Saturday, February 23, 2008

PhD Research Studentship in Engineering - University of Cambridge

PhD Research Studentship
Interacting Turbulent Flames Using Dns And Laser Diagnostics
Department of Engineering

A Research Studentship position is available on an EPSRC funded research project in the study of interacting turbulent flames using DNS and laser diagnostics. This project involves collaboration with Rolls-Royce Plc. and Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd. in the UK. The main aim of the project is to develop close understanding of interacting turbulent premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) methodology and laser diagnostics. The interacting flames are one of the fundamental root cause for "noisy" combustion, but this is still a terra incognita for modelling. The research student will be involved in the experimental part of the project but there will be constant interaction between the experimental and computational parts. The Ph.D student will work closely with one of investigators and will be using state of the art multi-scalar imaging and particle image velocimetry (PIV) facilities available in the Engineering Department.

The successful candidate will have a first class degree in Mechanical/Aerospace/Chemical engineering. Applications from overseas students will also be considered. Funding, covering all fees and maintenance will be available for the three years. The studentship will commence from 1st October 2008.

Further details on the project may be obtained from Dr E. Mastorakos or Dr N. Swaminathan. An application form may be downloaded from the Board of Graduate Studies (BGS) office. More information on the graduate studies at the Engineering Department is available If you submit your application on-line via BGS website, send a copy in PDF format to Mrs. Kate Graham so as to reach her not later than 10th May 2008.

Quote Reference: NA03047, Closing Date: 10 May 2008

Interview Date(s): Interviews will take place as soon as suitable candidates are identified.

Sweden: PhD Student Positions at the School of Electrical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology

The Communication Theory Lab is conducting research and education in the general area of digital communications and in wireless communications in particular. We work both with basic research and with more applied problems, often in collaboration with industry. More information about us is available on the Internet:

In particular the following research areas are relevant to the position:

* Cognitive radio, spectrum sensing and dynamic radio resource allocation
* Cooperative coding and transmission techniques in wireless sensor networks
* Wireless communications in automatic control
* Information theory for wireless communications

Required Qualifications
The candidate should hold the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Engineering Physics, or an equivalent degree.

KTH aims to employ a diversity of talent and thus welcomes applicants who will add to the variety of the University, especially as concerns its gender structure.

The position is intended for pursuing individual doctoral studies. The position will include 80% research and 20% teaching assistance. The salary is based on the existing employment agreement for PhD position.

The application should be sent in hardcopy to:

Royal Institute of Technology
KTH School of Electrical Engineering
Osquldas väg 10
SE-100 44 Stockholm

The application should contain as a minimum a CV and university transcripts/diplomas. If available, the following documents should also be enclosed: recommendation letters, certificates of TOEFL and/or GRE scores

Deadline: March 1, 2008

Position reference number E-2008-0039

Professor Mikael Skoglund
Tel 08 790 8430
skoglund[ at ]

UK: PhD Studentships in Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
PhD Studentships
School of Health Sciences

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is a research led institution specialising in high quality research that touches people’s everyday lives.

Our postgraduate research students are a crucial part of the research community. Each student works with a dedicated team of academic supervisors and receives training in key areas of research. Research students who receive bursaries are expected to participate in the learning and teaching of undergraduate students.

The School of Health Sciences is at the forefront of research into Nursing and the Allied Health Professions within Scotland. The Centre for Integrated Healthcare Research (based within the School) leads multi-disciplinary research in collaboration with other universities and NHS Trusts in SE Scotland. The Institute for International Health and Development has key expertise in social and organisational development in low and middle income countries. The Royal Bank of Scotland Centre for the Older Person’s Agenda focuses on quality of life for older people.

QMU is making funds available for up to 7 PhD studentships in our niche research areas. Successful applicants will have all fees waived for three years and will receive support with living costs. Within the School of Health Sciences studentships are available in:

* Centre for the Older Person’s Agenda
* Dietetics, Nutrition and Biological Sciences
* International Health and Development
* Nursing
* Occupational Therapy
* Physiotherapy
* Podiatry

Topics include:

* Management of chronic conditions
* Health behaviours
* Participative research with older people
* Decentralisation and social exclusion in low income countries
* Refugee studies
* Laboratory and clinical projects

Visit the website for details of 16 projects:

or email: researchdegrees[ at ]

The closing date for applications is 26 March 2008.

Friday, February 22, 2008

PhD Fellowship in Engineering / Geodesy / Mathematics, GFZ Potsdam

The GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ Potsdam) presents as member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres the national Research Centre for Earth Sciences.

The Department 1 Geodesy and Remote Sensing", within the framework of the DESIRE project invites applications for a
PhD Position (m/f).

DESIRE is an integrated geoscientific project to study the control of lithospheric structure on the occurrence and development of seismicity and dynamics in the pull-apart basin of the Dead Sea. Partners from research institutes and universities in Germany, Israel, Jordan and Palestine collaborate in the DESIRE project funded by the DFG, the GFZ and the BGR. DESIRE consist of five interlocked experiments and modeling approaches (GPS; seismics & magnetotellurics; airborne gravimetry, seismology, seismicity & radon; geodynamic modeling). Some of the key questions of plate tectonics to be addressed at this world geological site are:

* How are stress & strain distributed in time & space
* What are relations of geological & human time-scale deformation processes
* What controls & influences EQ depth & distribution?

The successful candidate will apply and improve existing GPS processing software, apply and develop FEM to model the expected deformation, and will be interested in interdisciplinary research. He/She will be involved in the interpretation of the observed surface deformation as well as in the interpretation of all results gained within the project or elsewhere with the aim to answer the questions stated above.


* Diploma or MSc in geodesy / mathematics / geophysics or similar field
* Strong background in GPS data processing
* good knowledge of geoscientific research
* Experience in scientific data analysis
* Excellent computing skills, including software development
* Experience with field work

Start: 2008-05-01

Duration: 2 years (with the option of a one year extension)

Working time: 19,5 hours/week

Salary: EG 13 TVöD-O

Further infomation: PD Dr. J. Klotz

Tel.: +49-331 288-1118

Application deadline: Review of applications will begin 3 weeks after announcement and continue until position is filled.

Equal opportunity is part of our personnel policy. The GFZ Potsdam encourages applications from qualified female candidates. There is a kindergarten service available. Handicapped applicants will be given preference in the case of equal qualifications.

The Letter of application should include a resum, a list of publications and a statement of research interest. Applications, stating the above mentioned code number, should be submitted to:

GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
Abt. Personal- und Sozialwesen
14473 Potsdam

PhD Positions in Neuroscience, University of Ulm

Location: Germany

The group neuronal degeneration and axon regeneration in the central nervous system (AG Fischer) at the University of Ulm, (Germany) invites applications for PhD student positions (BATIIa/2) within the Ulm Graduate School of Neuroscience. Our group is working on the discovery of new pharmacological and genetherapeutic approaches for repairing the central nervous system, after traumatic injuries, stroke or neurodegenerative diseases.

The lab covers a variety of methods including microscopy (video-, immunofluorescence), molecular biology (cloning of fusion-proteins, mutagenesis, 5-RACE, Real-time PCR), biochemistry (protein-protein interactions), cell culture techniques (primary neurons and cell lines), histology and various animal models.

For this project we are looking for highly motivated students who like to work on a disease-relevant study. Experience in one of the above-mentioned techniques is desirable.

For informal enquiries about the position please contact:

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fischer
Experimentelle Neurologie
Festpunkt O25, Raum 541
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Tel.: 0731-500-63048
Fax: 0731-500-63049

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

PhD Position in Underwater Acoustic Communication of Science and Technology

A PhD research fellowship is offered in the field of underwater acoustic communication and underwater sensor network at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Recent developments in information and communication technology have opened new possibilities for observation and monitoring of the marine environment. New concepts, based on autonomous sensors working together in wireless communication networks are becoming feasible for monitoring of oceanographic and environmental parameters and for estimation of fish and plankton abundance.

The goal of this PhD project is to participate in the development of new marine observation methodology based on autonomous sensors and underwater communication networks. The fields of underwater acoustics, signal processing and electronics are particular relevant fields in this context. We seek highly motivated individuals holding a master’s degree in physics, telecommunications or other relevant disciplines. A previous experience in underwater acoustic communication system and/or instrumentation is preferred.

A PhD fellowship at NTNU is normally awarded for 3-4 years with 0-25% of the time spent on teaching and other academic work for the department. The objective of the fellowship is to obtain a PhD degree, hence the successful applicant must be enrolled as a
PhD candidate at NTNU. See also information about PhD education at NTNU at

The candidate will be associated with the Acoustics Group at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at NTNU and will work in a rich scientific environment through collaboration with other departments at the university as well as industrial companies. The candidate will benefit from a strong and multidisciplinary training.

Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Professor Hefeng Dong by email:
dong[ at ] or by telephone + 47 73 59 44 53 for further information.

Award holders at NTNU are normally appointed for up to 4 years with 25% of the time spent on specified work. This work is primarily linked to teaching and is usually divided so that a relatively large part is done in the first half of the period of the appointment.

The appointment is at code 1017, salary level 43-58 in the national salary scheme, gross NOK. 325.600 – 423.800 per annum (1 NOK ~ 0.125 EUR), and are normally remunerated at wage level 43 of which 2% is deducted for the State Pension scheme. The salary might be adjusted after negotiation with the employer to reflect the applicant’s experience.

The appointment will be made in accordance with current regulations with supplementary rules for research fellowship appointments in universities and polytechnics. Applicants must agree to participate in organised doctoral study programs within the period of the appointment. The successful applicant must agree to the conditions laid down for public employees. A contract will be drawn up regarding the period of appointment and work-related duties for award holders.

The national labour force must reflect the composition of the population to the greatest possible extent. It is therefore a major political objective to achieve a balance of age and gender and to recruit persons with an immigrant background. Immigrants are encouraged to apply for this post. NTNU wants to increase the proportion of women in its scientific posts. Women are encouraged to apply.

The application must contain information about education, examinations and previous experience. Certified copies of certificates and documents must be attached. Copies of publications and any other work which the applicant wishes to be taken into account should also be enclosed. Joint works will be considered. If it is difficult to specify the input of the applicant in a joint work, a short summary should be attached outlining the applicant’s input.

Applications are to be sent to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway. Applications should be marked Jnr. IME-006-2008.

Closing date: 15 March 2008

2008 - 2009 Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships

The Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) Scholarships are a component of the Australian Leadership Awards, a regional program under the Australian Scholarships initiative. Australian Leadership Awards aim to develop leadership, build partnerships and linkages within the Asia-Pacific.

They are intended for those who are already leaders or have the potential to assume leadership roles that can influence social and economic policy reform and development outcomes, both in their own countries and in the Asia-Pacific region. The ALA program comprises of Scholarships and Fellowships.

ALA Scholarships are academically elite awards offered to high achievers from the Asia-Pacific region each year to undertake postgraduate study (Masters or Doctorate) and a Leadership Development Program in Australia.Selection for ALA Scholarships is highly competitive, based on leadership qualities and on academic excellence.

ALA Scholarships are an investment in the future of the Asia-Pacific region. In this regard, ALA scholars are required to return to their home country or the region for two years after they have completed their studies.

In future years, ALA scholars will belong to a unique group - the Australian Scholarships Alumni Network (ASAN) - that will maintain strong and enduring links to Australia. Managed by AusAID as part of Australia`s overseas aid program, ALA Scholarships are open only to citizens of countries in the Asia-Pacific region with which Australia has a significant aid program.
Objectives of ALA Scholarships

ALA Scholarships aim to:
  • develop a cadre of leaders advancing regional reform, development and governance

  • increase exchange of knowledge and information within the region

  • build common purpose and understanding between Australia and the region

  • build capacity to address priority regional issues

  • build effective networks between Australia and the region
  • demonstrate the benefits of Australian education through the provision of high quality education.

Fields of study

Awards are open to all fields of study, however, study programs that relate to the priority themes of international trade, pandemics, security and climate change (including clean energy) are encouraged. Scholarships are not available for military training, or training in areas related to nuclear technology and flying aircraft.
Levels of study

An ALA Scholarship enables candidates to undertake studies leading to a Masters or Doctorate degree in Australia. It does not include Graduate Diplomas, with the exception of those Masters courses that require the completion of a Graduate Diploma as part of the Masters degree.
Who should apply

Outstanding applicants with:
  • a very high level of academic achievement at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level

  • a high level of English language proficiency

  • demonstrated leadership potential and good prospects to influence social and economic policy reform and development outcomes in their home country and in the Asia-Pacific region

  • a commitment to participate ASAN on their return home.

Links to specific eligibility requirements are found below.

Applicants seeking to migrate to Australia should NOT apply.
Scholarship benefits

An ALA Scholarship has a total value of up to A$110,000 for Masters degrees and A$220,000 for Doctoral programs, not including provisions for the leadership development program.. Benefits include:
  • return air travel

  • visa support

  • establishment allowance

  • full tuition fees

  • contribution to living expenses

  • Introductory Academic program (IAP)

  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the award (for award holder only).

Participating Higher Education Institutions

ALA Scholarships students commencing in 2008 may attend any of the participating Australian higher education institutions.

If the material found on this website does not provide the necessary help, please direct enquiries by email to: ala[a-t]

See also ALA Scholarships fact sheet [PDF 97KB]

PhD Research Studentship in Engineering - University of Cambridge

PhD Research Studentship
Interacting Turbulent Flames Using Dns And Laser Diagnostics
Department of Engineering

A Research Studentship position is available on an EPSRC funded research project in the study of interacting turbulent flames using DNS and laser diagnostics. This project involves collaboration with Rolls-Royce Plc. and Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd. in the UK. The main aim of the project is to develop close understanding of interacting turbulent premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) methodology and laser diagnostics. The interacting flames are one of the fundamental root cause for "noisy" combustion, but this is still a terra incognita for modelling. The research student will be involved in the experimental part of the project but there will be constant interaction between the experimental and computational parts. The Ph.D student will work closely with one of investigators and will be using state of the art multi-scalar imaging and particle image velocimetry (PIV) facilities available in the Engineering Department.

The successful candidate will have a first class degree in Mechanical/Aerospace/Chemical engineering. Applications from overseas students will also be considered. Funding, covering all fees and maintenance will be available for the three years. The studentship will commence from 1st October 2008.

Further details on the project may be obtained from Dr E. Mastorakos or Dr N. Swaminathan. An application form may be downloaded from the Board of Graduate Studies (BGS) office. More information on the graduate studies at the Engineering Department is available If you submit your application on-line via BGS website, send a copy in PDF format to Mrs. Kate Graham so as to reach her not later than 10th May 2008.

Quote Reference: NA03047, Closing Date: 10 May 2008

Interview Date(s): Interviews will take place as soon as suitable candidates are identified.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

USA: Postdoctoral Positions in Material Simulations, University of South Florida

Applications are invited for postdoctoral position in computational materials physics. The work will involve research on large-scale atomistic simulations of matter at extreme conditions using molecular dynamics.

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in theoretical or computational condensed matter physics, chemistry, materials science or closely related fields. He/she must have demonstrated the ability to develop new theoretical methods and implement these methods in computer programs. Strong programming skills, knowledge of Unix/Linux computer environment as well as parallel programming using MPI are preferred.

The position is available immediately. The appointment is initially for one year, with the possibility of renewal up to three years. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae including list of publications, a statement of research experience, and list of 3 references to Prof. Ivan Oleynik: iioleynik[ at ]

For more information please visit the website:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Scholarship Resource Links

These following site are content scholarships, student loans, student tips and job vacancies information. We do not guarantee all information provide at those sites. Please contact the webmaster for more information. Thanks.

Admin Scholarship Corner

Scholarship Links:
  1. American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation
  2. American Scholarship
  3. Atsumi International Scholarship
  4. Bursa Beasiswa
  5. Career Center
  6. Career Degree
  7. College Scholarships
  8. Data Beasiswa
  9. Financial Aid Center
  10. Financial Aid News
  11. Find MasterDegree
  12. Indonesian Scholarship
  13. Institute of International Education
  14. International Scholarship
  15. Master Degree Scholarship
  16. Next Scholarships
  17. Online Degree
  18. Online Degree Program
  19. Online Degree Web
  20. Postgraduate Studies in Hongkong
  21. Scholarship and Job Information
  22. Scholarship Corner
  23. Scholarship from Wikipedia
  24. Scholarship Money
  25. Scholarship Points
  26. Scholarship Talk
  27. Scholarships
  28. Search Scholarship
  29. Search Scholarsships
  30. Student Loan
  31. Student Prospector
  32. Undergraduate Postgraduate Course
  33. US Scholarships
  34. Scholarships Canada
  35. Open International Scholarship

Fellowships for Threatened Scholars from Iraq

The Institute of International Education (IIE) invites qualifying Iraqi scholars or their nominators to apply to the Iraq Scholar Rescue Project, a special division of IIE’s Scholar Rescue Fund. This new project provides fellowship assistance for threatened scholars seeking refuge through temporary academic positions at universities, colleges and other institutions of higher learning in the Middle East and North African regions. (Some exceptions may be considered for university positions in other world regions.)

Fellows are expected to teach, research or publish at host academic institutions. While pursuing their academic work, fellows will also be asked to continue to educate Iraqi students within and outside of Iraq. One-year fellowships will cover living expenses and initial relocation costs, and may be renewed for up to one additional year. When conditions allow, scholars are expected to return home to help rebuild universities and societies destroyed by conflict.

Read this in Arabic (PDF)


Iraqi academics, established researchers and professors in any field or discipline may apply. Preferences will be given to scholars with a Ph.D. or equivalent in their field; who have been employed in advanced academic activities at a university, college or other higher learning institution; who demonstrate superior academic accomplishment; and whose selection is likely to benefit the academic community in Iraq and in the host country. Female scholars are encouraged to apply.

To apply for a fellowship, please fill out an application for Iraq candidates (available here). If you have questions about the application form, or would like to learn about how to host an SRF fellow, please write to Kindly include “SRF Iraq Project” in the subject line.

*For information regarding fellowships for scholars from countries other than Iraq, please click here for more information.

Scottish International Scholarship Programme

This exciting scholarship opportunity is open to permanent residents of India and People's Republic of China(Mainland China only).

Awards are available for full time postgraduate study at any of Scotland's universities or higher education institutions.

Courses must be 12 month taught masters programmes, and priority will be given to subjects in the creative industries, science and technology, and financial services. Find out more about what subjects are eligible. The award covers the tuition fees, return economy airfare and living allowance.

More than just a scholarship award, this programme offers you a uniquely enhanced experience of Scotland. Not only will you gain an internationally recognised qualification at a world class university, but you will enhance your career prospects with the chance to network with Scottish companies.

You will experience a rich and vibrant culture and make new friends and contacts from Scotland and around the world.

The scholarships are supported and funded by the Scottish Government's Fresh Talent initiative which aims to encourage bright, talented and hard working individuals to live, work and study in Scotland. After your studies, you will have the opportunity to stay on and live and work in Scotland for up to two years with Fresh Talent.

What does the scholarship cover?

The scholarship covers the tuition fees, return economy airfare and a living allowance.

Applications are now invited for 2008/9. The closing date is 14 March 2008.

For more information, visit this link

Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme

The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant : 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June or July. The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master's level courses but is also willing to consider applications for PhD programmes, when doctoral degrees are necessary for the career objectives of the student. Requests will also be considered for travel and study awards for PhD students doing their research in Third World countries on topics judged to be of interest to the Aga Khan Development Network. Applications for short-term courses are not considered; neither are applications from students who have already started their course of study.

Geographic Scope. The Foundation accepts applications from countries where it has branches, affiliates or other AKDN agencies which can help with processing applications and interviewing applicants. At present, these are Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Syria, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, Madagascar, France, Portugal, UK, USA and Canada.

Selection Criteria. The main criteria for selecting award winners are: l) excellent academic records, 2) genuine financial need, 3) admission to a reputable institution of higher learning and 4) thoughtful and coherent educational and career plans. Candidates are also evaluated on their extra-curricular interests and achievements, potential to achieve their goals and likelihood to succeed in a foreign academic environment. Applicants are expected to have some years of work experience in their field of interest.

Age Limit. Preference is given to students under 30 years of age.

Financial Assistance. The Foundation assists students with tuition fees and living expenses only. The cost of travel is not included in AKF scholarships. Applicants are requested to make every effort to obtain funding from other sources as well, so that the amount requested from the Foundation can be reduced to a minimum. Preference is given to those who have been able to secure some funding from alternative sources.

Loan Conditions. Half of the scholarship amount is considered as a loan, which must be reimbursed with an annual service charge of 5%. A guarantor is required to co-sign the loan agreement. The payback period is five years, starting six months after the study period funded by the Aga Khan Foundation.

Application Procedures. The application procedures of AKF's International Scholarship Programme are decentralised. Students may obtain application forms as of January 1st each year from AKF offices or Aga Khan Education Services / Boards in their countries of current residence. Completed applications should be returned to the agency from which the form was obtained, or to the address indicated on the front of the form. They should not be sent to Geneva. The deadline for submission of applications is March 31, although in certain countries internal deadlines may be earlier.

Applicants should be prepared to be interviewed by local Scholarship Committees about their financial situation, their academic performance, extra-curricular achievements and career plans. Interview reports are sent with the applications to Geneva for the final selection.

The annual Scholarship Selection Meeting takes place in late June or early July and the Aga Khan Foundation notifies all students of the outcome of their application shortly thereafter.

For more information, please visit Aga Khan Foundation website

Scholarships for University of Queensland (UQ) Students to go abroad

This page contains information on scholarships for current Faculty of Business, Economics & Law students who wish to study abroad as a part of their BEL Faculty degree. Scholarships are available for both Domestic and International Students wishing to participate in the UQ Abroad exchange program.

BEL Faculty Overseas Study Assistance Scholarships
The Faculty of Business, Economics and Law is pleased to offer several scholarships to assist its students to go on exchange programs. The Faculty is offering 6 Overseas Study Assistance Scholarships valued at AUD$2,500 each for student exchange in Sem 1, 2008 and Sem 2, 2008. For further information on eligibility and application forms, please see below.
Download Application Form

University Mobility Asia Pacific (UMAP) Scholarships
The University was again successful in receiving UMAP funding for student exchange in 2007. These scholarships have allowed our students to go on an exchange to Chile, Mexico, USA amd Japan. Each UMAP scholarship is worth AUD$4,000. Information on the 2008 round of UMAP funding should be available on this website in October.

For further information please contact the UQ Abroad Office or BEL Faculty International Liaison Officer: Shirley Chung –

Cheung Kong Scholarship Program
This program is now closed for 2007. Under the Cheung Kong Scholarship Program, two University of Queensland students received AUD$6,000 to go on exchange to the University of Hong Kong and the National University of Singapore. Scholarships were also provided to students from those universities to come on exchange to UQ. Information on the 2008 round of Cheung Kong Scholarship funding should be available on this website in October.

For further information please contact the UQ Abroad Office

Jubilee Scholarship
The Jubilee scholarship is offered by the School of Economics. The successful recipient will receive one return economy airfare plus a living allowance of approximately $AUD 1000 per month. The deadline for applications is 31 August.

Information can be obtained at or download the application form – click here

Please note: The Faculty takes this opportunity to advise students that the value of an award may be assessable for Centrelink and/or income tax purposes. You are advised to contact Centrelink and/or the Australian Taxation Office, as appropriate, for further information.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bakrie School of Management Scholarship 2008

Yayasan Pendidikan Bisnis Indonesia (YPBI) adalah yayasan yang didirikan oleh keluarga Bakrie yang bertujuan untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan bisnis yang berkualitas internasional. Yayasan ini mengelola Bakrie School of Management (BSM).

Bakrie School of Management kembali membuka pendaftaran siswa baru pada tahun 2008 ini. Test gelombang pertama akan dilakukan pada tanggal 24 Februari 2008 dengan materi test potensi akademik, matematika, dan bahasa inggris.

Bakrie School of Management memberikan kesempatan bagi sekitar 335 mahasiswa baru melalui program beasiswa penuh.

Bentuk beasiswa yang diberikan berupa:
• Bebas biaya kuliah sampai selesai (4 tahun)
• Biaya TOEFL preparation hingga mencapai nilai 600 selama 4 semester.

Persyaratan Umum Beasiswa Bakrie:
• Warga negara Indonesia
• Melampirkan surat keterangan sehat dari dokter
• Lulus pendidikan SMA/Aliyah atau sekolah kejuruan lain yang sederajat dengan tahun kelulusan 2007/2008.
• Mengikuti test seleksi.

Persyaratan Administratif:
• Mendaftar secara online di (dokumen pendukung dikirim melalui pos) atau datang langsung ke kampus BSM, di Gelanggang Mahasiswa Soemantri Brodjonegoro, suite GF 22, JL. H>R. Rasuna Said kav.C-22, Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12920
• Melampirkan foto copy KTP/passport/SIM/kartu pelajar
• Melampirkan foto copy Akte Kelahiran
• Melampirkan pas foto ukuran 3×4 cm (3 lembar), berwarna latar belakang biru
• Membiayai biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 200.000
• Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara: tunai di kampus BSM atau Transfer ke Bank Permata Syariah cabang Atrium Setiabudi no. rek. 0971 008008 a/n Yayasan Pendidikan Bisnis Indonesia
• BUkti transfer di fax ke no. (021) 527 6543, 526 3191 dengan mencantumkan nama siswa dan no. peserta ujian

Ujian Saringan Masuk:
Untuk informasi jadwal ujian silahkan hubungi bagian informasi atau melalui

Bebas biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 200 000, jika memenuhi persyaratan akademik sebagai berikut:
• Memiliki rata-rata UAN 7,5 (bagi yang sudah lulus) atau
• Mamiliki nilai rapor semester 5 rata-rata lebih besar atau sama dengan 7,5 bagi siswa yang masih duduk di kelas XII (terutama untuk bahasa inggris dan Matematika)

Telp. 021 526 1448; 021 526 3182/3
Fax. 021 527 6543, 526 3191

Ireland: PhD Studentships in Applied Microeconomics, Trinity College Dublin

Job description

This project analyses the impact of recent policy changes on various aspects relating to the agri-food sectors in Ireland and other EU countries focussing in particular on Denmark and the Netherlands. Using the Irish National Farm Survey a micro approach is taken that allows specific research questions relating to:

1) productivity and competitiveness; 2) the changing structure of production systems in terms of farm numbers, the role of economies of scale, specialisation and system switching; and 3) the wider rural community to be addressed. The availability of a comparable survey for Denmark and the Netherlands presents a unique opportunity for the Irish experience to be compared to that of similar regions of Europe facing the same set of constraints but with significantly different sectors in terms of structure, organisation and the role of government supports This study will provide valuable lessons for policy by deepening our understanding of the important issues facing the agri-food sector in Ireland at the micro level and observing how the Irish experience compares to that of similar European regions. The project will also explore alternative uses for land post-decupling focussing in particular on opportunities in relation to organic farming and alternative energy sources drawing on the successes of the Danish experience.

The PhD student will be based at the Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin. The student will spend some time at the University of Kent in the UK and at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands working with leading economists on farm survey data and project related modelling issues.


* MSc degree or equivalent in Economics
* An interest in applied microeconomics in particular agricultural or environmental economics
* Excellent quantitative skills (i.e. econometric modelling).

Conditions of employment
Stipend: €16,000 p.a. plus tuition fees
Duration of the contract: 3 years beginning April 1st, 2008

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Dr. Carol Newman
Phone: +353 1 896 3709
Email: cnewman[ at ]

Interested candidates should either post or email their CVs before March 1st to Dr. Carol Newman, Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. Email: cnewman[ at ]

Deadline: March 1st, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008


The information provided in this site are obtained from many sources and institutions. We will not be held for any responsible for the inaccuracy of the information within this blog.

Admin Scholarship Corner

Saturday, February 9, 2008

United Cooperative Scholarship Funds

United Cooperative Offering $10,000 in Scholarship Funds

United Cooperative is offering ten $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are looking to use their education to pursue a career in an agricultural field.

The company says at least five of the scholarships will be awarded to students majoring in an agricultural field, and at least one will be awarded to a student attending a technical school.

Applicants will be judged on their leadership skills, scholastic achievement, extra curricular activities, motivation, and academic and personal goals. To be eligible, the student or the parent must be a patron member of United Cooperative; the student must attend an accredited college, university, or technical school; and the student must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale.

The scholarships will be paid upon receipt of transcript showing completion of the first semester and proof of registration for the second semester.

The scholarship application deadline is March 1. For more information, call 800-924-2991.


PhD: Development of a Surgical Force & Motion Analysis System

Department/faculty: Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Level: Master degree
Working hours: 38 hours per week (1 FTE)
Contract: This position has a temporary employment basis of four years (48 months).
Salary: Maximum of € 2558 per month gross with full-time employment

Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
The 3ME Faculty trains committed engineering students and PhD candidates in groundbreaking scientific research in the fields of mechanical, maritime and materials engineering. 3ME is the epitome of a dynamic, innovative faculty, with a European scope that contributes demonstrable economic and social benefits.

The Department of Biomechanical Engineering coordinates education and research activities in the field of mechanical engineering techniques, including modeling and design, to analyze the interaction between medical, biological and technical systems. An important aspect of the research topics is how surgeons control their instruments during complex surgical procedures. For more information see

Job description
Minimally invasive surgical techniques require special manual skills. Accurate control of the surgical instruments is of utmost importance for dexterous performance and patient safety. To obtain automated assessment of dexterity, registration of instrument motion and forces is necessary. Combining motion analysis with an analysis of the forces enables the development of metrics and feedback systems to support the surgeon. In this project, the PhD student will integrate motion capture of the surgical instruments with force sensing into one measurement system, as well as develop analysis tools for assessment of skills in surgical tasks. The developed measurement and analysis tools should finally result in the clinical implementation of a surgical training system. The international nature of the research offers opportunities to travel and to work abroad. An applicability orientation is reflected by the department’s support to start-up companies.

The project is funded by Medical Delta - Health, Science & Technology (, a consortium of Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam (Erasmus MC), Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). The research is conducted in close collaboration with LUMC and covers one clinical PhD student at LUMC and one in Biomechanical Engineering at DUT.

The Department of Biomechanical Engineering is looking for outstanding engineers with an M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and/or biomedical engineering. The candidate should have a broad interest in mechanical design and sensor technology, preferably with experience in the field of human-machine interaction. Experience in programming languages such as Matlab or C++ is a requisite. The candidate must have an affinity for working in the medical field.

Conditions of employment
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, a free ADSL connection at home, and the opt

Indonesia-NewZealand Development Scholarships

New Zealand Development Scholarships – Public category (NZDS-Public) and Open category (NZDS-Open).

Within the New Zealand bilateral development assistance programme for Indonesia, up to ten NZDS-Public and three NZDS-Open scholarships will be offered to eligible Indonesian citizens for study beginning in the 2009 academic year. In the event of insufficient NZDS-Public applications that meet the criteria, a correspondingly greater number of NZDS-Open places will be made available.

The scholarships are available to public servants, lecturers from academic institutions, and also to members of non-government organisations and private sector and other agencies, (preferably organisations and agencies who are working in partnership with NZAID). The NZDS scholarships are for postgraduate study, primarily for Masters level qualifications, but a small number of scholarships for Doctorate (PhD) research are available. Applications for PhD level will only be considered where particularly strong development relevance is demonstrated.

Priority sectors

New Zealand Development Scholarships will be awarded in areas agreed with the Government of Indonesia (BAPPENAS/SEKNEG) as being priority human resources development needs. Priority sectors for 2009 are:

• Rural livelihoods
• Governance
• Basic education
• Human rights
• Conflict prevention and peace building
• In the Health sector, consideration will be given to applicants interested in appropriate study options directly related to community-based, primary health, water and sanitation who are from eastern Indonesia (NTB, NTT, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua), Aceh and Nias.
• With regard to Indonesia’s avian flu response, and to the sectors of disaster planning and management and the environment/conservation, consideration will be given to applicants from NTB, NTT, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, Aceh and Nias and, also to other applicants who meet the Indonesia specific criteria below.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must meet the following NZDS eligibility criteria before their application will be considered against the selection criteria, including any criteria specific to Indonesia. Applicants must:

• be a citizen of Indonesia (i.e. permanent residents are not eligible to apply);
• be residing in Indonesia, preferably for at least two years prior to application;
• not have citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand or Australia or another country;
• not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds, or who is eligible to hold, citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand, Australia or another developed country;
• be aged 17 or over before the scholarship start date;
• be applying to commence a new qualification and not be seeking funding for one already commenced in New Zealand or another country2;
• not have completed, or nearly completed, a qualification at a similar level (i.e. applicants must apply for a higher level qualification than any previously attained), unless strong developmental relevance is demonstrated;
• satisfy the admission requirements of the New Zealand education institution at which the qualification is to be undertaken, including English language criteria;
• have been working in their home country, preferably for at least two years prior to application, including since completing their highest tertiary qualification gained to date;
• be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to Indonesia’s public, private or community sector (as relevant), and to the development of Indonesia in general; and
• be able to take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered.

Applicants cannot:
• be studying full-time at post-secondary level;
• be transferring from another tertiary scholarship (either in New Zealand or in another country) to a NZDS;
• hold, or have held, a New Zealand Government or Australian Government scholarship in the 24 months preceding the scholarship start date; or
• have been terminated from a New Zealand or Australian Government scholarship previously.

In addition, applicants from Indonesia must:
• be no more than 40 years of age at the time of application;
• hold a recognised undergraduate degree if applying for a Masters degree, or a recognised Masters degree if applying for a PhD. The applicant must have a GPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.0 or equivalent for their highest qualification attained to date. If a different grading system was used, the applicant must submit a certified translated explanation of the grade. Generally, the applicant’s academic background should be relevant to the field of study proposed for study in New Zealand;
• have been working in Indonesia for two years immediately preceding the date of their scholarship application, and have their application approved and officially endorsed by their employing organisation;
• provide honest and accurate answers to all relevant questions on their application form; and
• agree to meet other criteria as agreed in consultation with the Government of Indonesia.

Application Deadline: 20th April 2008

Further information may be obtained at:

Italy: Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Trento

Full-time Associate Professor in International Relations with an emphasis on international institutions and regimes

The faculty of Sociology of the University of Trento seeks to appoint a full-time associate professor in the field of International Relations, starting in the academic year 2008-2009. It is a tenured position with the salary and conditions of an Italian associate professor.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline, an excellent publication record and an equivalent position in a (non-Italian or Italian) university. A proven ability to attract outside funding will be highly considered. The successful applicant will contribute to teaching and research in the field of International Relations, in particular in the field of international institutions and regimes. Candidates who can also contribute in the area of the EU’s global role are encouraged to apply.

The successful candidate is expected to teach courses at the undergraduate level at the faculty of Sociology, and at the MA and Ph.D. level at the multidisciplinary graduate School of International Studies. S/he will also have to supervise MA and PhD as well as undergraduate theses. Because graduate-level teaching will be in English, an excellent (oral and written) knowledge of the latter language is a prerequisite. However, the successful candidate, if not Italian, is required to acquire a good working knowledge of the Italian language within the first year of her/his appointment. It is expected that the successful candidate will assist in the management of the multidisciplinary Ph.D. programme in international Studies.

The University of Trento is one of Italy’s youngest public universities and is consistently ranked amongst the best in the country. The faculty of Sociology in particular, has consistently occupied first place, ever since rankings of university departments were introduced in Italy.

Applications must include a CV; a list of publications; an outline of current and planned research projects; outlines of proposed courses at the Ph.D. and Master levels, as well as letters from three referees. The application deadline is March 31, 2008. Applications arriving after the deadline will be disregarded, even if sent before March 31, 2008. Short-listed candidates will be invited to visit the Faculty of Sociology and deliver a lecture at the School of International Studies by the end of May or the beginning of June 2008. The successful candidate is expected to take up residence in Trento. The University of Trento is an equal-opportunity employer and particularly invites applications from female candidates.

Please send applications to: Dr. Ton Notermans, School of International Studies, University of Trento, Via Verdi 8/10, I-38100 Trento Italy

For further information please contact Dr. Notermans at the School of Interrnational Studies, phone +390461883150, Fax: +390461883152, email: ton.notermans[ at ] , URL:

Ton Notermans PhD
School of International Studies
University of Trento
Via Verdi 8/10
I - 38100 Trento (TN), Italy
Phone: +39 0461 883150
Fax: +39 0461 883152

Deadline: March 31, 2008

Italy: PhD Scholarships in International Studies, University of Trento

PhD Scholarships
Multidisciplinary PhD Programme in International Studies
School of International Studies, University of Trento*, Italy

The University of Trento is now inviting applications from qualified candidates for its three-year PhD Programme in International Studies. This highly structured multidisciplinary programme is composed of a minimum of 200 hours of coursework. Students follow a common curriculum in International studies, methodology, research design, and history, and attend advanced seminars in their major and minor subjects, chosen from amongst the disciplines of Economics, Law, and Politics & Society.

The coursework is concentrated in the first year, with the third semester being devoted to the completion of the research proposal. At least one semester must be spent abroad for research. The school invites applications across the whole range of disciplines comprising international studies, but particularly encourages students who intend to carry out research in the following areas: European and International Politics; European, Comparative and International Law; Open Economy Macroeconomics, International Trade and International Financial History. One scholarship will be reserved for applicants with a research project in the area of Trans-national Crime. An additional scholarship is reserved for candidates with a research project in the area of Politics of European and Regional Integration.

The programme is conducted entirely in English and will be taught by members of the university’s multi-national faculty. No tuition fees apply. The programme offers number of full scholarships renewable for three years subject to satisfactory academic appraisal. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit and will be augmented by 50% for authorised research periods spent abroad. At least 50% of the admitted candidates will be offered scholarships.

Application Deadline: March 17, 2008.

For further details, consult our website or contact us: (School of International Studies, University of Trento, Via Verdi 8/10, I-38100 Trento (TN), Italy, phone: +39 0461 883150, email: phd[ at ],

* The University of Trento is currently ranked number 411 in the THES World University Ranking.

Ton Notermans PhD
School of International Studies
University of Trento
Via Verdi 8/10
I - 38100 Trento (TN), Italy
Phone: +39 0461 883150
Fax: +39 0461 883152