Sunday, December 30, 2007

McKelvey Foundation Entrepreneurial Scholarships

Each scholar will be awarded up to $10,000 per year to attend any four-year college within the United States. The winners, in return, will be asked to meet scholarship criteria (below) during that four-year period. Winners of the Entrepreneurial Scholarships will enjoy being part of a larger entrepreneurial networking community and will be given the opportunity to meet with other scholars during our summer e-Venture program.

Scholarship Criteria
To be considered for this award, applicants must:

* Be a graduating senior of a U.S. high school or home-school program
* Attend an accredited four-year college or university within the 50 United States
* Own and operate a business for at least one year (non-profits are OK)
* Have at least one paid employee (not including yourself)
* Have sales revenue (unless non-profit)
* Submit a completed online application
* Fill out a FAFSA form to apply for all other financial aid
* Provide documentation of the above when requested
* Agree to participate in a telephone interview, if selected as a finalist
* Winners must attend the summer e-Venture program (2008 in St. Louis, MO)

Applications are due by January 15, 2008.

For more information and application process, please visit the official website.

Indiana Broadcasters Association Scholarship Program

The Indiana Broadcasters Association (IBA) is pleased to announce its annual Scholarship Program. Scholarships will be awarded to select High School and College students pursuing careers in broadcasting. The scholarships will be good toward educational expenses at any IBA member college or university offering an undergraduate major in Broadcasting, Electronic Media, Telecommunications or Broadcast Journalism.

Applications can be obtained by contacting the Indiana Broadcasters Association at 1-800-342-6276 or 317-573-0119, or Applications are also available at WANE-TV studios, 2915 West State Blvd. during regular office hours.

The deadline for the Scholarship Application is March 3, 2008.

IBA Member Colleges and Universities:
Anderson University, Ball State University, DePauw University, Earlham College, Franklin College of Indiana, Goshen College, Huntington College, Indiana State University, Indiana University, IUPUI, Manchester College, Purdue University, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts, St. Joseph’s College, Taylor University, Tri-State University, University of Evansville, University of Indianapolis, University of Notre Dame, University of Southern Indiana, Valparaiso University, Vincennes University


The University of Queensland Scholarship 2008

Four one-year scholarships, each valued at $1500, are available from the UQ Business School and School of Tourism to be awarded to outstanding Australian and International students who are admitted to the Bachelor of Business (BBus) at the UQ Ipswich Campus in 2008.

Eligibility & Benefits
• Four one-year scholarships are available, each worth $1500

Basis of Award
  • Criteria based on Year 12 Overall Position, or international equivalent. Interviews may be required;
  • Personal statement regarding high school involvement and community involvement;
  • Personal reference from Principal, Head of Year, or other teacher; and
  • Previous study of business, business communication, commerce or computing, hospitality, sport, travel, tourism at school or college is not a requirement for enrolment in the Bachelor of Business, nor for application for the scholarships.
Application Procedures
• Download Application Form or visit the UQ Business School or the School of Tourism
• Closing date for applications 5pm on Friday, 28 March 2008
• For further enquiries contact Sheenagh Kelley or phone on 3381 1307

How to submit your application
• Fill in the application.
• Attach a copy of your OP score issued by QTAC (or equivalent UQ entry required documents).
• Attach your 500 word statement (count the words, edit properly and format as per instructions).
• Attach a copy of your reference.
• Submit your application and attachments in a 325 x 225 envelope to:
Ipswich Scholarships Coordinator
UQ Business School
11 Salisbury Road
Ipswich QLD 4305

For more information click here

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Denmark: PhD Scholarships in Innovation Management, Aarhus School of Business

PhD Scholarship Department of Marketing and Statistics, Position 544-0105.

The Department of Marketing and Statistics at Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus (ASB) Denmark, invites applications for a PhD scholarship within the area of Innovation Management starting 1 March 2008.

Innovation Management is a focus area for the department’s research. In the field of Innovation Management, the Department has close research cooperations with the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). These networks can be leveraged by the applicant.

The applicant is expected to do his/her PhD work in the following topic areas:

* Lead user innovation and entrepreneurship
* Emerging organizational forms for innovation and new business development

The PhD scholarship is partly financed by the EBST-project “Development of a model for lead-user based entrepreneurship” and will be carried out in close collaboration with the research activities going on in this project.

EBST is a department of the Danish Ministry for Economic and Business Affairs ( The project is a cooperation project between LEGO and Aarhus School of Business. Academic partners are Copenhagen Business School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For further information on the project, please visit this link.

Applicants are expected to have completed a Master’s degree in the social sciences with very good or excellent results. Good knowledge of statistics is essential.

Please contact Professor Christopher Lettl (lettl[ at ] for project descriptions and further information.

A PhD student in Denmark must complete an individually planned PhD course programme within the relevant research area and conduct a research project under the supervision of experienced senior researchers. As part of the PhD scholarship the applicant will be enrolled in the PhD programme comprising a number of courses within the relevant research area.

The PhD student is also expected, as part of the programme, to spend some time (up to six months), with coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, at another - often foreign - research institution. During the programme, the PhD student is further expected to gain teaching experience within the subject area as well as experience with other forms of dissemination of research results. ASB also finances participation in relevant PhD courses and scientific conferences.

Conditions of employment
The PhD fellowship has a duration of three years. Graduates and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the fellowship. The employment is covered by a national collective agreement.

The applicant’s research potential will be the determining factor for a positive academic assessment. Exam results will also be assessed. For further information on admission criteria and ASB’s PhD programme, please go to:

If you have any questions about the scholarship etc., please feel free to contact Henrik Scriver, deputy head, tel. +45 8948 6560, email: hsc[ at ]

The application must be submitted on a special application form which can be downloaded from:

or requested from Kirsten Hedegaard Fynsk, tel. +45 8948 6567, e-mail: kihf[ at ]

Deadline for application: 7 January 2008 at 12:00 noon.

For the full details of the job announcement and applications requirements please refer to

Further information about Aarhus School of Business can be found at:, University of Aarhus:

New Zealand: PhD Scholarship in Stochastic and Fuzzy Modelling, Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology PhD Scholarship Software Engineering Research Laboratory School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences.

A fully funded PhD position is available in the Software Engineering Research Lab at Auckland University of Technology and applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates.

The scholarship is tenable for up to four years to support work in the area of stochastic and fuzzy modelling in the management of software development projects.

Successful candidates will have an Honours (or more likely a Masters) degree in Computer Science or similar technical discipline. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the software development lifecycle and have an interest in software project management. Strong development skills, preferably in Java or C++, will be required.

Applications are invited from potential international students as well as New Zealand citizens, Permanent Residents and Australian citizens. Applicants with interests in the areas of Software Product and Process Improvement, Optimisation Algorithms, Requirements Engineering or Visualisation are also invited to apply. Closing date for applications is 26 January 2008.

Interested applicants should in the first instance send a CV and covering letter to:

Dr Andy Connor (D-75)
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Email: serl[ at ]

Closing date: 26 January 2008.

Ireland: Post Graduate Research Positions in Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin

Applications are invited for several post-graduate research positions (details here ) in the Knowledge and Data Engineering Research Group (KDEG), Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin. KDEG enjoys a world class reputation in Intelligent Systems and knowledge driven information systems. Successful candidates will have a first class honours degree in computer science or related discipline and are highly motivated.

The successful candidates will have experience in one or more of the following areas:

* Model driven software development
* Policy Based Management
* Semantic Web Technologies
* Web Service technologies and Integration
* Multilingual and/or Multimedia Information Retrieval
* Personalisation and Adaptive Systems
* Information Visualisation

Experience in any of the following applications will be beneficial:

* Service and Network Management
* eLearning and Technology Enhanced Learning
* Localisation and Multilingual Systems
* Ubiquitous Computing

These post-graduate positions are for three year durations and are supported under the Science Foundation Ireland and HEA Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions.

The position includes payment of academic fees and a tax exempt annual stipend of 16,000 Euro. Expected start date is April 2008.

For further information please refer to
Email contact: Vincent.Wade[ at ]

Please send application via email with Subject Line “KDEG Postgraduate Position” to: Jean.Maypother[ at ]

or send an application by post to:
KDEG Postgraduate Position
c/o Jean Maypother
School of Computer Science and Statistics
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2

Closing date for applications is January 15th 2008.

visit the official announcement

Epson Printer: what you see is what you get

If you like collecting pictures, I highly recommed you to use Epson Printer for your media printing partner. The printed image we get is as good as the image on my monitor.Epson Printer give you a very detailed color, soft and also easy dried so that you do not need to spent your time to dry the image.

Did you have any experience using Epson Printer. What the most model do you like?

Epson Printer offer you a lot of models, such as Epson Picturemate Dash 4x6 Inkjet Printer, Epson (C11C655001) Printer, Xerox Phaser 6250 Laser Printer and so on. The best way to choose, I think, is what you need from your printer. Do you need it to print a high quality photo, print document, or you need it to scan and copy any document. All you need are here!

Epson Printer

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And what about you? Did you have any experience using Epson Printer. What the most model do you like?

Epson Printer offer you a lot of models, such as Epson Picturemate Dash 4x6 Inkjet Printer, Epson (C11C655001) Printer, Xerox Phaser 6250 Laser Printer and so on. The best way to choose, I think, is what you need from your printer. Do you need it to print a high quality photo, print document, or you need it to scan and copy any document. All you need are here!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

PhD (Computational Science), ETH Zurich (CH)

PhD position at ETH Zurich, Institute of Computational Science, in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Large Research Facilities Division.

A PhD positioned is offered in the context of a 3-year Swiss NSF research grant. The goal of the project is the development of a large-scale finite element code for the simulation of resonant lossy electromagnetic structures (antennas, waveguides). This is the continuation of a project in which a code was developed for the design of particle accelerator cavities.

Applicants should have a university degree in Computational Science, Mathematics, Physics, or Electrical Engineering with strong programming skills (C++). Previous exposure to computational electrodynamics and the finite element method would be beneficial.

Please send applications by e-mail to Prof Peter Arbenz (arbenz(_AT_) Applications must include a CV (with list of publications and contact information of two referees), grades of all university classes, and a one-page statement of your background and research interests.

For questions contact the above or Dr Benedikt Oswald (benedikt.oswald(_AT_)

Postdoc mathematical analysis and scientific computing in wave equations

The faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Twente educates, and conducts research with approximately 2000 students including 300 PhD-students. The faculty is also responsible for a large volume of service education for programmes of other faculties. The faculty has approximately 300 permanent staff.

The faculty of EEMCS conducts BSc-programmes in Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Business Information Systems and MSc-programmes in Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics, Applied Mathematics, Business Information Technology, Computer Science, Telematics, Human Media Interaction en Embedded Systems and is partner in various programmes of other faculties.

Postdoc mathematical analysis and scientific computing in wave equations

Within the chair Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, there is vacancy for a postdoc. He or she will be part of the project “Wave propagation and reflection seismology” of Dr. C.C. Stolk, which is funded by NWO via a VIDI subsidy. The postdoc is to work on innovative methods for the wave equation, using ideas from analysis to develop fast numerical schemes. Seismic applications can be part of this work.

Research topic

Reflection seismology is a technique used in industry and in academia to study the properties of the inside of the earth using acoustic waves that are generated and observed at the surface. The most important application is in the exploration for oil and gas, but it is also used to study fundamental geophysical questions about the Earth, and in engineering applications. The problem of converting the measured data into reliable images of the Earth leads to much interesting mathematics. For example regarding seismic imaging and migration, inverse problems and computational methods for wave equations. This last aspect is important since the problem is usually computationally very intensive and computation of solutions to the wave equation in practice takes up most computational time. Not only is this an interesting problem for applying mathematical ideas by mathematicians, but also mathematicians can learn from the methods that geophysicists have come up with over time. Often this involves a combination of ideas about physical wave propagation and reflection, analysis and geometry and computational aspects.

We propose the postdoc to work on recent, new techniques for wave equations. Some references are given below. Different techniques are used to obtain an improvement in speed or accuracy. For example special basis functions, or special ways to approximate operators, using careful decompositions and near-sparsity. Or explicit propagation by translating over the rays of geometrical optics (so far only in 1-D). This is based on high-frequency, ray theory. In these ways the expensive small time step requirement (CFL condition) for finite difference or finite element schemes can be circumvented. Such approaches combine analytical and numerical ideas, and require further research.


E. Candes, L. Demanet, and L. Ying, “Fast computation of fourier integral operators”, Technical report, Stanford University, 2006, see

C. C. Stolk, “A fast method for linear waves based on geometrical optics”, preprint 2007.

G. Beylkin and K. Sandberg, “Wave propagation using bases for bandlimited functions”, Wave Motion, 41(3):263–291, 2005.


There is quite a large number of people interested in simulation and numerical analysis of such differential equations from physics, coming from two chairs. These are Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics (AAMP,, and Numerical Analysis and Computation Mechanics (NACM, Together these groups consist of about 15 permanent staff and approximately the same number of PhD students and postdocs.


The Postdoc should have excellent academic achievements in mathematics or applied mathematics. He or she has a strong background in mathematical analysis and/or numerical analysis, and a good knowledge of PDEs. Some experience with programming numerical codes will be beneficial.


We offer a fulltime position (38 hrs/week), with a maximum duration of 2 years. The gross salary will start from approximately EUR 2740 per month, depending on experience and background.


For further information, contact

Dr. C.C. (Chris) Stolk
University of Twente
Dept. of Applied Mathematics
POBox 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 53 4893460, email:


Letters of applicants (preferably by email) should be sent to the address given above and should contain a CV including references, full academic record and a letter of motivation.

Reactions are expected before January 24, 2008.

PHD Call for Ruhr-University Research School Scholarships

Institution: Ruhr-University Bochum
Land: Germany
Position: University eingegangen

2. Call for Ruhr-University Research School Scholarships

The Research School promotes top-level postgraduate education throughout the
Ruhr-University, offering unique interdisciplinary research opportunities in
Germany. 12 thematic priorities from life sciences, through natural sciences and
engineering to the humanities and social sciences.
We provide wide prospects for an individual research project in an attractive
and international research environment.

- Research School scholarships are offered as employment contracts
- net salary after taxes approx. 1.100 per month (El 3/2 TVL)
- net salary for engineers after taxes approx. 1.800 per manth (El 3 TVL)
- in addition 1.000 p.a lump sum for consumables and travel
- PhD positions for three years
- special support service for foreign students
- state-of-the-art research facillties
- structured scientific programme
- transdisciplinary Science Collage
- training of transferable skills
- supervision and mentoring arrangements career guidance

Deadline for application is January 31, 2008.
Details on the research fields and admission procedure can be obtained at

Natural Sciences and Engineering
- Interfacial Systems Chemistry
- Plasma Science
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering
- Security in Information and Communication Systems
- Advanced Computational Sciences and Engineering (ACSE)

The coordination is handled by the Central Coordination Office (CCO) of the
Research School. Further details regarding the announcement can be obtained at

AUN - Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Scholarship

AUN-GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea) Scholarship on Science and Technology, offers scholarships to ASEAN students to study masteral (4 slots) and doctoral (6 slots) degrees in science and technology in Gwangju, Korea. The AUN-GIST scholarship covers tuition fee, airfare, accommodation and living allowance.

Areas of Study:
• Information and Mechatronics
• Material Science and Engineering
• Environmental Science and Engineering
• Life Science
• Photon Science and Technology

• Citizen of an ASEAN member country
• Posses a Bachelor’s degree (for M.S. Applicants) and M.S. degree (for Ph.D. applicants)
• Good academic record
• Have a minimum score of 550 (213 CBT) in TOEFL or 6.5 in IELTS, or 750 in TOEIC or 680 in TEPS.
• Have good medical record

Application Documens to be Submitted:
• Application form
• Two sealed letters of recommendation; one of which must be from the Dean of the Department he has attended
• Official diploma in English
• Original undergraduate/graduate transcript of record certified by the University Registrar
• Official TOEFL or IELTS score report taken not more than two years
• Resume or curriculum vitae
• MA thesis (for those applying for Ph.D.
• Two photographs (4×5 cm)

207 Administration Bldg.
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong Buk - gu
Republic of Korea

Telephone: +82-62-970-2061 ~ 2063
Fax: +82-62-970-2069

Deadline: March 15, 2008.

International Doctoral Program 2008 at Tohoku University

The Graduate School of Engineering, the Graduate School of Information Sciences and the Graduate School of Environmental Studies are pleased to announce the Tohoku University International Doctoral Program in Engineering, Information Sciences and Environmental Studies and invite applicants for 2008 entry.

The program was launched in 2001 through the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho) and is now in its eighth year. In this program, a wide variety of elective courses are being offered in English.

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Monbukagakusho scholarships for international students with outstanding scholastic ability are being offered as part of the program. Also, students enjoy some of the world`s best experimental facilities and study along with distinguished faculty and associates to develop creative and original research that is published in highly reputed international journals. Candidates should submit application materials and choose a department for enrollment from the 22 departments listed below:


* Department of Mechanical System and Design
* Department of Nanomechanics
* Department of Aerospace Engineering
* Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering
* Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering
* Department of Electronic Engineering
* Department of Applied Physics
* Department of Applied Chemistry
* Department of Chemical Engineering
* Department of Biomolecular Engineering
* Department of Metallurgy
* Department of Materials Science
* Department of Materials Processing
* Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
* Department of Architecture and Building Sciences
* Management of Science and Technology Department
* Department of Bioengineering and Robotics
* Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
* Department of System Information Sciences
* Department of Human-Social Information Sciences
* Department of Applied Information Sciences
* Department of Environmental Studies

Candidates should also choose one from the following course groups (A-E):

* Group A: Environmental Engineering
* Group B: Information and Communications
* Group C: Medical Engineering
* Group D: Energy
* Group E: Materials

Twenty-five students will be admitted per year into the program, 5 into each course group. A maximum of 12 students can be awarded Monbukagakusho scholarships. Lectures in English are arranged in areas of students` research specialty. However, depending on the students` language ability, research supervision may be in English or Japanese. And students may also attend lectures given in Japanese to fulfill their requirements.

Deadline July, 5th 2008

Eight PhD Studentship in Physics at The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance

Job Summary
The alliance brings together internationally leading physics research across Scotland to form the largest physics grouping in the UK. Major research themes being pursued are astronomy, condensed matter and materials physics, nuclear and plasma physics, elementary particles, photonics and physics and life sciences.

Job Description

The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) is offering up to 8 fully funded PhD studentships for outstanding students from anywhere in the world.

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These prestigious and competitive awards are intended to attract outstanding students to study for a PhD in Scotland. Applicants will be registered for a PhD in physics at one of the participating Universities namely Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Glasgow, Paisley, St Andrews and Strathclyde.

An excellent training environment will be provided by the SUPA Graduate School, giving candidates access to a wide range of courses across Scotland. The online SUPA Prize Studentship is looking to recruit the best early stage researchers for Scotland from a world-wide market to come to Scotland and help drive the research agenda in physics. The competition has run three times very successfully.

In the first year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition had 127 applications from 34 countries. 10 studentships were awarded. The second year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition saw an increase in applications and countries represented with 186 applications from 50 countries. 9 students were awarded the prize studentships. In our third year we had 230 applications again from around 50 countries and we awarded 15 studentships.

The SUPA Graduate School has 7 state of the art video-enable teaching rooms in each of the 6 SUPA partner physics departments and in the University of Dundee. All SUPA students have access to a comprehensive selection of advanced courses being delivered pan- Scotland by SUPA partners pooling expertise in the main theme areas of SUPA viz nuclear and plasma physics, photonics, condensed matter and material physics, astro and space, particle physics and physics and life sciences.

In 2006-07, the first year of operation, we offered a total of 611 lecture hours across a choice of 48 graduate courses and 4 distance learning courses. Three Learning Technologists support video-enabled teaching and develop e-learning materials for the Graduate School. Students and staff within SUPA have access to My.SUPA - a customised learning portal to enhance and support teaching, learning, communication and collaboration within the alliance.

Applications should be made at by 31 January 2008.

Only on-line applications will be accepted. Please don`t e-mail us any documents before completing the on-line form.

Organisation/ Institute Contact Data
Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
Mayfield Road Edinburgh

E-Mail: prize.admin@
Website :

PhD Fellowships at the Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen

The Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, is inviting applications for 6 PhD fellowships funded by the globalisation pool of the Danish Government and supporting parties, starting 1 September 2008 for a period of up to three years.

Applications may concern any subject area within the Humanities.
A short description of the academic fields covered by the Faculty is available at : http://english.hum.kudk/

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The complete text of the announcement of the fellowships is available from :

Further information is available from :
The PhD Centre,
Tel. +45 35 32 92 23,
e- mail:,
Room 10.1.22, Njalsgade 80,
DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.