards in Sociology, Philosophy, Theology (including the Centre for Genomics in Society)
Studentships are awarded on academic merit and are open to applicants from the UK/EU and overseas. To be eligible you must have received an offer from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences for full-time study for MPhil/PhD by 13 June 2008.
If you’re an exceptional researcher looking for a rewarding opportunity in a faculty with RAE 5 for all disciplines, £6 million in research grants, good postgraduate facilities and high student satisfaction, contact us.
Tel: +44 (0)1392 264019;
See more at
Funding information
* Value: £40,200
* Number of awards per year: 11
* Funding applies to:Open to applicants from a range of countries
Contacts and how to apply
Academic contact: Tel: +44 (0)1392 264019; See more at
Application deadline: 13 June 2008
Available to students enrolled on our programmes beginning in 2008/09, the awards cover:
* Direct payment of tuition fees (at the standard UK/EU rate – International students will have to the pay the difference between UK and International fees)
* Maintenance allowance for accommodation and living expenses
* Payment for limited teaching and other duties carried out by the student for their department
The awards will be made across our Humanities and Social Sciences Departments as follows:
# 4 awards in History or Classics and/or Ancient History
# 3 awards in Politics and International Relations
# 1 award in Arab and Islamic Studies
# 3 awards in Sociology, Philosophy, Theology (including the Centre for Genomics in Society)
Studentships are awarded on academic merit and are open to applicants from the UK/EU and overseas. To be eligible you must have received an offer from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences for full-time study for MPhil/PhD by 13 June 2008.
If you’re an exceptional researcher looking for a rewarding opportunity in a faculty with RAE 5 for all disciplines, £6 million in research grants, good postgraduate facilities and high student satisfaction, contact us.
Tel: +44 (0)1392 264019;
See more at
Funding information
* Value: £40,200
* Number of awards per year: 11
* Funding applies to:Open to applicants from a range of countries
Contacts and how to apply
Academic contact: Tel: +44 (0)1392 264019; See more at
Application deadline: 13 June 2008
UK: Partial Fee Waiver Scholarships, the Institute for Development Policy & Management, University of Manchester
Partial fee waiver scholarships available to International students to undertake a Development related Masters in one of the following postgraduate taught programmes within the Institute for Development Policy & Management, University of Manchester:
MSc Organisational Change & Development
MSc International Development: Urban Development
MSc Globalisation & Development
MSc Industry, Trade & Development
MSc Development Finance
MA International Development: Public Policy & Management
Further details available from:
Paul Arrowsmith
Recruitment & Admissions Administrator
School of Environment & Development
University of Manchester
Arthur Lewis Building, Rm 2.022
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: 0044 161 275 0800
Fax: 0044 161 275 0421
Email: Paul.Arrowsmith[ at ]
MSc Organisational Change & Development
MSc International Development: Urban Development
MSc Globalisation & Development
MSc Industry, Trade & Development
MSc Development Finance
MA International Development: Public Policy & Management
Further details available from:
Paul Arrowsmith
Recruitment & Admissions Administrator
School of Environment & Development
University of Manchester
Arthur Lewis Building, Rm 2.022
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: 0044 161 275 0800
Fax: 0044 161 275 0421
Email: Paul.Arrowsmith[ at ]
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Japan: JAL Scholarship Program 2008 for Indonesian
Students from more than 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region will attend the 2008 JAL Scholarship Program (Total 17 days period of 29 June - 15 July 2008). The program will include seminars, lectures, forums and discussion sessions, field activities in Tokyo and rural Japan, and home stays with Japanese host families. If you wish to meet, think and act with students from foreign countries, have an interest in experiencing Japanese culture and life, have high ambitions for yourself and posses a passion for learning, please submit an application to JAL Jakarta Branch.
Requirement :
* Write Essay in English using Theme of “ The World in 20 Years ”
* Type in A4 Paper +/- 800 words (No handwriting allows)
* Should be Indonesian Citizenship age min. 20 years old with Undergradute S1 or S2 ( KTP & Student ID )
* Have a strong command English
Please send your Essay with CV and recent photo (4 x 6) not later than 30 April 2008, to :
Japan Airlines International Co., Ltd. (Essay Division)
Wisma Kyoei Prince Lt. 2
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3 - 4
Jakarta 10220
Requirement :
* Write Essay in English using Theme of “ The World in 20 Years ”
* Type in A4 Paper +/- 800 words (No handwriting allows)
* Should be Indonesian Citizenship age min. 20 years old with Undergradute S1 or S2 ( KTP & Student ID )
* Have a strong command English
Please send your Essay with CV and recent photo (4 x 6) not later than 30 April 2008, to :
Japan Airlines International Co., Ltd. (Essay Division)
Wisma Kyoei Prince Lt. 2
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3 - 4
Jakarta 10220
Scholarship for Arab Students - Arab Student Aid International (ASAI)
New Deadline for Scholarship Interest Free Loan is April 15, 2008
Scholarship Interest-Free Loans for Arab Students:
The Executive Committee of ASAI has approved scholarship interest-free loans for Arab Students for the academic year 2007/2008. The goal of the program is to assist Arab students in upgrading the academic and experience levels at reputed universities, and play a dynamic role in their social, cultural and economic development of their homelands. The scholarship loans range between $1,000 to $3,500 per year, to partially cover the tuition, room and board expenses the students encounter during their studies.
Eligibility Requirements for Scholarship Interest-Free Loans for the year 2007/2008:
1. You must finish one semester in your current program. To be eligible for the scholarship loan (If not, you are not eligible until your finished)
2. You must be an Arab citizen (students who are a permanent resident or citizen of a non-Arab country do not qualify, including those with a dual citizenship).
3. You must be studying on a student visa, and return to the Arab world to work and serve your Arab community after your graduation.
4. You must be academically a highly-qualified student, in financial need, in a Doctoral program PhD or Master program MA /MS. (Bachelors degree BA student’s are not eligible)
5. Proof of active full-time enrollment at a credited University outside country of residence (applicants who are registered as a part-time, online, via correspondence, etc. (are not eligible).
More details Information, please click here
Scholarship Interest-Free Loans for Arab Students:
The Executive Committee of ASAI has approved scholarship interest-free loans for Arab Students for the academic year 2007/2008. The goal of the program is to assist Arab students in upgrading the academic and experience levels at reputed universities, and play a dynamic role in their social, cultural and economic development of their homelands. The scholarship loans range between $1,000 to $3,500 per year, to partially cover the tuition, room and board expenses the students encounter during their studies.
Eligibility Requirements for Scholarship Interest-Free Loans for the year 2007/2008:
1. You must finish one semester in your current program. To be eligible for the scholarship loan (If not, you are not eligible until your finished)
2. You must be an Arab citizen (students who are a permanent resident or citizen of a non-Arab country do not qualify, including those with a dual citizenship).
3. You must be studying on a student visa, and return to the Arab world to work and serve your Arab community after your graduation.
4. You must be academically a highly-qualified student, in financial need, in a Doctoral program PhD or Master program MA /MS. (Bachelors degree BA student’s are not eligible)
5. Proof of active full-time enrollment at a credited University outside country of residence (applicants who are registered as a part-time, online, via correspondence, etc. (are not eligible).
More details Information, please click here
Spain: 287 Grants for PhD Theses at Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
The CSIC (Spanish Council for Scientific Research), the largest public research body in Spain, offers 287 grants to undertake PhD theses in the framework of the JAE Programme for predoctoral research training. The Programme focuses on topics in all the areas of science and technology, including Human and Social Sciences. The hosting research groups belong to the CSIC´s Centres and Institutes, located in the main Spanish cities.
The grants are available for University degree holders of all nationalities. Applications from students in the last year of their University studies can be accepted. The grants provide 4 years of funding (2 years scholarship + 2 years contract). Annual stipend is € 14,400 during the 2 first years. In addition, grants cover the cost of University courses and mobility allowances to enable stays at research Institutions other than CSIC. Travel expenses (up to € 1200) for residents outside Europe.
Medical insurance is fully covered by the Spanish National Health Service Earliest and latest possible starting dates: 1st July 2008 and 1st November 2008
Online applications are now open until 1st April 2008
More information and access to the online application can be found in:
The grants are available for University degree holders of all nationalities. Applications from students in the last year of their University studies can be accepted. The grants provide 4 years of funding (2 years scholarship + 2 years contract). Annual stipend is € 14,400 during the 2 first years. In addition, grants cover the cost of University courses and mobility allowances to enable stays at research Institutions other than CSIC. Travel expenses (up to € 1200) for residents outside Europe.
Medical insurance is fully covered by the Spanish National Health Service Earliest and latest possible starting dates: 1st July 2008 and 1st November 2008
Online applications are now open until 1st April 2008
More information and access to the online application can be found in:
Thursday, March 20, 2008
European Poster Competition “For Diversity. Against Discrimination.”
Set your mind in motion and make a creative statement for diversity, against discrimination. See your work published on posters and flyers all across the EU.The best visuals will be featured in a travelling exhibition across Europe.
The EU information campaign, “For Diversity. Against Discrimination.” is inviting art and design students from across the EU to make a creative statement for diversity by entering its “Breaking Stereotypes” Poster Competition.Students are asked to produce a poster design, promoting diversity that appeals to a young audience.
An international jury panel of young artists, designers and well-known experts in the fields of design and communication will select the best designs. Contributions will be judged according to their creativity and originality of expression, clarity of presentation, as well as universal appeal.
Who may enter ?
The competition is open to students of fine arts, graphic design, communication design, etc. Participants need to be registered at an academy, university or college in one of the 25 EU Member States. Individual as well as team submissions of groups of up to 3 students are permitted.
The best designs will be featured in a travelling exhibition around Europe as part of the “For Diversity. Against Discrimination.” Truck Tour and the winner(s) will be awarded prizes worth up to € 2500.In addition, for their support, the winner’s university or college will be awarded an additional € 2500 to promote creative talents or to invest in school equipment.
How to enter ?
Put your ideas on paper and send your poster visual, formatted for printing in A2, on a CD or simply upload your creation on the website
Please read the rules of the competition before submitting your entry. Poster visuals will be accepted until 31 July 2006. There are no entry fees.
Set your mind in motion and make a creative statement for diversity, against discrimination. See your work published on posters and flyers all across the EU.The best visuals will be featured in a travelling exhibition across Europe.
The EU information campaign, “For Diversity. Against Discrimination.” is inviting art and design students from across the EU to make a creative statement for diversity by entering its “Breaking Stereotypes” Poster Competition.Students are asked to produce a poster design, promoting diversity that appeals to a young audience.
An international jury panel of young artists, designers and well-known experts in the fields of design and communication will select the best designs. Contributions will be judged according to their creativity and originality of expression, clarity of presentation, as well as universal appeal.
Who may enter ?
The competition is open to students of fine arts, graphic design, communication design, etc. Participants need to be registered at an academy, university or college in one of the 25 EU Member States. Individual as well as team submissions of groups of up to 3 students are permitted.
The best designs will be featured in a travelling exhibition around Europe as part of the “For Diversity. Against Discrimination.” Truck Tour and the winner(s) will be awarded prizes worth up to € 2500.In addition, for their support, the winner’s university or college will be awarded an additional € 2500 to promote creative talents or to invest in school equipment.
How to enter ?
Put your ideas on paper and send your poster visual, formatted for printing in A2, on a CD or simply upload your creation on the website
Please read the rules of the competition before submitting your entry. Poster visuals will be accepted until 31 July 2006. There are no entry fees.
USA: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Discovery Scholarship
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is being built in Saudi Arabia as an international, graduate-level research university dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement in the Kingdom that will also benefit the region and the world.
The KAUST Discovery Scholarship is the general scholarship program of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
The KAUST Discovery Scholarship program is designed to ensure that any highly talented student who is qualified and eligible to enroll in KAUST will receive full financial support while at the University. Those who receive a Discovery Scholarship will receive full tuition support, a living stipend, and summer and career enrichment programs.
To qualify for a KAUST Discovery Scholarship, you:
* Must be able to provide an official first-university or bachelor’s university record or transcript documenting coursework taken and highest academic achievement;
* Must be currently enrolled in a first university or bachelor’s degree program in a field of study that is related to the overall KAUST mission (engineering, science, mathematics, environmental science, computer science, etc.);
* Must have the equivalent of a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a minimum major-field-of-study GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale
* Must have, at a minimum, one of the following as an English language proficiency test score:
o 550 TOEFL Paper-Based Test (TOEFL ITP also accepted)
o 213 TOEFL Computer-Based Test
o 79-80 TOEFL Internet-Based Test
o 6.0 IELTS
* Must have completed 80 credit hours, or equivalent, of coursework by the end of the 2008 academic year.
* Must demonstrate academic and research interest and/or leadership potential that can be documented in your Statement of Purpose on the application;
* Must be able and willing to matriculate at KAUST in Saudi Arabia in September 2009 or September 2010; and
* Must be able to travel outside your home country to attend KAUST-sponsored enrichment activities.
KAUST has developed a fair, consistent and transparent selection process for the KAUST Discovery Scholarship. Applicants will be evaluated by the following criteria:
* Academic achievement
* First university or bachelor’s field of study
* Commitment to KAUST goals
* Statement of Purpose
* Demonstrated leadership abilities
* Involvement in related extracurricular activities
* Commitment to matriculate at KAUST upon graduation
* Interview with KAUST representatives or faculty (for finalists only)
Selection Process
* Applications are first reviewed for minimum eligibility.
* The applications of the highest merit are then reviewed by the KAUST global selection panel.
* The global selection panel will then recommend finalists for in-person interviews with KAUST representatives or faculty prior to final selection as Discovery Scholarship recipients.
There are four components to the KAUST Discovery Scholarship application:
* Online student section with essays
* Letters of recommendation
* Official university record of achievement (transcripts)
* Official TOEFL or IELTS English language proficiency score
All four components must be completed by the deadlines below in order for your application to be reviewed. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered and extensions will not be granted.
The Discovery Application closes May 11, 11:59 pm UTC/GMT -6 hours
You must mail supplemental documents not included in your online application (postmarked) by May 11 or earlier to the KAUST Scholarships application processing center in Houston, USA.
You must scan and e-mail copies of official TOEFL/ IELTS results to by July 16. KAUST will not accept practice or predictor tests.
Institute of International Education
KAUST Scholarships
520 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 740
Houston, Texas 77027
Contact Information for Student Applicants:
Tel: +1 (713) 621-6300, ext 23
Fax: +1 (713) 621-0876
Contact Information for Current Recipients:
Tel: +1 (713) 621-6300, ext 23
Fax: +1 (713) 621-0876
Contact Information for University Faculty/Administrators/Recommenders:
Tel: +1 (713) 621-6300, ext 23
Fax: +1 (713) 621-0876
The KAUST Discovery Scholarship is the general scholarship program of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
The KAUST Discovery Scholarship program is designed to ensure that any highly talented student who is qualified and eligible to enroll in KAUST will receive full financial support while at the University. Those who receive a Discovery Scholarship will receive full tuition support, a living stipend, and summer and career enrichment programs.
To qualify for a KAUST Discovery Scholarship, you:
* Must be able to provide an official first-university or bachelor’s university record or transcript documenting coursework taken and highest academic achievement;
* Must be currently enrolled in a first university or bachelor’s degree program in a field of study that is related to the overall KAUST mission (engineering, science, mathematics, environmental science, computer science, etc.);
* Must have the equivalent of a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a minimum major-field-of-study GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale
* Must have, at a minimum, one of the following as an English language proficiency test score:
o 550 TOEFL Paper-Based Test (TOEFL ITP also accepted)
o 213 TOEFL Computer-Based Test
o 79-80 TOEFL Internet-Based Test
o 6.0 IELTS
* Must have completed 80 credit hours, or equivalent, of coursework by the end of the 2008 academic year.
* Must demonstrate academic and research interest and/or leadership potential that can be documented in your Statement of Purpose on the application;
* Must be able and willing to matriculate at KAUST in Saudi Arabia in September 2009 or September 2010; and
* Must be able to travel outside your home country to attend KAUST-sponsored enrichment activities.
KAUST has developed a fair, consistent and transparent selection process for the KAUST Discovery Scholarship. Applicants will be evaluated by the following criteria:
* Academic achievement
* First university or bachelor’s field of study
* Commitment to KAUST goals
* Statement of Purpose
* Demonstrated leadership abilities
* Involvement in related extracurricular activities
* Commitment to matriculate at KAUST upon graduation
* Interview with KAUST representatives or faculty (for finalists only)
Selection Process
* Applications are first reviewed for minimum eligibility.
* The applications of the highest merit are then reviewed by the KAUST global selection panel.
* The global selection panel will then recommend finalists for in-person interviews with KAUST representatives or faculty prior to final selection as Discovery Scholarship recipients.
There are four components to the KAUST Discovery Scholarship application:
* Online student section with essays
* Letters of recommendation
* Official university record of achievement (transcripts)
* Official TOEFL or IELTS English language proficiency score
All four components must be completed by the deadlines below in order for your application to be reviewed. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered and extensions will not be granted.
The Discovery Application closes May 11, 11:59 pm UTC/GMT -6 hours
You must mail supplemental documents not included in your online application (postmarked) by May 11 or earlier to the KAUST Scholarships application processing center in Houston, USA.
You must scan and e-mail copies of official TOEFL/ IELTS results to by July 16. KAUST will not accept practice or predictor tests.
Institute of International Education
KAUST Scholarships
520 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 740
Houston, Texas 77027
Contact Information for Student Applicants:
Tel: +1 (713) 621-6300, ext 23
Fax: +1 (713) 621-0876
Contact Information for Current Recipients:
Tel: +1 (713) 621-6300, ext 23
Fax: +1 (713) 621-0876
Contact Information for University Faculty/Administrators/Recommenders:
Tel: +1 (713) 621-6300, ext 23
Fax: +1 (713) 621-0876
USA: Postdoc in Evolutionary Genetics at Colorado State University
Postdoc in Evolutionary Genetics at Colorado State University A postdoctoral position in evolutionary genetics and evolutionary ecology is available in the lab of Dr. Amy Angert at Colorado State University.
The successful candidate will use molecular markers to study the effects of gene flow on adaptive divergence between populations and the evolution of geographic range limits. Candidate must have completed his/her Ph.D. or have a scheduled defense date. A strong background in genetics or evolution is required. Experience extracting and amplifying DNA from plant tissue and analyzing microsatellite data is preferred.
The successful candidate will be expected to interact with incoming graduate and
undergraduate students in a growing lab group. The Department of Biology at Colorado State University is an interdisciplinary group with a strong and growing group of ecologists and evolutionary biologists. In addition to the Department of Biology in the College of Natural Sciences, CSU has four other colleges dedicated to life science research: Applied Human Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, and the Warner College of Natural Resources.
In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the United States Geological Survey have active laboratories in Fort Collins. Fort Collins is a city of approximately 120,000 people located one hour north of Denver at the base of the Rocky Mountains.
To apply, please submit the following materials as a single pdf file:
* CV,
* one-page statement of research interests,
* up to three recent publications, and
* contact information for three referees. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The position is available immediately, and start date is negotiable.
For more information, please contact me by email at angert@mail. colostate. edu. ___ Amy L. Angert Assistant Professor Department of Biology Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 Ph: (970) 491-5947 Fx: (970) 491-0649 Email: angert@mail. colostate. edu Amy.Angert@colostat
The successful candidate will use molecular markers to study the effects of gene flow on adaptive divergence between populations and the evolution of geographic range limits. Candidate must have completed his/her Ph.D. or have a scheduled defense date. A strong background in genetics or evolution is required. Experience extracting and amplifying DNA from plant tissue and analyzing microsatellite data is preferred.
The successful candidate will be expected to interact with incoming graduate and
undergraduate students in a growing lab group. The Department of Biology at Colorado State University is an interdisciplinary group with a strong and growing group of ecologists and evolutionary biologists. In addition to the Department of Biology in the College of Natural Sciences, CSU has four other colleges dedicated to life science research: Applied Human Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, and the Warner College of Natural Resources.
In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the United States Geological Survey have active laboratories in Fort Collins. Fort Collins is a city of approximately 120,000 people located one hour north of Denver at the base of the Rocky Mountains.
To apply, please submit the following materials as a single pdf file:
* CV,
* one-page statement of research interests,
* up to three recent publications, and
* contact information for three referees. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The position is available immediately, and start date is negotiable.
For more information, please contact me by email at angert@mail. colostate. edu. ___ Amy L. Angert Assistant Professor Department of Biology Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 Ph: (970) 491-5947 Fx: (970) 491-0649 Email: angert@mail. colostate. edu Amy.Angert@colostat
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
UK: Full Time PhD Scholarship for entry in October 2008
Funding is available for an additional PhD scholar to study full time at the ICCSR, starting in October 2008. The scholarship will cover full tuition fees as well as tax-free living expenses of £ £12,940 per year (ESRC rate).
Applications must be for study in one of the following ICCSR priority areas:
* Constructing socially responsible investment in the United Kingdom
* The role of regulation and social and environmental reporting in the United Kingdom
* Government Policies for CSR (UK, Comparative or International research)
* CSR in India (eg CSR and government, CSR and sustainable development)
* CSR and Non-market Activities (e.g. corporate political activity, lobbying or the media)
* CSR and sustainable development
Your entry into the scholarship competition will require your acceptance onto the Doctoral Programme. Students who want to be considered for this scholarship competition should submit their postgraduate application by 25 April 2008 at the latest. You can complete your Postgraduate Application in hardcopy or online at
Indicate that you are interested in this scholarship in the personal details section of the online postgraduate application form or section 3 of the hardcopy postgraduate application form. In response to the question ‘how do you expect to pay for you studies’ you need to state ‘ICCSR Scholarship applicant’.
You should also submit, with your application, your research proposal, two academic references, academic transcripts and English language (if required). Scholarship applications will be evaluated on the basis of former qualifications, academic background, references and research proposal.
All of the documentation relating to this must be submitted by the scholarship deadline of 25 April 2008.
Contact Us
International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility
Nottingham University Business School
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
United Kingdom
For general inquiries please contact
Telephone 0115 846 6976/846 7854
Fax 0115 846 8074
Further guidance on the application process, preparation of a research proposal and English language requirements are available on the doctoral programme pages of the Business School website. Preliminary advice on preparing your full application may be available, please see the ICCSR website for further details.
Applications must be for study in one of the following ICCSR priority areas:
* Constructing socially responsible investment in the United Kingdom
* The role of regulation and social and environmental reporting in the United Kingdom
* Government Policies for CSR (UK, Comparative or International research)
* CSR in India (eg CSR and government, CSR and sustainable development)
* CSR and Non-market Activities (e.g. corporate political activity, lobbying or the media)
* CSR and sustainable development
Your entry into the scholarship competition will require your acceptance onto the Doctoral Programme. Students who want to be considered for this scholarship competition should submit their postgraduate application by 25 April 2008 at the latest. You can complete your Postgraduate Application in hardcopy or online at
Indicate that you are interested in this scholarship in the personal details section of the online postgraduate application form or section 3 of the hardcopy postgraduate application form. In response to the question ‘how do you expect to pay for you studies’ you need to state ‘ICCSR Scholarship applicant’.
You should also submit, with your application, your research proposal, two academic references, academic transcripts and English language (if required). Scholarship applications will be evaluated on the basis of former qualifications, academic background, references and research proposal.
All of the documentation relating to this must be submitted by the scholarship deadline of 25 April 2008.
Contact Us
International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility
Nottingham University Business School
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
United Kingdom
For general inquiries please contact
Telephone 0115 846 6976/846 7854
Fax 0115 846 8074
Further guidance on the application process, preparation of a research proposal and English language requirements are available on the doctoral programme pages of the Business School website. Preliminary advice on preparing your full application may be available, please see the ICCSR website for further details.
India: 3 Years MBA/PhD Positions in Business Management at Garhwal University
The Department of Business Management is currently opening a vacancy for the area of Cross-culture study, Marketing Management, Customer Relationship Management, E-commerce and Entrepreneurship. This is a 3 Years MBA/Phd positions which the future work will include Research work, Project work, Teaching Assignment, field work etc.
Garhwal University is residential cum affiliating with morethan 150 affiliated colleges and institutions through out hilly of Northern India spreading over an area of 30,000 Sq.kms. At present there are around 31 Departments in the University campus including the Department of Business Management. The University provides the most ideal conditions for serious study with the surrounding area abounding in natural grandeur with river Ganges flowing with its sylvan beauty and green forest accompanied by snow clad peaks invisible range offering a clean and fresh air, water besides a salubrious peaceful environment, all requisites for both learning and Yoga.
The Department of Business Management, set up by the university in the year 1996 with the approval of the All India Council for Technical Education and the then State Government of Uttar Pradesh is offering two – year full time MBA Degree
course. The Department is functioning in a spacious, airy and well built building situated in the heart of the new University campus at Chauras across river Ganges. The class rooms are equipped with overhead/LCD projectors and other modern audio – video gadgets. Case studies, simulation exercises, classroom presentation, class lectures including group activities like seminars, workshops, guest lectures by outside experts, brain games, quizzes and field works are some of the techniques used in the course. Besides exercises relating personality development, enriching communication skills, and building team spirit are regular features. Meditation and the participation in cultural and social activities are unique features.
* Vacancy: Two Positions
* Deadline: 30 April 2008
* Eligibility: Master in Business Management and related Discipline
* Duration: 3 years
Applicants should send a CV (including details of 2 referees) and a personal statement in support of their application by post or email as given below address
Contact Person:
Dr Gajendra Singh, Associate Professor
Department of Business Management Chauras Campus,
H.N.B Garhwal University Srinagar
Garhwal, Uttaranchal India-246147
Mobile: +919412029869
Garhwal University is residential cum affiliating with morethan 150 affiliated colleges and institutions through out hilly of Northern India spreading over an area of 30,000 Sq.kms. At present there are around 31 Departments in the University campus including the Department of Business Management. The University provides the most ideal conditions for serious study with the surrounding area abounding in natural grandeur with river Ganges flowing with its sylvan beauty and green forest accompanied by snow clad peaks invisible range offering a clean and fresh air, water besides a salubrious peaceful environment, all requisites for both learning and Yoga.
The Department of Business Management, set up by the university in the year 1996 with the approval of the All India Council for Technical Education and the then State Government of Uttar Pradesh is offering two – year full time MBA Degree
course. The Department is functioning in a spacious, airy and well built building situated in the heart of the new University campus at Chauras across river Ganges. The class rooms are equipped with overhead/LCD projectors and other modern audio – video gadgets. Case studies, simulation exercises, classroom presentation, class lectures including group activities like seminars, workshops, guest lectures by outside experts, brain games, quizzes and field works are some of the techniques used in the course. Besides exercises relating personality development, enriching communication skills, and building team spirit are regular features. Meditation and the participation in cultural and social activities are unique features.
* Vacancy: Two Positions
* Deadline: 30 April 2008
* Eligibility: Master in Business Management and related Discipline
* Duration: 3 years
Applicants should send a CV (including details of 2 referees) and a personal statement in support of their application by post or email as given below address
Contact Person:
Dr Gajendra Singh, Associate Professor
Department of Business Management Chauras Campus,
H.N.B Garhwal University Srinagar
Garhwal, Uttaranchal India-246147
Mobile: +919412029869
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Germany: The International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture in Justus Liebig University
Call for Ph.D. and Post-Doct Applicants, The International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany
We’re sorry, but this discussion has just been closed to further replies.
The International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, invites international applications for Ph.D. and postdoc fellowships.
Due to generous support from the German Research Foundation (DFG), the GCSC can offer in 2008 up to
* 10 Ph.D. fellowships and
* 2 postdoctoral fellowships.
Ph.D. candidates seeking an excellent research environment will find ideal conditions and maximum support at the GCSC, which was awarded the status of a ‘DFG - Graduate School of Germany’s Excellence Initiative’ in 2006. The Ph.D. fellowships include a monthly stipend of approximately €1.000 and are offered for one year with the possibility of two extensions, each of a year. The postdoctoral fellowship, with a monthly stipend of about €1.500, is limited to two years. All fellowships start on October 1st, 2008.
Acceptance of a fellowship requires participation in the study programme and the wide-ranging events offered by the GCSC, as well as active involvement in the relevant GCSC graduate research group. Ph.D. fellowship holders must be registered as Ph.D. students at Justus Liebig University, and all fellowship holders are expected to take up residence in or near Giessen. Ph.D. supervisors from among the GCSC faculty may be chosen by the applicants before or after their admission. There are no tuition fees for doctoral students at JLU, except for an enrolment fee of approximately €200 per semester.
The GCSC encourages applicants who have graduated with excellent marks from their home universities in one of the GCSC’s academic subjects or in the arts/humanities, cultural studies or social sciences. Candidates for the post-doctoral fellowship should have an excellent PhD in one of the GCSC’s academic subjects or in arts/humanities, cultural studies or social sciences. The proposed research project should fit into one of the GCSC’s research areas. Candidates must have fluency in either English or German.
To apply, please complete and submit our online application form (via email) and send the following materials by post to the address indicated below:
* a short CV
* copies of all degree certificates
* a research proposal of no more than 10 pages for PhD applicants, no more than 20 pages for post-doctoral candidates. All proposals should include a brief abstract summing up your aims and methods, sketch the guiding questions of your project while embedding them in the current academic debate, and show that the dissertation will make an original and important contribution to the field. The proposal should also clearly indicate how the project connects with the GCSC research profile and outline the source materials that will be used
* a realistic time-plan for the completion of your project
* two references from university teachers
* a copy of the degree/master’s thesis (Ph.D. candidates) or the Ph.D. thesis and further publications (Postdoc)
* two additional copies of the entire application (with exception of the degree thesis or Ph.D. thesis)
Applications must be received by May 2nd, 2008, and should be sent directly to:
Director of Graduate Studies Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning
International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Alter Steinbacher Weg 38,
D- 35394 Giessen
The selection of candidates will be determined by the academic qualification of the candidates as well as by the quality of the research proposal and suitability of the project to the GCSC research programme. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview, telephone interviews can be arranged for candidates from overseas.
For further information, please visit our website or contact us at On April 7th, the GCSC will host an information day at which potential applicants will be given the opportunity to meet staff and students involved in the programme and to learn more about the academic vision and aims of the Centre, the wide range of interdisciplinary courses, colloquia, conferences, and research support on offer, as well as the international networks and publishing opportunities available to our members.…
Crossposted from Balkans List,
We’re sorry, but this discussion has just been closed to further replies.
The International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, invites international applications for Ph.D. and postdoc fellowships.
Due to generous support from the German Research Foundation (DFG), the GCSC can offer in 2008 up to
* 10 Ph.D. fellowships and
* 2 postdoctoral fellowships.
Ph.D. candidates seeking an excellent research environment will find ideal conditions and maximum support at the GCSC, which was awarded the status of a ‘DFG - Graduate School of Germany’s Excellence Initiative’ in 2006. The Ph.D. fellowships include a monthly stipend of approximately €1.000 and are offered for one year with the possibility of two extensions, each of a year. The postdoctoral fellowship, with a monthly stipend of about €1.500, is limited to two years. All fellowships start on October 1st, 2008.
Acceptance of a fellowship requires participation in the study programme and the wide-ranging events offered by the GCSC, as well as active involvement in the relevant GCSC graduate research group. Ph.D. fellowship holders must be registered as Ph.D. students at Justus Liebig University, and all fellowship holders are expected to take up residence in or near Giessen. Ph.D. supervisors from among the GCSC faculty may be chosen by the applicants before or after their admission. There are no tuition fees for doctoral students at JLU, except for an enrolment fee of approximately €200 per semester.
The GCSC encourages applicants who have graduated with excellent marks from their home universities in one of the GCSC’s academic subjects or in the arts/humanities, cultural studies or social sciences. Candidates for the post-doctoral fellowship should have an excellent PhD in one of the GCSC’s academic subjects or in arts/humanities, cultural studies or social sciences. The proposed research project should fit into one of the GCSC’s research areas. Candidates must have fluency in either English or German.
To apply, please complete and submit our online application form (via email) and send the following materials by post to the address indicated below:
* a short CV
* copies of all degree certificates
* a research proposal of no more than 10 pages for PhD applicants, no more than 20 pages for post-doctoral candidates. All proposals should include a brief abstract summing up your aims and methods, sketch the guiding questions of your project while embedding them in the current academic debate, and show that the dissertation will make an original and important contribution to the field. The proposal should also clearly indicate how the project connects with the GCSC research profile and outline the source materials that will be used
* a realistic time-plan for the completion of your project
* two references from university teachers
* a copy of the degree/master’s thesis (Ph.D. candidates) or the Ph.D. thesis and further publications (Postdoc)
* two additional copies of the entire application (with exception of the degree thesis or Ph.D. thesis)
Applications must be received by May 2nd, 2008, and should be sent directly to:
Director of Graduate Studies Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning
International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Alter Steinbacher Weg 38,
D- 35394 Giessen
The selection of candidates will be determined by the academic qualification of the candidates as well as by the quality of the research proposal and suitability of the project to the GCSC research programme. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview, telephone interviews can be arranged for candidates from overseas.
For further information, please visit our website or contact us at On April 7th, the GCSC will host an information day at which potential applicants will be given the opportunity to meet staff and students involved in the programme and to learn more about the academic vision and aims of the Centre, the wide range of interdisciplinary courses, colloquia, conferences, and research support on offer, as well as the international networks and publishing opportunities available to our members.…
Crossposted from Balkans List,
Master Gardeners 2008-2009 Scholarship, Iowa State University Extension
The ISU Linn County Extension Master Gardeners Scholarship is available to graduating seniors who are residents of Linn County and who attend high schools in Linn County. The scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior seeking a degree in the field of horticulture at an Iowa college or university.
The one year Scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $1000.00. To receive this Scholarship the recipient must be officially enrolled at a chosen Iowa college. Half ($500.00) will be awarded at the beginning of the first semester, and the second half ($500.00) will be awarded at the beginning of the second semester. To receive payment the recipient must provide official enrollment status from the college to the Linn County Master Gardeners’ office. The money will be deposited to the recipient’s college financial account.
To apply for the Linn County Master Gardener 2008-2009 Scholarship, please download and complete the scholarship application and mail or deliver completed application to Scholarship Committee, Linn County Master Gardeners, ISU Linn County Extension Office, 3279 Seventh Avenue Suite 140, Marion, IA 52302, no later than March 30, 2008. Notification of the scholarship award will be made by April 30, 2008.
Deadline: March 30, 2008
Via: official announcement
The one year Scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $1000.00. To receive this Scholarship the recipient must be officially enrolled at a chosen Iowa college. Half ($500.00) will be awarded at the beginning of the first semester, and the second half ($500.00) will be awarded at the beginning of the second semester. To receive payment the recipient must provide official enrollment status from the college to the Linn County Master Gardeners’ office. The money will be deposited to the recipient’s college financial account.
To apply for the Linn County Master Gardener 2008-2009 Scholarship, please download and complete the scholarship application and mail or deliver completed application to Scholarship Committee, Linn County Master Gardeners, ISU Linn County Extension Office, 3279 Seventh Avenue Suite 140, Marion, IA 52302, no later than March 30, 2008. Notification of the scholarship award will be made by April 30, 2008.
Deadline: March 30, 2008
Via: official announcement
Sweden: Africa Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Program, Nordic Africa Institute
This scholarship programme is directed at scholars in Africa, engaged in research on the African continent. Female researchers are especially encouraged to apply for these scholarships.
Next application deadline: 1 April 2008
The purpose of the programme
One important task of the Nordic Africa Institute is to establish and maintain relations with African research communities. This is inter alia carried out through a Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Programme, the aim of which is to provide opportunities for its participants to pursue their own research projects, thereby indirectly strengthening the academic milieux in African countries, and promoting scholarly exchange with Nordic research communities.
Who can apply?
The Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Programme is directed at senior scholars in Africa engaged in research on/about the African continent with a proven track record of extensive post-graduate research experiences. We would especially like to encourage women to apply for these scholarships.
Applications are invited from scholars preferably with research projects related to the following current research themes at the Institute:
* Cultural Images in and of Africa
* Global Trade and Regional Integration: African Economies, Producers and Living Conditions
* Post-Conflict Transition, the State and Civil Society in Africa
* Political Economies of Displacement in Southern Africa
Applicants are requested to identify which research theme they want to be attached to.
The scholarship and facilities
The Guest Researcher’s scholarship includes a return air-fare (Economy Class), accommodation, a subsistence allowance of SEK (Swedish kronor) 250 (approx. USD 30) a day (maximum SEK 25,000 for 90 days) plus an installation grant of SEK 2,500 (approx. USD 300), a shared office and free photocopying facilities up to a maximum of 1,000 copies. Guest Researchers have access to a computer/MS Word at the office and have to do their own typing.
The maximum duration of the stay is 90 days. If the Guest Researcher spends less than 90 days at the Institute, the scholarship of SEK 25,000 is reduced proportionally. To be entitled to the travel costs, the Guest Researcher has to stay for at least two months.
Please note that most academic institutions in the Nordic countries, including the Nordic Africa Institute, are closed or at least running at a reduced capacity during the periods 15 June–15 August and 15 December–15 January. Applicants are thus asked to avoid these periods.
The Institute’s library is specialized in literature on contemporary Africa. Guest researchers also have access to the Uppsala University Library, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the Library of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Expected commitments
As a part of the exchange between the guest researchers and the Nordic institutions, each Guest Researcher is expected to participate in the public lectures at the Institute and to make a lecture tour to at least one other Nordic country. Train or special fare air tickets and accommodation will be provided for this trip.
Sometimes, the Institute also invites the Guest Researcher to write a short article for its website.
The application should contain
* a complete application form (pdf)
* an up-to-date curriculum vitæ
* a well elaborated research proposal outlining the main features of the research topic pursued during the period in Uppsala
* copies of and/or references to the applicant’s writings
* a letter of support from his/her Head of Department or other senior scholar in the same field.
Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applications for positions in 2009 must reach the Institute by 1 April, 2008. Please note that airmail from Africa may take 3 weeks to reach Sweden. Selection of Guest Researchers will take place during April–May 2008.
Next application deadline: 1 April 2008
The purpose of the programme
One important task of the Nordic Africa Institute is to establish and maintain relations with African research communities. This is inter alia carried out through a Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Programme, the aim of which is to provide opportunities for its participants to pursue their own research projects, thereby indirectly strengthening the academic milieux in African countries, and promoting scholarly exchange with Nordic research communities.
Who can apply?
The Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Programme is directed at senior scholars in Africa engaged in research on/about the African continent with a proven track record of extensive post-graduate research experiences. We would especially like to encourage women to apply for these scholarships.
Applications are invited from scholars preferably with research projects related to the following current research themes at the Institute:
* Cultural Images in and of Africa
* Global Trade and Regional Integration: African Economies, Producers and Living Conditions
* Post-Conflict Transition, the State and Civil Society in Africa
* Political Economies of Displacement in Southern Africa
Applicants are requested to identify which research theme they want to be attached to.
The scholarship and facilities
The Guest Researcher’s scholarship includes a return air-fare (Economy Class), accommodation, a subsistence allowance of SEK (Swedish kronor) 250 (approx. USD 30) a day (maximum SEK 25,000 for 90 days) plus an installation grant of SEK 2,500 (approx. USD 300), a shared office and free photocopying facilities up to a maximum of 1,000 copies. Guest Researchers have access to a computer/MS Word at the office and have to do their own typing.
The maximum duration of the stay is 90 days. If the Guest Researcher spends less than 90 days at the Institute, the scholarship of SEK 25,000 is reduced proportionally. To be entitled to the travel costs, the Guest Researcher has to stay for at least two months.
Please note that most academic institutions in the Nordic countries, including the Nordic Africa Institute, are closed or at least running at a reduced capacity during the periods 15 June–15 August and 15 December–15 January. Applicants are thus asked to avoid these periods.
The Institute’s library is specialized in literature on contemporary Africa. Guest researchers also have access to the Uppsala University Library, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the Library of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Expected commitments
As a part of the exchange between the guest researchers and the Nordic institutions, each Guest Researcher is expected to participate in the public lectures at the Institute and to make a lecture tour to at least one other Nordic country. Train or special fare air tickets and accommodation will be provided for this trip.
Sometimes, the Institute also invites the Guest Researcher to write a short article for its website.
The application should contain
* a complete application form (pdf)
* an up-to-date curriculum vitæ
* a well elaborated research proposal outlining the main features of the research topic pursued during the period in Uppsala
* copies of and/or references to the applicant’s writings
* a letter of support from his/her Head of Department or other senior scholar in the same field.
Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applications for positions in 2009 must reach the Institute by 1 April, 2008. Please note that airmail from Africa may take 3 weeks to reach Sweden. Selection of Guest Researchers will take place during April–May 2008.
American Indian Science and Engineering Society-AISES
AISES administers the following scholarships for the 2008-09 academic year. All required forms may be downloaded in pdf format from the AISES website.
AISES Google Scholarship
Application Deadline: June 15, 2008
New in 2008, the AISES Google Scholarship will fund scholarships awards to American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian AISES members pursuing degrees in the computer science, computer engineering and management information systems. AISES and Google support the advancement of American Indian and Alaska Native students working towards obtaining a degree in the fields computer science and technology so they can obtain the necessary skills to compete in today’s global society.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Foundation Scholarship
Application Deadline: April 15, 2008
Administered for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation, this scholarship is made available to American Indian high school seniors every year, who reside in states serviced by the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Pacific Corporation and its affiliated companies: Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington. The award is for 4 academic years (8 semesters) or until baccalaureate degree is obtained, whichever occurs first. Applicants who are not selected as recipients will be given consideration in the A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship program, if all criteria is met. Eligible majors include business, engineering, math, medicine/health administration, natural/physical sciences, technology and education.
General Motors Engineering Scholarship
Application Deadline: June 15, 2008
Established in 2002, in partnership with General Motors. Scholarships are awarded to members of AISES who are American Indian/Alaskan Native undergraduate or graduate students pursuing degrees in engineering. GM gives preference to electrical, industrial or mechanical engineering majors. Applicants who are not selected as recipients will be given consideration in the A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship program, if all criteria is met.
A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Application Deadline: June 15, 2008
AISES’ own scholarship program was established in 1983 in memory of A.T. Anderson (Mohawk), a chemical engineer who founded AISES with six other American Indian scientists. Scholarships are awarded to members of AISES who are American Indian/Alaskan Native college students pursuing academic programs in the sciences, engineering, medicine, natural resources, and math.
For more information, please visit the official announcement.
AISES Google Scholarship
Application Deadline: June 15, 2008
New in 2008, the AISES Google Scholarship will fund scholarships awards to American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian AISES members pursuing degrees in the computer science, computer engineering and management information systems. AISES and Google support the advancement of American Indian and Alaska Native students working towards obtaining a degree in the fields computer science and technology so they can obtain the necessary skills to compete in today’s global society.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Foundation Scholarship
Application Deadline: April 15, 2008
Administered for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation, this scholarship is made available to American Indian high school seniors every year, who reside in states serviced by the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Pacific Corporation and its affiliated companies: Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington. The award is for 4 academic years (8 semesters) or until baccalaureate degree is obtained, whichever occurs first. Applicants who are not selected as recipients will be given consideration in the A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship program, if all criteria is met. Eligible majors include business, engineering, math, medicine/health administration, natural/physical sciences, technology and education.
General Motors Engineering Scholarship
Application Deadline: June 15, 2008
Established in 2002, in partnership with General Motors. Scholarships are awarded to members of AISES who are American Indian/Alaskan Native undergraduate or graduate students pursuing degrees in engineering. GM gives preference to electrical, industrial or mechanical engineering majors. Applicants who are not selected as recipients will be given consideration in the A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship program, if all criteria is met.
A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Application Deadline: June 15, 2008
AISES’ own scholarship program was established in 1983 in memory of A.T. Anderson (Mohawk), a chemical engineer who founded AISES with six other American Indian scientists. Scholarships are awarded to members of AISES who are American Indian/Alaskan Native college students pursuing academic programs in the sciences, engineering, medicine, natural resources, and math.
For more information, please visit the official announcement.
UK: PhD Studentships in Representation and Democracy, University of StrathClyde
PhD Studentships, Department Of Government.
The Department of Government is recognised as one of the leading Political Science departments in the UK. It has a thriving postgraduate community and can provide research supervision across a wide range of sub-disciplines.
Studentship in Representation and Democracy (UK/EU/Overseas fees + annual maintenance grant of £10,000)
Candidates should have a research interest in any aspect of political and legislative representation, either from an institutional or behavioural perspective. Topics may seek to further existing research on legislative representation or may seek to compare ‘traditional’ models of political representation with alternative models such as direct, deliberative or participatory democracy.
University Studentships (UK/EU/Overseas fees + annual maintenance grant of c£11,500)
ESRC 1+3 / +3 Studentship Open Competition (UK fees + annual maintenance grant of £12,940)
Studentships are tenable from September 2008 for three years (ESRC 1+3 four years) subject to satisfactory progress.
Applications should consist of a research proposal of around 2 A4 pages and a full curriculum vitae. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Department to discuss their proposed research prior to submitting an application.
For further details of postgraduate research in the Department of Government see
Closing dates:
University / ESRC Studentships Friday 4 April 2008
Studentship in Representation and Democracy Friday 4 July 2008
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor S Padgett, Director of Postgraduate Studies (Research); e: stephen.padgett[ at ], t: 00-44-141-548-2917
The Department of Government is recognised as one of the leading Political Science departments in the UK. It has a thriving postgraduate community and can provide research supervision across a wide range of sub-disciplines.
Studentship in Representation and Democracy (UK/EU/Overseas fees + annual maintenance grant of £10,000)
Candidates should have a research interest in any aspect of political and legislative representation, either from an institutional or behavioural perspective. Topics may seek to further existing research on legislative representation or may seek to compare ‘traditional’ models of political representation with alternative models such as direct, deliberative or participatory democracy.
University Studentships (UK/EU/Overseas fees + annual maintenance grant of c£11,500)
ESRC 1+3 / +3 Studentship Open Competition (UK fees + annual maintenance grant of £12,940)
Studentships are tenable from September 2008 for three years (ESRC 1+3 four years) subject to satisfactory progress.
Applications should consist of a research proposal of around 2 A4 pages and a full curriculum vitae. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Department to discuss their proposed research prior to submitting an application.
For further details of postgraduate research in the Department of Government see
Closing dates:
University / ESRC Studentships Friday 4 April 2008
Studentship in Representation and Democracy Friday 4 July 2008
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor S Padgett, Director of Postgraduate Studies (Research); e: stephen.padgett[ at ], t: 00-44-141-548-2917
Saturday, March 15, 2008
USA: The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship program is a worldwide competitive program.
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship program for the 2008 -2009 academic year is now closed for nominations.
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Awards is an intensely competitive program which honors exceptional Ph.D. students in many academic disciplines and areas of study, for example: computer science and engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering , physical sciences (including chemistry, material sciences, and physics), mathematical sciences (including optimization), business sciences (including financial services, communication, and learning/knowledge), and service sciences, management, and engineering. Additionally, IBM pays special attention to an array of focus areas of interest to IBM and fundamental to innovation, including:
* Analytics
Optimization, data visualization, business intelligence, particularly social networks & analysis, information-based medicine, services and software to improve business performance
* Business transformation and services innovation
Labor based supply chains, SSME - Services Science, Management and Engineering
* Expressive ways of manipulating computers
HCI, programming models and tools, language understanding, ontology’s
* Information management and analysis
Real-time data analysis, information based medicine, data base technology
* Computing infrastructure
Management of computer centers virtualization, autonomic computing, power management
* Pervasive computing
Sensors and actuators
* High Performance Computing
Use of massive parallelism for non-scientific/engineering applications (including those applications), cell/multi-core, power management
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Awards program also supports our long-standing commitment to workforce diversity. IBM values diversity in the workplace and encourages nominations of women, minorities and all who contribute to that diversity.
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowships are awarded worldwide. IBM Ph.D. Fellows are awarded tuition, fees, and a stipend for one nine-month academic year. Stipends vary by country/geography and the student will be informed at the time of the award what the stipend is for their country/geography. All IBM Ph.D. Fellows are matched with an IBM Mentor according to their technical interests, and they are encouraged to intern at an IBM research or development laboratory under their Mentor’s guidance. An IBM ThinkPad is awarded during the internship. Internship assignments are designed to strengthen and broaden the Awardee’s technical experience and contacts. Interns are paid by their host site and will be subject to the prevailing terms and conditions of the internship program at that site. IBM is an equal opportunity employer.
IBM Ph.D. Fellowships are awarded for one nine-month academic year. After receiving an award, an Award Recipient may be renominated the following year for consideration to receive an IBM Ph.D. Fellowship again, based on the Award Recipient’s continued exceptional academic standing, progress and achievement, and sustained interaction with IBM’s technical community. A student may compete annually and be awarded a maximum of three years. IBM requests that a maximum of two nominations per department be submitted in addition to any renewal nominations.
Students must be nominated by a faculty member. They must be enrolled full-time in a college or university Ph.D. program, and they must have completed at least one year of study in their doctoral program at the time of their nomination. Award Recipients will be selected based on their overall potential for research excellence, the degree to which their technical interests align with those of IBM, and their academic progress to-date, as evidenced by publications and endorsements from their faculty advisor and department head. While students may accept other supplemental fellowships, to be eligible for the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award they may not accept a major fellowship in addition to the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship.
For further information, see frequently asked questions or contact
Mailing address:
IBM Corporation
1 New Orchard Road
Armonk, New York 10504-1722
United States
more info click here
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Awards is an intensely competitive program which honors exceptional Ph.D. students in many academic disciplines and areas of study, for example: computer science and engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering , physical sciences (including chemistry, material sciences, and physics), mathematical sciences (including optimization), business sciences (including financial services, communication, and learning/knowledge), and service sciences, management, and engineering. Additionally, IBM pays special attention to an array of focus areas of interest to IBM and fundamental to innovation, including:
* Analytics
Optimization, data visualization, business intelligence, particularly social networks & analysis, information-based medicine, services and software to improve business performance
* Business transformation and services innovation
Labor based supply chains, SSME - Services Science, Management and Engineering
* Expressive ways of manipulating computers
HCI, programming models and tools, language understanding, ontology’s
* Information management and analysis
Real-time data analysis, information based medicine, data base technology
* Computing infrastructure
Management of computer centers virtualization, autonomic computing, power management
* Pervasive computing
Sensors and actuators
* High Performance Computing
Use of massive parallelism for non-scientific/engineering applications (including those applications), cell/multi-core, power management
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Awards program also supports our long-standing commitment to workforce diversity. IBM values diversity in the workplace and encourages nominations of women, minorities and all who contribute to that diversity.
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowships are awarded worldwide. IBM Ph.D. Fellows are awarded tuition, fees, and a stipend for one nine-month academic year. Stipends vary by country/geography and the student will be informed at the time of the award what the stipend is for their country/geography. All IBM Ph.D. Fellows are matched with an IBM Mentor according to their technical interests, and they are encouraged to intern at an IBM research or development laboratory under their Mentor’s guidance. An IBM ThinkPad is awarded during the internship. Internship assignments are designed to strengthen and broaden the Awardee’s technical experience and contacts. Interns are paid by their host site and will be subject to the prevailing terms and conditions of the internship program at that site. IBM is an equal opportunity employer.
IBM Ph.D. Fellowships are awarded for one nine-month academic year. After receiving an award, an Award Recipient may be renominated the following year for consideration to receive an IBM Ph.D. Fellowship again, based on the Award Recipient’s continued exceptional academic standing, progress and achievement, and sustained interaction with IBM’s technical community. A student may compete annually and be awarded a maximum of three years. IBM requests that a maximum of two nominations per department be submitted in addition to any renewal nominations.
Students must be nominated by a faculty member. They must be enrolled full-time in a college or university Ph.D. program, and they must have completed at least one year of study in their doctoral program at the time of their nomination. Award Recipients will be selected based on their overall potential for research excellence, the degree to which their technical interests align with those of IBM, and their academic progress to-date, as evidenced by publications and endorsements from their faculty advisor and department head. While students may accept other supplemental fellowships, to be eligible for the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award they may not accept a major fellowship in addition to the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship.
For further information, see frequently asked questions or contact
Mailing address:
IBM Corporation
1 New Orchard Road
Armonk, New York 10504-1722
United States
more info click here
UK: PhD Scholarship in Information Security, University College London
Applications are invited for a PhD Scholarship from students interested in pursuing a PhD in Computer Science on a topic in Information Security. The PhD work can be on cryptography, network security or critical infrastructures etc
We are seeking a talented graduate with at least an upper second class honours degree (first class honours preferred), or equivalent, in computer science, information security or similar. Students with a strong background in mathematics (in particular algebra, combinatorics, discrete mathematics and number theory) and/or algorithms are encouraged to apply.
University College London (UCL) is a leading UK research university. It is regularly ranked in the top five universities in the UK. The Department of Computer Science at UCL is one of the largest Computer Science departments in the UK, and UCL’s Adastral Park Postgraduate Campus has been established by UCL as an independent research and postgraduate teaching institute at Adastral Park, Ipswich.
The studentship is for three years and covers payment of tuition fees at either the UK/EU or overseas rate plus an annual stipend of £14,622.
In order to be considered for the above studentship, please complete an application form from where guidelines can also be found.
Candidates should indicate on the application form under ‘UCL Department’ - Adastral Park, and ‘Programme of Study’ - the name of the supervisor, Professor Y Desmedt.
Two complete sets of the application should be sent, one to UCL Registry in London (as indicated on the website) and the other to:
Mrs C Churcher, UCL Adastral Park Postgraduate Campus, Ross Building PP3, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath, Suffolk, IP5 3RE, UK, or to c.churcher[ at ] (to whom informal enquiries may also be directed, telephone 01473-663723).
The closing date for applications is Thursday, 1st May 2008.
We are seeking a talented graduate with at least an upper second class honours degree (first class honours preferred), or equivalent, in computer science, information security or similar. Students with a strong background in mathematics (in particular algebra, combinatorics, discrete mathematics and number theory) and/or algorithms are encouraged to apply.
University College London (UCL) is a leading UK research university. It is regularly ranked in the top five universities in the UK. The Department of Computer Science at UCL is one of the largest Computer Science departments in the UK, and UCL’s Adastral Park Postgraduate Campus has been established by UCL as an independent research and postgraduate teaching institute at Adastral Park, Ipswich.
The studentship is for three years and covers payment of tuition fees at either the UK/EU or overseas rate plus an annual stipend of £14,622.
In order to be considered for the above studentship, please complete an application form from where guidelines can also be found.
Candidates should indicate on the application form under ‘UCL Department’ - Adastral Park, and ‘Programme of Study’ - the name of the supervisor, Professor Y Desmedt.
Two complete sets of the application should be sent, one to UCL Registry in London (as indicated on the website) and the other to:
Mrs C Churcher, UCL Adastral Park Postgraduate Campus, Ross Building PP3, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath, Suffolk, IP5 3RE, UK, or to c.churcher[ at ] (to whom informal enquiries may also be directed, telephone 01473-663723).
The closing date for applications is Thursday, 1st May 2008.
[France] MA in Advanced European and International Studies
MA in Advanced European and International Studies, Call for Applications
Crossposted from Balkans List:
Anglophone Branch: Istanbul-Nice-Berlin
Applications for Scholarships in Master in Advanced European and International Studies (M.A.E.I.S.) at Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales (Nice/France) is open!
The Master Program offers the unique opportunity to learn Europe “in Europe” and develop perspectives for Europe’s future. The programme includes semesters in Istanbul, Nice and Berlin and guarantees an international education with an excellent academic staff and environment.
A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available for qualified candidates.
* Location: Istanbul, Nice, Berlin
* Duration: 9 months (From October to July)
Deadline for scholarship applications for the M.A.E.I.S.:
* The deadline for scholarship applications is May 31st, 2008
In any case, applications and especially request for financial aid should reach the I.EH.E.I. as early as possible in order to be considered underthe best conditions.
Deadline for Master Applications:
* The deadline for applications is on July 31st, 2008.
Curriculum Highlights: Students who successfully complete the program acquire 60 ECTS credits. In addition to the stays in Istanbul, Nice, Berlin, the Institute offers a study trip to European and international organizations in Geneva, Strasbourg, and Brussels.
Program Value: The program is taught by academics from various European countries, as well as experts from research institutions and international organizations. Over the last years, the Institute has graduated 5000 students coming from more than 80 different countries, having offered them many scholarship opportunities.
Subject Areas: International Relations, European Integration, Democracy and Society, Federalism.
This program is supported by the European Union.
For more information, visit
Crossposted from Balkans List:
Anglophone Branch: Istanbul-Nice-Berlin
Applications for Scholarships in Master in Advanced European and International Studies (M.A.E.I.S.) at Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales (Nice/France) is open!
The Master Program offers the unique opportunity to learn Europe “in Europe” and develop perspectives for Europe’s future. The programme includes semesters in Istanbul, Nice and Berlin and guarantees an international education with an excellent academic staff and environment.
A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available for qualified candidates.
* Location: Istanbul, Nice, Berlin
* Duration: 9 months (From October to July)
Deadline for scholarship applications for the M.A.E.I.S.:
* The deadline for scholarship applications is May 31st, 2008
In any case, applications and especially request for financial aid should reach the I.EH.E.I. as early as possible in order to be considered underthe best conditions.
Deadline for Master Applications:
* The deadline for applications is on July 31st, 2008.
Curriculum Highlights: Students who successfully complete the program acquire 60 ECTS credits. In addition to the stays in Istanbul, Nice, Berlin, the Institute offers a study trip to European and international organizations in Geneva, Strasbourg, and Brussels.
Program Value: The program is taught by academics from various European countries, as well as experts from research institutions and international organizations. Over the last years, the Institute has graduated 5000 students coming from more than 80 different countries, having offered them many scholarship opportunities.
Subject Areas: International Relations, European Integration, Democracy and Society, Federalism.
This program is supported by the European Union.
For more information, visit
[USA] Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship
The Department of Visual Arts seeks applications for an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship in Non-Western Art History effective August 2008.
Candidates will normally have received their doctoral degree no earlier that 2005 and must demonstrate a commitment to pursuing careers as teacher-scholars in a liberal arts setting. Asian and Islamic specializations are of particular interest. Applicants should be broadly trained in the History of Art and able to teach a general survey course in their area. Applicants are expected to teach more advanced courses = reflecting the applicant’s field of specialization. As a small but vigorous
department eager to encourage interdisciplinary exchange, we especially welcome applicants interested in exploring the intersection between Western and non-Western traditions.
This full-time fellowship appointment will be for two years and is non-renewable. Under the mentorship of a tenured faculty member, fellows will teach three courses per year and pursue scholarly projects.
Fellows will have access to funds to support research and travel, will be offered the opportunity to enroll in courses offered by the Colleges of Worcester Consortium’s Certificate in College Teaching Program, and will also participate in an on-campus faculty development program that fosters excellence in teaching and scholarship. The fellowship offers a competitive salary and includes full benefits.
Holy Cross is a highly selective Catholic liberal arts college in the Jesuit tradition. It enrolls about 2,700 students and is located in a medium-sized city 45 miles west of Boston. Review of applications will begin on March 24, 2008 and continue until the positions have been filled. Holy Cross belongs to the Colleges of Worcester Consortium (http://www.cowc. org) and the New England Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (http://www.faculty. 01/013.html).
The College is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and complies with all Federal and Massachusetts laws concerning Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action in the workplace.
Applicants should submit a letter of application which includes a statement of teaching philosophy and research interests, current curriculum vitae, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Send to:
Professor Joanna Ziegler,
Department of Visual Arts,
College of the Holy Cross,
One College Street,
MA 01610-2395.
Candidates will normally have received their doctoral degree no earlier that 2005 and must demonstrate a commitment to pursuing careers as teacher-scholars in a liberal arts setting. Asian and Islamic specializations are of particular interest. Applicants should be broadly trained in the History of Art and able to teach a general survey course in their area. Applicants are expected to teach more advanced courses = reflecting the applicant’s field of specialization. As a small but vigorous
department eager to encourage interdisciplinary exchange, we especially welcome applicants interested in exploring the intersection between Western and non-Western traditions.
This full-time fellowship appointment will be for two years and is non-renewable. Under the mentorship of a tenured faculty member, fellows will teach three courses per year and pursue scholarly projects.
Fellows will have access to funds to support research and travel, will be offered the opportunity to enroll in courses offered by the Colleges of Worcester Consortium’s Certificate in College Teaching Program, and will also participate in an on-campus faculty development program that fosters excellence in teaching and scholarship. The fellowship offers a competitive salary and includes full benefits.
Holy Cross is a highly selective Catholic liberal arts college in the Jesuit tradition. It enrolls about 2,700 students and is located in a medium-sized city 45 miles west of Boston. Review of applications will begin on March 24, 2008 and continue until the positions have been filled. Holy Cross belongs to the Colleges of Worcester Consortium (http://www.cowc. org) and the New England Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (http://www.faculty. 01/013.html).
The College is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and complies with all Federal and Massachusetts laws concerning Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action in the workplace.
Applicants should submit a letter of application which includes a statement of teaching philosophy and research interests, current curriculum vitae, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Send to:
Professor Joanna Ziegler,
Department of Visual Arts,
College of the Holy Cross,
One College Street,
MA 01610-2395.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
UK: 2008 / 2009 Lancaster University MBA Scholarships
For the 2008/09 programme, the Lancaster MBA is offering three types of scholarship. In each case, you can only be considered for these once you have already been offered a place on the programme.
The Lancaster MBA Director’s Leadership Scholarships
A number of scholarships up to £5,000 are available for highly motivated self-funded candidates from any part of the world. In awarding these scholarships we will be looking for evidence of exceptional leadership qualities in your career to date.
Closing dates: 14 March 2008 and 16 May 2008 (two rounds of scholarship selections)
No decisions can be made until after the closing date.
Lancaster MBA Open Scholarships
Several scholarships of £1,000-£3,000 are available to self-funded candidates. Selection for these scholarships will focus on the insights provided by your business and managerial experience, and how these, together with your interpersonal skills, can be used to enhance learning and group work on the Lancaster MBA.
Closing dates: 14 March 2008 and 16 May 2008 (two rounds of scholarship selections)
No decisions can be made until after the closing date.
Lancaster MBA E-Fellows Scholarship
Designed for German-speaking students and sponsored exclusively for members of the German website, this merit-based scholarship provides a tuition waiver covering upto a maximum of 50% of the programme fee (equivalent to £8250, approx €11,000). The selection process focuses on the leadership skills or potential demonstrated by candidates in their academic and/or professional life.
Further details of the e-fellows scheme and its corporate sponsors can be found on site:
Closing date: 14 May 2008.
Decisions will be taken by mid-June.
For all of these Lancaster MBA scholarships, we can only consider you once you hold an offer of a place on the programme.
For further information, please contact the Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) MBA team.
The Lancaster MBA Director’s Leadership Scholarships
A number of scholarships up to £5,000 are available for highly motivated self-funded candidates from any part of the world. In awarding these scholarships we will be looking for evidence of exceptional leadership qualities in your career to date.
Closing dates: 14 March 2008 and 16 May 2008 (two rounds of scholarship selections)
No decisions can be made until after the closing date.
Lancaster MBA Open Scholarships
Several scholarships of £1,000-£3,000 are available to self-funded candidates. Selection for these scholarships will focus on the insights provided by your business and managerial experience, and how these, together with your interpersonal skills, can be used to enhance learning and group work on the Lancaster MBA.
Closing dates: 14 March 2008 and 16 May 2008 (two rounds of scholarship selections)
No decisions can be made until after the closing date.
Lancaster MBA E-Fellows Scholarship
Designed for German-speaking students and sponsored exclusively for members of the German website, this merit-based scholarship provides a tuition waiver covering upto a maximum of 50% of the programme fee (equivalent to £8250, approx €11,000). The selection process focuses on the leadership skills or potential demonstrated by candidates in their academic and/or professional life.
Further details of the e-fellows scheme and its corporate sponsors can be found on site:
Closing date: 14 May 2008.
Decisions will be taken by mid-June.
For all of these Lancaster MBA scholarships, we can only consider you once you hold an offer of a place on the programme.
For further information, please contact the Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) MBA team.
[USA] Network Scholarship Programs
The Open Society Institute’s (OSI) Network Scholarship Programs (NSP) is pleased to announce the new call for applications for the 2008 - 2009 Alumni Grant Program. This program offers grants to NSP alumni to further expand the knowledge gained during their fellowship and make a positive contribution to their home country.
The deadline for the 2008 competition is: Thursday May 15, 2008.
Please note that all applications must be submitted via the Online Application System (OAS) at: .
*Applications submitted via email, fax or post will not be accepted.
*Applicants are strongly advised to register with OAS immediately so as to avoid technical problems on or before the application due date.
The competition is open to NSP alumni of the following programs:
* American University in Bulgaria (last entry year in 2005)
* Cambridge and Oxford Hospitality Schemes
* Chevening-OSI Scholarships
* CNOUS-OSI Program
* DAAD-OSI Program
* Environmental Law/Management Program (1996 – 1999)
* Faculty Development Program2
* Georgian Program for Education Professionals
* Global Supplementary Grant Program
* Mongolian Professional Fellowship Program
* Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship Program (in the fields administered by OSI, last entry year in 2004)
* Palestinian Rule of Law Program
* Social Work Fellowship Program
* Soros Supplementary Grant Program
* Supplementary Grant Program – Burma
* Supplementary Grant Program – Former Yugoslavia
* Undergraduate Exchange Program/Virtual University
Alumni of the above-mentioned NSP programs must meet the following criteria to be considered eligible:
* Have successfully completed their NSP Fellowship before January 1, 2009;
* Be in compliance with the conditions of any OSI grant or fellowship;
* Currently reside in their home country or region (with the exception of SGP – Burma and SGP – Former Yugoslavia);
* Present a project related to or applicable in their home country or region.
Grant Details
All proposals must be related to OSI’s mission of supporting educational, social, political and legal reform, and of encouraging alternative approaches to complex and controversial issues. Collaborative projects between alumni, across borders, and with host universities are welcome. NSP alumnus/a must demonstrate a leading role in the project. Areas of project activities may include, but are not limited to:
* initiatives that further social justice or community welfare;
* activities that generate debate/dialogue on local social and/or political issues;
* alumni networking and fostering the creation of constructive associations;
* other projects judged by the selection committee to be in the spirit of the program goals.
The program will not support:
* academic research projects;
* individual travel grants for conferences, workshops, classes, etc.;
* travel to or from countries not served by OSI (western Europe, North America, etc.);
* expenses taking place outside countries served by OSI (western Europe, North America, etc.);
* additional degrees, courses, or certificates for individual alumnus/a;
* publishing journals, books, or a thesis (newsletters or websites are acceptable);
* projects which replicate existing efforts within the country (i.e. local Soros Foundation projects);
* Educational Advising Centers, or resource centers, for study abroad;
* purchase of office equipment (computers, photocopiers, fax machines, etc.)
Items that are allowable but are not considered a priority:
* office space rental;
* office equipment rental.
Selection Process
Selection is based on the applicant’s qualifications and standing with OSI, the project’s relevance to the Program goals, its feasibility, and its potential for impact. The selection committee will be comprised of experts from the Soros Foundation Network and outside consultants who are familiar with OSI’s mission. All applicants will be notified of their status by early November 2008.
Financial Terms
Applicants may request up to $5,000 support for individual projects; collaborative projects (proposals by 2 or more alumni) requesting additional sums will be considered and are encouraged. All proposals must include a line item explanation of the budget. Budgets should also clearly list amounts from other donors and/or explanations concerning acquisition of such funds or services (free space, volunteer office assistance, donated equipment, etc.)
The Program reserves the right to verify all information submitted as part of an application. In the event that there is a discrepancy or information is found to be false, the applicant will be declared ineligible.
Additional information for Applicants:
The competition is merit-based and open to all alumni who meet the eligibility requirements and follow the guidelines.
Applicants may submit only one proposal per competition.
OSI will fund projects in 2009 only, therefore, projects should begin no earlier than January 1, 2009.
Questions about eligibility may be directed to Ms. Céline Keshishian, Program Manager, at: .
It is recommended that applicants consider the following tips before submitting applications: state program goals and objectives clearly; specify and/or justify whether the project will be a one-time event for a specific issue, or an on-going project serving a specific group; keep program objectives realistic and not overly ambitious; ensure that each activity and budget line relates to program goals, and that budget lines clearly relate to activities described; discuss your idea with professionals and practitioners to ensure that your project is feasible and does not replicate projects already being done in your country; if your project is complex, consider breaking it down and determining whether a smaller more focused project would be more effective for the first phase of funding.
All applications must include:
* Application Form
* Project Proposal (2 - 6 pages)
* Curriculum Vitae of Project Manager and principal assistants (max. 2 pages each)
* Detailed Budget with explanations of how each cost relates to a specific function of the project
* Letter(s) of support from institutions mentioned in proposal
* Letter(s) of commitment from other donors if listed in the proposal or budget.
***Please note that all applications must be submitted via the Online Application System (OAS) at: .
* Applications submitted via email, fax or post will not be accepted.
* Applicants are strongly advised to register with OAS immediately so as to avoid technical problems on or before the application due date.**
* Deadline: Thursday May 15, 2008
The deadline for the 2008 competition is: Thursday May 15, 2008.
Please note that all applications must be submitted via the Online Application System (OAS) at: .
*Applications submitted via email, fax or post will not be accepted.
*Applicants are strongly advised to register with OAS immediately so as to avoid technical problems on or before the application due date.
The competition is open to NSP alumni of the following programs:
* American University in Bulgaria (last entry year in 2005)
* Cambridge and Oxford Hospitality Schemes
* Chevening-OSI Scholarships
* CNOUS-OSI Program
* DAAD-OSI Program
* Environmental Law/Management Program (1996 – 1999)
* Faculty Development Program2
* Georgian Program for Education Professionals
* Global Supplementary Grant Program
* Mongolian Professional Fellowship Program
* Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship Program (in the fields administered by OSI, last entry year in 2004)
* Palestinian Rule of Law Program
* Social Work Fellowship Program
* Soros Supplementary Grant Program
* Supplementary Grant Program – Burma
* Supplementary Grant Program – Former Yugoslavia
* Undergraduate Exchange Program/Virtual University
Alumni of the above-mentioned NSP programs must meet the following criteria to be considered eligible:
* Have successfully completed their NSP Fellowship before January 1, 2009;
* Be in compliance with the conditions of any OSI grant or fellowship;
* Currently reside in their home country or region (with the exception of SGP – Burma and SGP – Former Yugoslavia);
* Present a project related to or applicable in their home country or region.
Grant Details
All proposals must be related to OSI’s mission of supporting educational, social, political and legal reform, and of encouraging alternative approaches to complex and controversial issues. Collaborative projects between alumni, across borders, and with host universities are welcome. NSP alumnus/a must demonstrate a leading role in the project. Areas of project activities may include, but are not limited to:
* initiatives that further social justice or community welfare;
* activities that generate debate/dialogue on local social and/or political issues;
* alumni networking and fostering the creation of constructive associations;
* other projects judged by the selection committee to be in the spirit of the program goals.
The program will not support:
* academic research projects;
* individual travel grants for conferences, workshops, classes, etc.;
* travel to or from countries not served by OSI (western Europe, North America, etc.);
* expenses taking place outside countries served by OSI (western Europe, North America, etc.);
* additional degrees, courses, or certificates for individual alumnus/a;
* publishing journals, books, or a thesis (newsletters or websites are acceptable);
* projects which replicate existing efforts within the country (i.e. local Soros Foundation projects);
* Educational Advising Centers, or resource centers, for study abroad;
* purchase of office equipment (computers, photocopiers, fax machines, etc.)
Items that are allowable but are not considered a priority:
* office space rental;
* office equipment rental.
Selection Process
Selection is based on the applicant’s qualifications and standing with OSI, the project’s relevance to the Program goals, its feasibility, and its potential for impact. The selection committee will be comprised of experts from the Soros Foundation Network and outside consultants who are familiar with OSI’s mission. All applicants will be notified of their status by early November 2008.
Financial Terms
Applicants may request up to $5,000 support for individual projects; collaborative projects (proposals by 2 or more alumni) requesting additional sums will be considered and are encouraged. All proposals must include a line item explanation of the budget. Budgets should also clearly list amounts from other donors and/or explanations concerning acquisition of such funds or services (free space, volunteer office assistance, donated equipment, etc.)
The Program reserves the right to verify all information submitted as part of an application. In the event that there is a discrepancy or information is found to be false, the applicant will be declared ineligible.
Additional information for Applicants:
The competition is merit-based and open to all alumni who meet the eligibility requirements and follow the guidelines.
Applicants may submit only one proposal per competition.
OSI will fund projects in 2009 only, therefore, projects should begin no earlier than January 1, 2009.
Questions about eligibility may be directed to Ms. Céline Keshishian, Program Manager, at: .
It is recommended that applicants consider the following tips before submitting applications: state program goals and objectives clearly; specify and/or justify whether the project will be a one-time event for a specific issue, or an on-going project serving a specific group; keep program objectives realistic and not overly ambitious; ensure that each activity and budget line relates to program goals, and that budget lines clearly relate to activities described; discuss your idea with professionals and practitioners to ensure that your project is feasible and does not replicate projects already being done in your country; if your project is complex, consider breaking it down and determining whether a smaller more focused project would be more effective for the first phase of funding.
All applications must include:
* Application Form
* Project Proposal (2 - 6 pages)
* Curriculum Vitae of Project Manager and principal assistants (max. 2 pages each)
* Detailed Budget with explanations of how each cost relates to a specific function of the project
* Letter(s) of support from institutions mentioned in proposal
* Letter(s) of commitment from other donors if listed in the proposal or budget.
***Please note that all applications must be submitted via the Online Application System (OAS) at: .
* Applications submitted via email, fax or post will not be accepted.
* Applicants are strongly advised to register with OAS immediately so as to avoid technical problems on or before the application due date.**
* Deadline: Thursday May 15, 2008
Germany: Doctoral Scholarships for the Graduate College, The Economics of Innovative Change
Doctoral Scholarships for the Graduate College “The Economics of Innovative Change”
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany)
The Graduate College / Graduiertenkolleg “The Economics of Innovative Change” (Die Ökonomik des innovativen Wandels) started on October 1st, 2006 at the Department of Economics of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena. The program is funded by the German Science Foundation. It offers top level graduated students the opportunity to achieve a doctoral degree (PhD) in economics. Meanwhile the research group comprises 38 PhD students. Continuous enrollment in the program is possible.
The Graduate College offers several scholarships for doctoral students (duration of 2+1 years) with a background in economics and business administration. The Research Training Group “The Economics of Innovative Change“ will address unresolved questions and problems concerning the economic dynamics of firms, markets, sectors and regions with an analytical focus on the endogenous driving forces mainly understood as
the activities of invention and innovation. The variety of topics that is dealt with covers the foundations of individual behavior and the economic and institutional environment, the generation of innovations together with the organizational forms of activities of invention and innovations, the change of the sectoral structures caused by innovations, the role of the demand side in this context, as well as the political management of change.
The scholarship positions require a permanent and active participation in the study and the research program of the research training group.
Therefore all scholarship holders are expected to choose Jena as their place of residence.
Applications are expected to include:
* CV, copy of diploma, BA, MA certificate, copy of diploma or master thesis, writing sample (about 10 pages), 2 reference letters from academic teachers, 1 page statement on the expected benefit from participating in the program;
* the application form: visit our homepage, download, fill in and return to us; and be mailed to the spokesman of the Graduate College:
Professor Dr. Uwe Cantner
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Department of Economics
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
D-07743 Jena
e-mail: uwe.cantner[ at ]
Application is possible on a continuous basis. Please do not send any originals because materials submitted cannot be returned to the applicant.
For more information on the structure, teaching staff and objectives of the Research Training Group please visit:
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany)
The Graduate College / Graduiertenkolleg “The Economics of Innovative Change” (Die Ökonomik des innovativen Wandels) started on October 1st, 2006 at the Department of Economics of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena. The program is funded by the German Science Foundation. It offers top level graduated students the opportunity to achieve a doctoral degree (PhD) in economics. Meanwhile the research group comprises 38 PhD students. Continuous enrollment in the program is possible.
The Graduate College offers several scholarships for doctoral students (duration of 2+1 years) with a background in economics and business administration. The Research Training Group “The Economics of Innovative Change“ will address unresolved questions and problems concerning the economic dynamics of firms, markets, sectors and regions with an analytical focus on the endogenous driving forces mainly understood as
the activities of invention and innovation. The variety of topics that is dealt with covers the foundations of individual behavior and the economic and institutional environment, the generation of innovations together with the organizational forms of activities of invention and innovations, the change of the sectoral structures caused by innovations, the role of the demand side in this context, as well as the political management of change.
The scholarship positions require a permanent and active participation in the study and the research program of the research training group.
Therefore all scholarship holders are expected to choose Jena as their place of residence.
Applications are expected to include:
* CV, copy of diploma, BA, MA certificate, copy of diploma or master thesis, writing sample (about 10 pages), 2 reference letters from academic teachers, 1 page statement on the expected benefit from participating in the program;
* the application form: visit our homepage, download, fill in and return to us; and be mailed to the spokesman of the Graduate College:
Professor Dr. Uwe Cantner
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Department of Economics
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
D-07743 Jena
e-mail: uwe.cantner[ at ]
Application is possible on a continuous basis. Please do not send any originals because materials submitted cannot be returned to the applicant.
For more information on the structure, teaching staff and objectives of the Research Training Group please visit:
UK: PhD Studentships in Computational Models of Visual Processing, University of Edinburgh
PhD Studentship - Computational Models of Visual Processing, Institute of Communicating and Collaborative Systems
The Institute of Communicating and Collaborative Systems (ICCS) within the School of Informatics and the Human Communication Research Centre (HCRC) invites applications for a three-year PhD studentship funded by the European Research Council, starting in September 2008.
The successful applicant will work on a project that investigates the synchronous processing of linguistic and visual information. The project studies key features of synchronous processing by tracking participants’ eye movements when they view a naturalistic scene and listen to a speech stimulus at the same time. The experimental results will feed into a series of computational models that predict the eye-movement patterns that humans exhibit when they view a scene and listen to speech at the same time. These models will incrementally construct aligned linguistic and visual representations, and will be evaluated against eye-tracking data.
The PhD student will be part of a team of experts in linguistic and visual processing, including both experimentalists and computational modellers. The student will contribute to the modelling component of the project, and should have previous experience in image processing,
computer vision, or computational models of perception and attention. Applicants should have a good honours degree or equivalent in cognitive
science, artificial intelligence, computer science, or a related discipline. Good programming skills, preferably in Matlab, Java, C, or C++, are required. Familiarity with probabilistic modelling and machine learning is essential.
The studentship will provide maintenance only funding at an enhanced UK research council rate.
Informal enquiries regarding this studentship can be made to Dr Frank Keller (keller[ at ] Further details about the project can
also be found at:
Applications are welcome from UK, EU and overseas candidates. To apply please submit an application form and the required application papers, including a statement of research interests (which should include details regarding the particular research direction you would be interested in within the remit of this studentship). Application forms and details on how to apply are available from our website at (at question 21 on the application form, please indicate “ICCS ERC Studentship”).
Application deadline: 31 March 2008.
Applications after that date may be considered if the studentship has not been allocated.
The Institute of Communicating and Collaborative Systems (ICCS) within the School of Informatics and the Human Communication Research Centre (HCRC) invites applications for a three-year PhD studentship funded by the European Research Council, starting in September 2008.
The successful applicant will work on a project that investigates the synchronous processing of linguistic and visual information. The project studies key features of synchronous processing by tracking participants’ eye movements when they view a naturalistic scene and listen to a speech stimulus at the same time. The experimental results will feed into a series of computational models that predict the eye-movement patterns that humans exhibit when they view a scene and listen to speech at the same time. These models will incrementally construct aligned linguistic and visual representations, and will be evaluated against eye-tracking data.
The PhD student will be part of a team of experts in linguistic and visual processing, including both experimentalists and computational modellers. The student will contribute to the modelling component of the project, and should have previous experience in image processing,
computer vision, or computational models of perception and attention. Applicants should have a good honours degree or equivalent in cognitive
science, artificial intelligence, computer science, or a related discipline. Good programming skills, preferably in Matlab, Java, C, or C++, are required. Familiarity with probabilistic modelling and machine learning is essential.
The studentship will provide maintenance only funding at an enhanced UK research council rate.
Informal enquiries regarding this studentship can be made to Dr Frank Keller (keller[ at ] Further details about the project can
also be found at:
Applications are welcome from UK, EU and overseas candidates. To apply please submit an application form and the required application papers, including a statement of research interests (which should include details regarding the particular research direction you would be interested in within the remit of this studentship). Application forms and details on how to apply are available from our website at (at question 21 on the application form, please indicate “ICCS ERC Studentship”).
Application deadline: 31 March 2008.
Applications after that date may be considered if the studentship has not been allocated.
The Netherlands: PhD Positions at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
We are looking for excellent candidates for the PhD project.
Title PhD project: Intelligent Trading Agents that Facilitate Decision Making in Multi-Agent Marketplaces using Preference Modeling
PhD supervisors: Eric van Heck, Wolf Ketter
Abstract: Modern business networks and markets are highly dynamic and exhibit a high degree of uncertainty. Under these conditions business managers are routinely faced with complex strategic, tactical, and operational decisions; decisions ranging from the macroscopic (i.e. which markets should we enter and when?) to the microscopic (i.e. which products should be packed on which pallet?). Also customers are faced with multi attribute decisions, such as from whom can I book a travel under certain constraints (money, time, quality, etc)? Within this project we investigate how learning agents may be designed to support humans in these decision making processes. We define learning agents as software entities that carry out some set of operations on behalf of a user or another program with some degree of independence or autonomy, improve their performance from experience and in so doing employ some knowledge or representation of the user’s goals or needs.
The candidate must fit in the following profile:
MSc or MBA degree in Business Administration, or Management & Economics, or Information Management, or Computer science & Economics; Excellent study record; International orientation and the capacity to speak and write in English; Affiliation with the IT industry, Commitment and drive to execute PhD research.
More info at:
Application deadline: April 1, 2008
Prof. dr ir Eric van Heck
Professor of Information Management and Markets
ERIM Director of Doctoral Education
Rotterdam School of Management
Erasmus University
Department of Decision and Information Sciences
PO Box 1738 (Rm T9-01)
3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-10-4082032
Fax: +31-10-4089010
Email: evanheck[ at ]
Title PhD project: Intelligent Trading Agents that Facilitate Decision Making in Multi-Agent Marketplaces using Preference Modeling
PhD supervisors: Eric van Heck, Wolf Ketter
Abstract: Modern business networks and markets are highly dynamic and exhibit a high degree of uncertainty. Under these conditions business managers are routinely faced with complex strategic, tactical, and operational decisions; decisions ranging from the macroscopic (i.e. which markets should we enter and when?) to the microscopic (i.e. which products should be packed on which pallet?). Also customers are faced with multi attribute decisions, such as from whom can I book a travel under certain constraints (money, time, quality, etc)? Within this project we investigate how learning agents may be designed to support humans in these decision making processes. We define learning agents as software entities that carry out some set of operations on behalf of a user or another program with some degree of independence or autonomy, improve their performance from experience and in so doing employ some knowledge or representation of the user’s goals or needs.
The candidate must fit in the following profile:
MSc or MBA degree in Business Administration, or Management & Economics, or Information Management, or Computer science & Economics; Excellent study record; International orientation and the capacity to speak and write in English; Affiliation with the IT industry, Commitment and drive to execute PhD research.
More info at:
Application deadline: April 1, 2008
Prof. dr ir Eric van Heck
Professor of Information Management and Markets
ERIM Director of Doctoral Education
Rotterdam School of Management
Erasmus University
Department of Decision and Information Sciences
PO Box 1738 (Rm T9-01)
3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-10-4082032
Fax: +31-10-4089010
Email: evanheck[ at ]
Job Vacancy,
Netherland Scholarship,
PhD and Postdoc
Denmark: PhD Scholarship in Plasticity, Technical University of Denmark
PhD – Scholarship in Plasticity, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics Section.
A 3-year Ph.D. scholarship is available at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics Section, from mid 2008.
Reinforcement of polymers using carbon nano-tubes or nano-sized SiC particles can be applied to increase the stiffness. For composites, in which the reinforcing fibers are on very different size scales, very high strain gradients in the matrix material near the fibers can affect the overall properties significantly. Higher order continuum theories (strain gradient models) can be used to model the matrix material at the relevant small scale, accounting for effects of boundary layers of constrained plastic deformations around the hard reinforcing fibers. For the relatively low volume fractions used in nano reinforced materials it may prove useful to also add fibers on a larger scale. The effect of reinforcing materials with fibers on different length scales is the focus of this Ph.D. study. The aim is to develop methods for analyzing nano- and micro-reinforced materials, through advanced numerical models accounting for the relevant small scale plastic deformation.
The Solid Mechanics Section at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has a long tradition of front edge research within the area of materials mechanics, and we have close collaborations with other strong groups both in Denmark and abroad.
We offer a stimulating environment, focused on research at an international level.
Candidates should have a master’s degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master’s degree in engineering.
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. Information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies is included in the general rules of DTU, which may be obtained by application to the PhD programme office at tel: +45 45 25 11 76 or +45 45 25 11 77.
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.
Further information is available at, or by contacting associate professor Christian Niordson, cn[ at ], +45 4525 4287.
Applications with enclosures in triplicate (electronic applications will not be considered) must be received no later than April 1st, at 12.00 noon by
Christian Niordson
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark – Building 404
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Applications must include a curriculum vitae and documentation of a completed master’s degree.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Deadline: April 1, 2008
A 3-year Ph.D. scholarship is available at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics Section, from mid 2008.
Reinforcement of polymers using carbon nano-tubes or nano-sized SiC particles can be applied to increase the stiffness. For composites, in which the reinforcing fibers are on very different size scales, very high strain gradients in the matrix material near the fibers can affect the overall properties significantly. Higher order continuum theories (strain gradient models) can be used to model the matrix material at the relevant small scale, accounting for effects of boundary layers of constrained plastic deformations around the hard reinforcing fibers. For the relatively low volume fractions used in nano reinforced materials it may prove useful to also add fibers on a larger scale. The effect of reinforcing materials with fibers on different length scales is the focus of this Ph.D. study. The aim is to develop methods for analyzing nano- and micro-reinforced materials, through advanced numerical models accounting for the relevant small scale plastic deformation.
The Solid Mechanics Section at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has a long tradition of front edge research within the area of materials mechanics, and we have close collaborations with other strong groups both in Denmark and abroad.
We offer a stimulating environment, focused on research at an international level.
Candidates should have a master’s degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master’s degree in engineering.
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. Information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies is included in the general rules of DTU, which may be obtained by application to the PhD programme office at tel: +45 45 25 11 76 or +45 45 25 11 77.
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.
Further information is available at, or by contacting associate professor Christian Niordson, cn[ at ], +45 4525 4287.
Applications with enclosures in triplicate (electronic applications will not be considered) must be received no later than April 1st, at 12.00 noon by
Christian Niordson
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark – Building 404
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Applications must include a curriculum vitae and documentation of a completed master’s degree.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Deadline: April 1, 2008
Ireland: PhD Scholarship in Health Services Research, University College Cork
PhD Scholars Programme, Health Services Research Integrated health care: from research to policy and practice
Exciting Opportunities for Health, Social Science, Computer Science and Humanities Graduates
This structured PhD programme, funded by the Irish Health Research Board, commenced in 2007 and has an annual intake of postgraduate Scholars over 4 years. The programme is a joint initiative of senior academic staff from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork. They constitute the Health Services Research Institute. The Programme theme is “Integrated healthcare: from research to policy and practice”.
This 4-year PhD Scholars Programme features:
* Relevant taught modules
* 10-week specialist rotations in Irish health-related data collection agencies in the first year
* Choice of PhD project from an extensive range during the first year
* Opportunities for multidisciplinary research
* Supervision by internationally renowned Principal Investigators
* Placement with a prestigious overseas agency to further PhD project development in Year 2
* Professional skills training allowance
* Travel awards to international conferences
* Annual stipend of €18,000 plus laptop computer plus PhD fees
This programme provides excellent training for Scholars in core research skills needed to deliver an evidence basis for health service evaluation and planning. Project opportunities are available in the following broad and overlapping areas:
* Cardiovascular and related diseases - secondary prevention
* Integration of care - older populations, epilepsy, stroke, diabetes
* Pharmacoepidemiology and health informatics
* Health economics and health policy
* Oral health
* Quality of life and quality of care
* Gerontology
* Global health
Application Procedure
We welcome applications from candidates expecting or possessing a first or upper second class honours degree or equivalent in any health, social science, computer science or humanities area.
Email applications only by Friday 18th April 2008 to hsriadmin[ at ]
For further information or enquiries, see:
Exciting Opportunities for Health, Social Science, Computer Science and Humanities Graduates
This structured PhD programme, funded by the Irish Health Research Board, commenced in 2007 and has an annual intake of postgraduate Scholars over 4 years. The programme is a joint initiative of senior academic staff from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork. They constitute the Health Services Research Institute. The Programme theme is “Integrated healthcare: from research to policy and practice”.
This 4-year PhD Scholars Programme features:
* Relevant taught modules
* 10-week specialist rotations in Irish health-related data collection agencies in the first year
* Choice of PhD project from an extensive range during the first year
* Opportunities for multidisciplinary research
* Supervision by internationally renowned Principal Investigators
* Placement with a prestigious overseas agency to further PhD project development in Year 2
* Professional skills training allowance
* Travel awards to international conferences
* Annual stipend of €18,000 plus laptop computer plus PhD fees
This programme provides excellent training for Scholars in core research skills needed to deliver an evidence basis for health service evaluation and planning. Project opportunities are available in the following broad and overlapping areas:
* Cardiovascular and related diseases - secondary prevention
* Integration of care - older populations, epilepsy, stroke, diabetes
* Pharmacoepidemiology and health informatics
* Health economics and health policy
* Oral health
* Quality of life and quality of care
* Gerontology
* Global health
Application Procedure
We welcome applications from candidates expecting or possessing a first or upper second class honours degree or equivalent in any health, social science, computer science or humanities area.
Email applications only by Friday 18th April 2008 to hsriadmin[ at ]
For further information or enquiries, see:
France: 100 PhD Positions Available in 2008 at INRIA
INRIA proposes young scientists a PhD in one of its research teams. Priority will be given to candidates with mobility background and to topics pertaining to the Institute’s priority themes.
You have a degree in computer science, automatic control or scientific computing equivalent to the French research master, you are planning to become a researcher in an academic environment, or, after training through research, to join a company or create one?
Join INRIA for a PhD.
INRIA is at the leading edge of research and its scientific themes are innovative. You can meet there scientists of international stature or work with them. Novel ideas are considered with interest. INRIA maintains special relations with industry and fosters the emergence of startups founded by its research scientists (80 such companies founded in 20 years). At least 80 different nationalities are present at INRIA and activities are regularly organized in order to ease the integration of newcomers. The ambiance is relaxed and everyone can contribute to the social life of the community.
Survey into the professional integration of doctoral students – class of 2005
This inquiry, focussing on the 277 INRIA doctoral students who completed their thesis in 2005, reveals a particularly positive outlook. On average, 18 months after completion of their thesis, 97% of the doctoral graduates now hold posts that are consistent with their career path: 35% are researchers or research lecturers, 28% are engineers and 23% hold post-doc placements. Discover the full-length version of the survey.
PhD subjects by specialist field:
Communicating system
* Distributed systems and software architecture
* Networks and telecoms
* Embedded systems and mobility
* Architecture and compiling
Cognitive systems
* Statistical modeling and machine learning
* Perception, indexing and communication for images and video
* Multimedia data: interpretation and man-machine interaction
* Image synthesis and virtual reality
Symbolic systems
* Reliability and safety of software
* Algebraic and geometric structures, algorithms
* Management and processing of language and data
Numerical systems
* Control and complex systems
* Grids and high-performance computing
* Optimisation and inverse problems for stochastic or large-scale systems
* Modeling, simulation and numerical analysis Available subjects Biological systems
* Modeling and simulation in biology and medicine
Opening campaign: 3 March, 2008.
* View positions available and apply on-line.
the list is frequently updated.
* Offers are posted on-line as and when they become available.
Please consult the list regularly.
End of the campaign : 15 May, 2008.
Via: official announcement
You have a degree in computer science, automatic control or scientific computing equivalent to the French research master, you are planning to become a researcher in an academic environment, or, after training through research, to join a company or create one?
Join INRIA for a PhD.
INRIA is at the leading edge of research and its scientific themes are innovative. You can meet there scientists of international stature or work with them. Novel ideas are considered with interest. INRIA maintains special relations with industry and fosters the emergence of startups founded by its research scientists (80 such companies founded in 20 years). At least 80 different nationalities are present at INRIA and activities are regularly organized in order to ease the integration of newcomers. The ambiance is relaxed and everyone can contribute to the social life of the community.
Survey into the professional integration of doctoral students – class of 2005
This inquiry, focussing on the 277 INRIA doctoral students who completed their thesis in 2005, reveals a particularly positive outlook. On average, 18 months after completion of their thesis, 97% of the doctoral graduates now hold posts that are consistent with their career path: 35% are researchers or research lecturers, 28% are engineers and 23% hold post-doc placements. Discover the full-length version of the survey.
PhD subjects by specialist field:
Communicating system
* Distributed systems and software architecture
* Networks and telecoms
* Embedded systems and mobility
* Architecture and compiling
Cognitive systems
* Statistical modeling and machine learning
* Perception, indexing and communication for images and video
* Multimedia data: interpretation and man-machine interaction
* Image synthesis and virtual reality
Symbolic systems
* Reliability and safety of software
* Algebraic and geometric structures, algorithms
* Management and processing of language and data
Numerical systems
* Control and complex systems
* Grids and high-performance computing
* Optimisation and inverse problems for stochastic or large-scale systems
* Modeling, simulation and numerical analysis Available subjects Biological systems
* Modeling and simulation in biology and medicine
Opening campaign: 3 March, 2008.
* View positions available and apply on-line.
the list is frequently updated.
* Offers are posted on-line as and when they become available.
Please consult the list regularly.
End of the campaign : 15 May, 2008.
Via: official announcement
[Israel] Polonsky Scholarships for PhD Students, Hebrew University
Polonsky Scholarships for PhD Students, Hebrew University.
The Polonsky Scholarships for Outstanding Doctoral Candidates in theGeneral Humanities and in Asian and African Studies (with a preference for Chinese Studies).
The Faculty of Humanities at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is pleased to announce the establishment of a scholarship fund for outstanding doctoral candidates for four years in the total sum of $80,000 ($20,000 for each scholarship per year as of the academic year 2008-2009) in addition to complete financing of tuition. Two Polonsky Scholarships will be given annually in the fields of the general Humanities and one in the fields of Asian and African Studies (with a preference for China Studies). Academically, the doctoral candidates awarded the Polonsky Scholarships will be an inseparable part of “The President’s Scholarships in the Humanities” program which was established in 2007-2008, and all of the obligations and rights that apply to this group will also apply to the former, including the opportunity to spend one year abroad in the course of their being financed by the scholarship.
Deadline: March 15, 2008
Answers will be given by the beginning of May 2008
For additional information regarding terms of acceptance and the procedures, contact Merav Yaacobi at tel: 972-2-5880031 or email: and on the university website under students > scholarships, prizes and loans.
Visit the website of the university at:
Crossposted from Central-Asia L List
The Polonsky Scholarships for Outstanding Doctoral Candidates in theGeneral Humanities and in Asian and African Studies (with a preference for Chinese Studies).
The Faculty of Humanities at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is pleased to announce the establishment of a scholarship fund for outstanding doctoral candidates for four years in the total sum of $80,000 ($20,000 for each scholarship per year as of the academic year 2008-2009) in addition to complete financing of tuition. Two Polonsky Scholarships will be given annually in the fields of the general Humanities and one in the fields of Asian and African Studies (with a preference for China Studies). Academically, the doctoral candidates awarded the Polonsky Scholarships will be an inseparable part of “The President’s Scholarships in the Humanities” program which was established in 2007-2008, and all of the obligations and rights that apply to this group will also apply to the former, including the opportunity to spend one year abroad in the course of their being financed by the scholarship.
Deadline: March 15, 2008
Answers will be given by the beginning of May 2008
For additional information regarding terms of acceptance and the procedures, contact Merav Yaacobi at tel: 972-2-5880031 or email: and on the university website under students > scholarships, prizes and loans.
Visit the website of the university at:
Crossposted from Central-Asia L List
Undergraduate Scholarship at University of Monaco
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) is a 4-year undergraduate degree that may be completed in 3 years (as part of IUM’s 3plus1 option) which allows the student to combine their Bachelor program with a 10-month Master degree as a specialization. This unique program structure ensures transferability across EU borders while maintaining full recognition in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the UK.
In support of the international mission of the University, the BSBA is characterized by great emphasis on language and communication skills that students develop in a number of specific courses as well as practice across the entire curriculum. Students also have the opportunity to spend a term at one of our study abroad partner campuses in the United State, Europe, or China.
Exchange and Study Abroad Program
IUM offers students from other accredited universities and colleges the opportunity to study in the Undergraduate Program as an exchange or study abroad student for one or two terms, and earn credits toward the completion of their undergraduate degree at their home university. The University’s Exchange and Study Abroad Office ( will assist you in coordinating your course schedule and the transfer of grades.
The Intensive English Language Program
IUM also offers an Intensive English Language Program and TOEFL Preparation for those students who need to improve their English skills before the admission into the undergraduate program. (English version or French version brochure to download)
For FALL 2008
* December 15 -for early action admission
* February 1st -1st round admissions deadline, scholarship applicants
* March 1st -2nd deadline
* April 15th -3rd round consideration deadline
* May 1st -Scholarship deadline extended until May 1, 2008
* July 31st -for late admission, space available only
Applications received after the admissions deadlines posted are considered on a space available basis only and require the permission of the Department head. To request permission for late admission please contact
University of Monaco
Avenue Albert II,
MC 98000 Monte-Carlo,
Principality of Monaco
Tel: +377.97.986.986
Fax: +377 92.052.83
Read from the official announcement
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) is a 4-year undergraduate degree that may be completed in 3 years (as part of IUM’s 3plus1 option) which allows the student to combine their Bachelor program with a 10-month Master degree as a specialization. This unique program structure ensures transferability across EU borders while maintaining full recognition in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the UK.
In support of the international mission of the University, the BSBA is characterized by great emphasis on language and communication skills that students develop in a number of specific courses as well as practice across the entire curriculum. Students also have the opportunity to spend a term at one of our study abroad partner campuses in the United State, Europe, or China.
Exchange and Study Abroad Program
IUM offers students from other accredited universities and colleges the opportunity to study in the Undergraduate Program as an exchange or study abroad student for one or two terms, and earn credits toward the completion of their undergraduate degree at their home university. The University’s Exchange and Study Abroad Office ( will assist you in coordinating your course schedule and the transfer of grades.
The Intensive English Language Program
IUM also offers an Intensive English Language Program and TOEFL Preparation for those students who need to improve their English skills before the admission into the undergraduate program. (English version or French version brochure to download)
For FALL 2008
* December 15 -for early action admission
* February 1st -1st round admissions deadline, scholarship applicants
* March 1st -2nd deadline
* April 15th -3rd round consideration deadline
* May 1st -Scholarship deadline extended until May 1, 2008
* July 31st -for late admission, space available only
Applications received after the admissions deadlines posted are considered on a space available basis only and require the permission of the Department head. To request permission for late admission please contact
University of Monaco
Avenue Albert II,
MC 98000 Monte-Carlo,
Principality of Monaco
Tel: +377.97.986.986
Fax: +377 92.052.83
Read from the official announcement
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