Wednesday, March 14, 2007
[Italy] The Eni Corporate University Master Scholarships in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics
The Master is offered to Italian and foreign university graduates that are interested in career paths within firms, authorities and other institutions operating in the energy and environmental sectors. For the Academic Year 2007-2008, the Scuola Enrico Mattei will assign a maximum of 50 scholarships.
Three programs of the MEDEA are offered:
* Energy Industry Economics
* Business Administration in Energy Industry
* Managing Technical Assets in Energy Industry
The program is articulated on three phases, with an increasing degree of specialisation. All profiles consist of preliminary courses, followed by fundamental courses and by specialisation classes.
The Academic Year runs for ten months, from September 5, 2007 through to June 27, 2008. Full-time attendance is required. Since courses are conducted in Italian and in English, an intensive Italian language course will be held during the summer of 2007. Those who have successfully completed the programme of study will be awarded a Master`s Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA.
Admission is subject to the following requirements:
* university degree in Italy, or an equivalent academic qualification abroad, in departments of: Business Administration, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Geology, Industrial Chemistry, International Law, Physics and Statistics;
* Italian candidates must be under the age of 28 years and non-Italian candidates must be under the age of 32 at the beginning of the Master course;
* good knowledge of the English language.
The course, moreover, can be attended also by people autonomously chosen by the Eni Companies.
The deadline for application is March 31, 2007 for foreign citizens and April 30, 2007 for Italian citizens. Italian candidates will attend the final selection in San Donato Milanese (MI); non-Italian candidates in Algeri, Almaty, Ankara, Beijing, Brussels, Budapest, Cairo, Lagos, London, Luanda, Madrid, Monaco, Moscow, New York, Sao Paulo, Tripoli, or in other offices of Eni, depending on their nationality.
Euros 25,000
For successful candidates, the admission to and the enrolment in the School carry no fees. The School offers students a financial contribution for the accommodation and living expenses. Moreover, students are given free training materials and the opportunity to avail themselves of Eni canteen facilities. Finally, scholarships are provided on the basis of examination results.
San Donato Milanese, December 15, 2006 The Chief Executive Officer Sergio Primus
Applications must be sent online at:
For further information and leaflet please contact the School Secretary at:
Scuola Enrico Mattei - Eni Corporate University
Via S. Salvo, 1
20097 - San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy.
Tel. (0039) 02.520.57922
(0039) 02.520.57907
Fax (0039) 02.520.37067
[USA] Undergraduate Scholarship Opportunity for Malaysians to Study in United State 2007
USD$14,470 each for 4 years. Up to USD$57,880. Successful applicants will be awarded the opportunity of a high-quality 4 Years Undergraduate Scholarship to pursue their academic goals at UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS, United States.
FREE airline ticket to welcome scholarship recipients from Malaysia to Clarksville, Arkansas, home of the University of the Ozarks.
TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT Preparation Material. Its Free!!
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The federally funded Work-Study Program provides part-time jobs on the university campus for full-time students who have financial need and who must earn part of their educational expenses. Students may work up to 20 hours per week.
About Ozarks
We are a non-profit and private, liberal arts based university. Our picturesque 30-acre campus is located in Clarksville, Ark. Every school talks personal attention; we walk it! We have a Student to Faculty Ratio of 12:1. Ozarks’ educational environment combines grand traditions with beautiful facilities and state-of-art technology, all nestled at the foot of the magnificent Ozark Mountains. We offer an opportunity to balance your studies with healthy recreation abound on and off campus.
Ozarks ranked as Top Tier University for the seventh consecutive year in the U.S. News & World Report’s annual publication. Ozarks also has been ranked among the top `Best Value` Comprehensive Colleges of the South`s 100+ colleges.
Our Mission
We exist for one reason: To help you achieve your full potential by providing you the best educational experience possible.
Qualifications / Criteria
Malaysian applicants must possess reasonably good results in the SPM / UEC / STPM / A-Level or equivalent.
SAT Score: 970 or higher.
(SAT 1- Reasoning -Critical Reading and Math only.)
Nearly every college in America accepts the SAT or Subject Tests as a part of its admissions process.
Closing Date
April 2007 (Exact Date TBA)
How to Apply?
Send all your details, contacts and SPM or equivalent results to following email addresses:
Need More Information?
415 North College Avenue
Clarksville, Arkansas 72830, U. S. A.
Phone : 1-800-264-8636
Ms. Eunice Wang
Authorized Overseas Representative & Recruiter
Cell : +6(012) 2876 927 – Malaysia
E-mail :
E-mail :
Mr. Woei Hsian Lim
International Representative & Recruiter
Cell : +1 (405) 9741978
E-mail :
For more information please open website below:
[UK] PhD Studentship in Law at University of Plymouth
• Sociology
• Social Policy
• Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies
• Law
• Politics
• International Relations
Applicants need to clearly state on the application form which project they would like to be considered for. Those applicants submitting their own proposal need to provide a 1-2000 word proposal which provides a rationale for your project, a brief literature review and a methodology.
For further details please email
Dr Adrian Barton
Email : or
telephone +44 (0)1752 232864.
The closing date for completed applications is 23rd March 2007 and the interview date is 5th April 2007.
The Robinson Scholarship
Applications for this scholarship may be made by using the application form for the Peel scholarships, found at Completed application forms should be sent directly to Graham Rand, the MSc Admissions Tutor, by the 1st of May. (Applicants may also apply for the Peel scholarship).
As the scholarship will not cover all the costs of a course here at Lancaster, applicants should explain carefully their financial circumstances. This explanation should cover two aspects. Firstly, why is it that you need funding? Secondly, how will you finance the rest of the cost of your stay in Lancaster?
The successful candidate will be informed by 1st June, and will be required to pay a deposit of £1000 by 1st July.
Graham K. Rand
Department of Management Science
Lancaster University Management School
Lancaster LA1 4YX
Berkeley will grant paid maternity leave to women doctoral students
By Cathy Cockrell, Public Affairs | 07 March 2007
Women doctoral students at Berkeley who hold fellowships or academic appointments as graduate-student instructors or researchers will soon be eligible for six weeks' paid maternity leave under a childbirth-accommodation provision passed March 5 by the Graduate Council. The policy, which takes effect in fall 2007, builds on the campus's suite of family-accommodation measures for faculty — such as teaching-duty relief and tenure-clock stoppage for faculty parents of young children — by "pushing it down to the doctoral-student level," says Graduate Dean Mary Ann Mason.
Women Scientists' Changing Career Goals
The attrition of women from the academic pipeline, largely due to the competing demands of family and academic life, is well-documented by national and local studies. An 18-page Web survey of doctoral students (in their second year and beyond), conducted at Berkeley last fall by Mason and her longtime research collaborator, Marc Goulden, confirms these patterns. The survey looked at doctoral students' attitudes toward future careers and life issues and their satisfaction with their current degree program, with special attention to issues affecting doctoral-student parents. Of the 4,201 surveyed, 2,111 (50 percent) responded.
When entering their Ph.D. program, 46 percent of women reported wanting to pursue a career at a research university, and another 27 percent wanted positions at teaching universities. But after the first year of doctoral studies, many had changed their minds: Only 31 percent of women remained interested in a research career. "A main reason is a perceived inability to balance career and family," Mason explains. Asked to state the reasons they shifted their career goal away from "professor with research emphasis," 42 percent of women respondents (and 16 percent of men) cited issues related to children as a "very important" factor. A change of plans in light of the demands of academic life is especially pronounced in the physical sciences.
In response to another survey question, 58 percent of female and 47 percent of male doctoral students expressed dissatisfaction with their ability to balance the demands of career and life at Berkeley. This represents a general dissatisfaction among all students, not just those with children.
For student parents, achieving balance is particularly challenging. The survey found that about 12 percent of current Berkeley doctoral students, male and female, have had babies. The time they devote to studies, employment, housework, and caregiving each week — totaling more than 100 hours for women with children and more than 90 for men with children — closely mirrors the patterns reported by faculty members with children.
Family-accommodation policies for doctoral students become increasingly important, says Mason, as the graduate-student population ages. In 2005 the average age nationally for completing a Ph.D. was 33, up several years from where that benchmark stood in the mid-'80s. "The whole clock has been pushed forward," she says, "and graduate students ever more frequently are in their prime childbearing years — their late 20s, early 30s — while pursuing their degrees, so they start to really think about issues involved with forming a family."
A one-stop resource for the campus community
All UC affiliates are invited to subscribe to "UC Families," a free online resource for students, faculty, and staff who are balancing academic goals or careers with family life. Subscribers can post questions or engage in discussions on such topics as managing work and family responsibilities, planning the optimal time to start a family, finding advice on progressing academically as a student parent, returning to academia after having a baby, or advocating for flexible work arrangements.
The newsletter's website ( links to family resources on UC campuses, UC-wide policy and benefits information, and archives of advice and discussions.
Doctoral candidate Chrysanthi Leon is one such student. She credits Berkeley's family-related accommodations and services — student-family housing, university childcare, and a grant that rewards meeting time-to-degree norms — with making it possible for her to complete her program in jurisprudence and social policy (she graduates this spring).
"I wish I had also been able to benefit from paid maternity leave," she says. "This is a wonderful accomplishment. I will push for similar accommodations for grad students in my new position as an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Delaware."
Mason notes that only a handful of universities across the country offer paid pregnancy leave for doctoral students — "so we're still on the cutting edge."
Under the new policy passed by the Academic Senate's Graduate Council and approved by Chancellor Birgeneau, a doctoral student who works as a GSI or GSR or who is supported by a fellowship will experience no change in her funding arrangements during the six-week childbearing leave. The new policy states that "those supported by fellowships external to UC must adhere to the rules of the granting agency in regard to leaves from work. If the granting agency defers to university policy regarding paid childbirth leave, the six-week leave will be paid by the grant. If the granting agency requires suspension of payment during the six-week period, the student will be eligible for substitute payment from the Childbirth Accommodation Fund."
The expectant mother may also opt to continue to work in a modified capacity during her leave, but is not required to do so. The six-week leave can be taken before or after a child's birth. Stipends for temporary hires to replace graduate-student instructors or researchers, when such funding is needed, may be charged to the campus's Childbirth Accommodation Fund upon Graduate Division approval.
A copy of the new policy — along with other policies applicable to doctoral-student parents — is online. A summary of Mason and Goulden's research on the academic pipeline and initiatives to make the academy more family- friendly is at
[UK] MPhil/PhD Research Studentship in Corporate Social Responsibility at University of Central Lancashire
Reference No RS/06/15
A full-time MPhil/PhD research studentship is available in the above Department. The studentship commences 1 July 2007 and is tenable up to three years (subject to satisfactory progress). The studentship will cover the cost of tuition fees and pay a maintenance grant (currently £12,300 per annum). Applications are welcome from UK/EU and overseas applicants. Applicants should hold a minimum of an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject.
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This project critically examines the content and context of contemporary understandings of Corporate Social Responsibility and locates them within the extant body of research dealing with business-society relations, in particular the concept of business legitimacy.
Applicants will be required to submit a two-page outline research proposal for their research degree, AND a sample of their written work taken from their previous higher education. (eg chapter from dissertation, or essay) along with their completed application form
For informal project related enquiries please contact
Professor Andrei Kuznetsov
Tel 01772 894695
Email :
Further particulars and application forms can be obtained (quoting the above reference number by contacting the Research Support Office.
Tel 01772 894287
Email :
Closing Date: 31 March 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Postgraduate Programmes at European School of Economics
You will approach the management and leadership modules offered at ESE with a different vision, and we will personalise your Study Plan to direct you towards your professional dream.
Once you have defined your personal dream, you will loose your attachment to your "professional role" too, and will have a broader vision in your decisions, a sense of putting things in proportion, necessary for a global vision and effective communication as well as management decisions in cross-cultural markets.
When you do your internship with the ESE programme, you will notice that organisations too, have mission statements. When you are seeking a job after you graduate, you will do well to choose and apply to companies and organizations that have the same goals as yours, as emotional involvement in a company means that you will give it your total energy and commitment.
The end result of this educational approach is that our students employment opportunities are enhanced upon graduation, receiving job offers from the same companies often where they carry out their internship programme.
The European School of Economics has honored former Continental Airlines Chairman and CEO, Gordon Bethune, with the naming of the School’s U.S. centre in New York.
A dinner celebrating this partnership took place on October 3rd, 2006 at the Petroleum Club, located in Houston, Texas. The School’s Chancellor, Stefano D’Anna, students and faculty, along with Continental leadership, local and national government officials, attended the event.
Gordon Bethune says:
"The European School of Economics is honoring me by naming its U.S. graduate school the Gordon Bethune School of Business.
Educating future business leaders in the same model and philosophy that I used on employees to turn Continental into one of the world’s largest and best airlines will be the School’s core mission.
By pairing his winning value and belief system with the School’s rugged academic program, the Gordon Bethune School of Business will graduate some of the best and brightest future business leaders in the world – forever changing the way in which businesses are run". More information, visit this site
USC School of Cinematic Arts Scholarships
In addition to these opportunities, several other forms of assistance are available to Cinema-Television majors. Financial assistance is awarded in the form of scholarships, fellowships, assistantships and hourly employment.
Scholarships: The School of Cinematic Arts offers the following awards which are available exclusively to USC School of Cinematic Arts students: Scholarships for Incoming Students: There are occasionally a limited number of Cinema-Television scholarships available to incoming students.
New Cinema-Television majors may be eligible for the following awards, which are based on academic merit and/or financial need. Creative Artists Agency Diversity Scholarship 2-3 year partial scholarships for graduate students from diverse ethnic and gender backgrounds. Courtney and Steven J. Ross Fellowship 2-3 year partial scholarships for female graduate students with priority given to students from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
NBC Fellowship 2-3 year loan, internship and mentor program for graduate students with priority given to students from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Warner Bros. Fellowship 3-4 year loan, internship and mentor program for undergraduate students with priority given to students from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Recipients are selected by faculty review of student applications for admission to the School of Cinematic Arts. In some cases interviews will be required. Scholarships for Matriculating Students: The School of Cinematic Arts offers numerous scholarships to Cinema-Television majors who have completed at least one semester in their degree program.
Scholarships are not available for students with an undergraduate minor in Cinema-Television or Animation. A separate application is required and is available at the beginning of the spring semester for the following academic year. Competition for scholarships is great.
The following is a partial list of scholarships available. Recipients are selected on academic merit and/or financial need: * Gene Autry Endowed Fund for Student Support * James Bridges Scholarship * Dana & Albert Broccoli Foundation Scholarship * Thomas B. Bush Memorial Scholarship * George Cukor Scholarship * Louis J. Favara Scholarship for Cinematography * Samuel and Lorenza Gary Memorial Award * C. Stephen Gentry Memorial Scholarship * Zaki Gordon Awards * Rock Hudson Memorial Scholarship * John Huston Scholarship * Jeffrey Jones Scholarship * Bernard Kantor Scholarship * Irving Lerner Foundation Award * Sol Lesser Scholarship * Harold C. Lloyd Foundation Scholarship * Arthur and Lillie Mayer Foundation Scholarship * Jack Nicholson Scholarships � Directing & Writing * Jack Oakie Comedy Scholarship * Mary Pickford Scholarship * Marguerite Roberts Screenwriting Award * John Sandifer Memorial Award * Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Awards * Edward Small Memorial Awards � Directing & Writing * Frances and Ray Stark Scholarship * Edward Thomas Troutner Endowed Student Fund. [source]
Cal Grant from the California Student Aid Commission
If you're a graduating high school senior or recent graduate, meet academic, financial and eligibility requirements and submit two forms by March 2, you are guaranteed a Cal Grant!
How Much Money Are We Talking About? With a Cal Grant you can get up to $9,700 a year to pay for college expenses at any qualifying California college, university or career or technical school in California.
Depending on which Cal Grant you get, the money can be used for tuition, room and board, even books and pencils. The best part is, it's yours to keep and you don't have to pay it back.
Here's How to Get It. All you have to do is submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) between January 1 and March 2 and submit a verified Cal Grant GPA anytime between November and the March 2 deadline. If you meet the income, eligibility, and GPA requirements, the cash is yours. The best part is, you can fill out the FAFSA online.
To submit a verified Cal Grant GPA, first check with your school to see if they will do it for you. If not, you can go online and download a GPA Verification form, fill out the student section and take it to your school. Don�t let a little paperwork stand between you and a Cal Grant.
British Chevening Scholarship
Telephone 111 424 424
Fax 111 425 425
Scholarships are awarded to Pakistani students of high intellectual ability who will play a formative role in Pakistan’s development. Applicants:
* must have a Masters’ degree or a four-year Bachelors degree from any recognised university in Pakistan or the equivalent form an overseas institution
* must not be more than 40 years of age on 1 January
* must have a minimum of 3 years of work experience by 1 January
* must be Pakistani citizens. Dual nationals are not eligible
* must not have received in the past three years any British government funded academic award
The scholarships are for one year taught postgraduate study in the UK in the following subject areas:
* Business Administration
* Design
* Economics
* Environmental; Studies
* Human rights
* International Relations
* Law
* Management
* Media Studies
* Public Administration
* Social Development
The scholarship covers the full cost of study in the UK.
How to apply
Application forms are available from the British Council offices in Pakistan. If writing to obtain an application form, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.
Kindly contact your nearest British Council Office for deadlines.
[USA] University of San Francisco International Business Plan Competition
Total Awards for the 2007 Competition will total approximately $25,000; however, the real prize is the chance for your students to offer their business proposals before dozens of leading Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists and Chief Executives. Judges from our previous competitions have included venture capital partners with: Kleiner Perkins, Crosslink Capital, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, DeNovo Ventures, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners, Nth Power, Garage Technology Ventures, Globespan Capital, and many more; such as those featured in the USF Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist Confidence Index (Bloomber ticker: USFSVVCI)
As the only University Business Plan Competition in Silicon Valley open to complete graduate teams from other universities, the USF Competition provides a unique entrepreneurial opportunity for all graduate students. CNET covered part of last year`s event.
We invite currently enrolled graduate students to submit a 5 - 7 page executive summary of their business plans by email attachment by February 1, 2007 for full consideration. Submissions should be emailed to the contest director: Professor Mark Cannice (
A downloadable contest poster is at:
Full contest information is at:
Mark V. Cannice, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
Leader-Founder, USF Entrepreneurship Program
School of Business and Management
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
2007 Olive W. Garvey Fellowship Essay Competition
The Independent Institute is pleased to announce the 2007 Olive W. Garvey Fellowship Essay Competition. Cash prizes will be awarded to outstanding college students — and untenured “junior” faculty — from around the world through a competitive essay contest.
The 2007 Garvey Fellowship Prizes will be awarded for the best essay on the topic: “Is foreign aid the solution to global poverty?”
A panel of three judges will look for the best essays related to the topic — original essays distinguished by their clarity, rigor, and eloquence. The essays need not be technical or demonstrate hyper-specialized scholarship, although they should be serious in content, tone, and style. Held biennially, the Garvey Fellowship is intended to encourage and reward scholarship pertaining to the meaning and significance of economic and personal liberties.
STUDENT DIVISION: College students up to the age of 35:
First Prize: $2,500
Second Prize: $1,500
Third prize: $1,000br />
FACULTY DIVISION: Junior faculty members up to the age of 35 and not yet tenured:
First Prize: $10,000
Second Prize: $5,000
Third Prize: $1,500
1. Student Division: Any student 35 years or younger enrolled at a recognized college or university anywhere in the world.
2. Junior Faculty Division: Untenured college or university teachers, Assistant Professor or higher, 35 years or younger.
LENGTH: Student essays must not exceed 3,000 words. Teacher essays must be 5,000 to 8,000 words long.
DEADLINE: May 1, 2007
For more information, including eligibility requirements, a suggested reading list and examples of past winning essays, see
[UK] Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (OSR/ORSAS) at Newcastle University
The number of scholarships available at Newcastle under this scheme varies, but the University’s success rate in recent years has been very good (in 2004, 24 awards were given to Newcastle students).
Awards are made:
* for full-time research programmes only
* initially for one year but may be extended up to a maximum of three years
What does the scholarship cover?
* the difference between the tuition fee for a home (UK) postgraduate student, and the fee chargeable to an international postgraduate student
* and does not cover living expenses.
You could be eligible for the ORS scholarship if:
- you have been offered a place on any full-time research degree programme, in any field of study (except an Integrated PhD programme)
- you have been assessed as overseas for fees purposes, and are wholly or partially self-financing
- you intend to register to start your studies during the 2007-08 academic year
Existing students in their first year of study are also eligible to apply for one of these awards. Students in the first year of an Integrated PhD programme are eligible to apply for an ORS award. Students entering the third year of their research programme will not generally be eligible to apply for an award.
The only selection criteria are outstanding merit and research potential. Other factors such as finance, nationality, proposed field of study are not taken into account.
You can read profiles of some of our recent ORS Scholarship winners:
How to apply
If you are eligible, you will automatically be sent application details from the month of December onwards.
The final closing date for completed application forms is 28 February 2007. However, you are advised to submit your forms as soon as possible for them to be checked and references obtained.
An application form is available on request from the Financial Support Team (, or you can download a Rich Text File of:
- The ORS Application Form
- The ORS Guidelines for Students
- The ORS Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
If you need any of these documents in another format, please contact us.
Contact Details
If you have any queries please contact:
Student Welfare Service
(Financial Support Team)
Newcastle University
6 Kensington Terrace
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 191 222 5537/5538
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 6139
[UK] The Brunel International Ambassador Scholarships
For 2007 entry, Brunel International are offering 20 half fee scholarships for one-year Masters students. The scholarship application form is only sent to students holding an offer of a place at Brunel University. Early application is encouraged to ensure prospective students have sufficient time to apply for the scholarships.
Final deadline: Friday 25th May 2007.
In exchange for the financial support towards their fees the successful scholarship students will be asked to become ambassadors for the University. This will involve a small number of tasks and a couple of social events. These tasks and events are as follows:
* attend a welcome reception in September/October 2007
* attend a scholarships presentation ceremony in February/March 2008
* participate in two photo shoots in Autumn 2007 and Summer 2008
* write three 100 word reports on:
o Why you chose Brunel – Autumn 2007
o Your life at Brunel University – Spring 2007
o How your course at Brunel will contribute to your career–
Summer 2007 and
* meet guests from overseas universities or embassies as requested (a maximum of two meetings).
For more informatio, please visit the official annoucement.
THE-ICE Scholarships for Tourism and Hospitality Studies
The scholarships comprise a grant of AUD$10,000 per year, available for Bachelor and Diploma level study programs commencing Semester 2, 2007. Charles Darwin University is a foundation member of THE-ICE, and the scholarships apply to CDU�s Bachelor of Business in Tourism Management and Diploma of Hospitality Management.
Members of THE-ICE have attained high standards of program excellence in tourism and hospitality education as assessed by an international panel.[source]
MSc Scholarship in Science and Technology
The MSc Scholarship in Science & Technology objective is to assist IDB Least Developed Member Countries (LDMCs) in the development of their human resources especially in science and technology that are both relevant and necessary for their development.
The Programme offers scholarships leading to an M.Sc degree (in 2 years) in science and technology to students from following countries: Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Comoros Island, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Palestine, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Togo, Uganda, Yemen.
Without prejudice to or disregard for other equally important fields of study, under the M.Sc Scholarship programme, eligible students may apply only for studies in Science, Engineering, Technology and Medicine/Medical Sciences.
The institutions listed under the Programme are those that have expressed willingness to accept IDB students with minimum tuition charges, such as Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, University Mohammed V (Morocco), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (pakistan) and Middle East Technical University (Turkey), from where interested and/or applying students are encouraged to seek pre-admission or firm admission to facilitate quick placement.
Other institutions of study from member countries not on the list may be considered if their superiority can be substantiated (based on research/teaching staff, faculties and facilities) as being the best in the fields of study proposed by the candidates.
The list of institutions of study offering the areas of study covered under the Programme is available at the Offices of the IDB Governors for the member countries concerned, the designated focal/contact points for the Programme and the Office of the Scholarship Programme, IDB.
Deadline for applications is April.
For more information and application visit this link.
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship
Examples include: * Replacement of term-time earnings * Replacement of summer earnings * Special study of foreign language * Workshop or conference fees * Purchase of books or scholarly materials * Travel to archives, research sites, or professional conferences Fellows who work toward a codoctorate in Mellon-designated fields will receive assistance in repaying their undergraduate student loans up to $10,000.
HOW A MELLON MAYS FELLOWSHIP WORKS: Earnings Replacement and Expense Fund During the year Following summer Junior Year $1,600 $3,500 Senior Year $1,600 $3,500 Undergraduate Loan Repayment While Enrolled in a Ph.D. Program Year 1 1/8 of loans up to $1,250 Year 2 1/8 of loans up to $1,250 Year 3 1/8 of loans up to $1,250 Year 4 1/8 of loans up to $1,250 Undergraduate Loan Repayment on Receipt of Ph.D. Degree 1/2 of undergraduate loans up to $5,000 Maximum Value of the Fellowship $20,200 [source]
National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program
HPSAs can be found in rural and urban communities across the Nation. The NHSC LRP recruits fully trained health professionals who agree to provide primary health services in NHSC community sites. In return, the NHSC LRP assists clinicians in their repayment of qualifying educational loans that are still owed.
The NHSC is seeking clinicians that demonstrate the characteristics for and interest in serving the Nation�s medically underserved populations and remaining in HPSAs beyond their service commitment.
It is important to remember that service to medically underserved populations is the primary purpose of the NHSC LRP and not the repayment of educational loans. The NHSC LRP will pay up to $50,000 for two years of service, based on the participant�s outstanding balance of qualifying educational loans.
If the total amount of the participant�s qualifying educational loans is less than $50,000, the NHSC LRP will pay the remaining balance of the total qualifying educational loans for two years of service.[source]
University of Chicago Hormel Public Interest Program Loan Forgiveness Program
In response, the Law School created a unique and generous program to assist its graduates who pursue careers in the public interest. The Hormel Public Interest Program, or "HPIP," is not a traditional loan repayment assistance program.
There is not a lengthy time requirement to receive benefits, and benefits are provided regardless of spousal income or potential family contributions. We like to think that the HPIP approach is the best way to support and encourage our graduates.
Brief Summary: HPIP replaces the previous University of Chicago Loan Repayment Assistance Program, and is available beginning with the Class of 2007. University of Chicago Law School graduates who work full-time in a qualifying job with a salary of less than $50,000 will receive an interest-free loan of $5,000 a year from the Law School, with each loan forgiven in full before the end of each year.
Benefits under HPIP are available for the five years following graduation, for a potential total of $25,000. The benefit is available regardless of parental, spousal, or other income Requirements and Restrictions Full Time: The position must be full-time (40 hours per week maintained for at least nine months of the calendar year, and in a year that is within five years of graduation Salary Requirements: Full qualification requires a salary of less than $50,000 annually.
Graduates earning between $50,000 and $60,00 annually will be eligible for an award that decreases proportionally as income rises. Qualified Public Interest Position: The graduate must be: (a) engaged in the full-time practice of law, or in positions normally requiring a law degree; (b) working for the public interest, broadly defined; and (c) working for a non-profit organization or government office other than in a judicial clerkship (see below for treatment of judicial clerkships).
Final determinations of eligibility will be made by the Financial Aid Committee of the University of Chicago Law School. Judicial Clerkship Exception: For graduates who work at a qualifying job in the year following a judicial clerkshi
p, the graduate will receive an additional year of eligibility for HPIP benefits. Clerks can receive up to five years of benefits within the six-year period immediately following graduation. Parental Leave Extension: Graduates who leave HPIP for parental leave will be given an additional year of eligibility. They can receive up to five years of benefits within the six-year period following graduation. Distribution of Funds: Participants will apply by September 1 for the year. Loans will be made in October and then forgiven the next July, subject to the Program's requirements.
Graduates who continue in the Program confirm their continuing HPIP status by September for the next year. Award Amounts and Restrictions: The base award of $5,000 per year is available to all graduates who begin law study at the University of Chicago Law School in the Class of 2007. the Program does not cover LLM graduates.
Transfer students who join the Class of 2007 are eligible on a proportional basis, so that a transfer student who graduated after spending two years at the Law School would be eligible to r
eceive up to two-thirds of $5,000 ($3,333) in each of the five years of eligibility. Loan Repayment Requirement: To qualify, a graduate must agree that the entire amount received from HPIP will repay outstanding educational debt. A graduate who otherwise qualifies but whose outstanding debt is less than the amount to be awarded will receive a benefit equal to the amount of their outstanding debt.
This requirement conforms to current Internal Revenue Service Rules. Tax Considerations: The program participant must determine whether payments under the plan should be included in ordinary income or exempted pursuant to Section 108(e) of the Federal Tax Code (26 U.S.C. � 108(e)). Our goal has been to design a program with tax-exempt benefits. Financial Aid Committee: All HPIP benefits must be approved by the Financial Aid Committee of the University of Chicago Law School. All decisions by the Committee are final.[source]
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Scholarship Database Searches
Next Student
College View
Scholarship Resource Network Express
Fast Aid
The Princeton Review
The Scholarship Page
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ACT-SO bEURoeOlympics of the Mind ScholarshipsActuarial Scholarships for Minority Students
Aid & Resources For Re-Entry Students
American Indian Education Foundation
Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships
Black Excel College Help Network
Boeing Scholarships (some HBCU connects)
Burger King Scholarship Program
Coca Cola
Coca Cola
College Board Scholarship Search
CollegeNet's Scholarship Database
Easley National Scholarship Program
FAFSA On the Web (Your Key Aid Form & Info)
Federal Scholarships & Aid Gateways 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black Excel
Financial Aid Scholarship
FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid Scholarships
Gates Millenium Scholarships (major)
GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds
Graduate Fellowships for Minorities Nationwide
Guaranteed Scholarships
Guide to Federal Students, etc
SIT Study Abroad Scholarships (for study around the world)
Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships
INROADS internships
International Students Scholarships & Aid Help
Jacki Tuckfield Memorial Graduate Business Scholarship
Jewel-Osco Scholarships
Microsoft Scholarship Program
National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ)
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Presidential Freedom Scholarships
Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford
Ron Brown Scholarships
ScienceNet Scholarship Listing
Scholarship Experts
Scholarship Monkey
Siemens Westinghouse Competition
Sports Scholarships and Internships
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Student Video Scholarships
Study Abroad Search United Nations, Educational, Cultural, Scientific
Target Scholarships
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
United Negro College Fund
William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students
WiredScholar Free Scholarship Search
Xerox Scholarships for Students
Yale University: International Admissions & Fellowships
With over 16% of the student body coming from abroad, Yale University offers a diverse and exciting global environment in which to study. Yale’s history of including international students is a long one: the first international students arrived from Latin America in the 1830s. Today Yale welcomes the largest international community in its history, with a current enrollment of 1,775 international students from 101 countries.
To be accepted to study at Yale, interested applicants must apply directly to the school, college, or program where the degree will be awarded: Yale College for undergraduate degrees; the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for doctoral programs and some master's degrees; or one of the professional schools. This page contains links to the relevant admissions pages, as well as a link to the World Fellows Program for mid-career emerging leaders.
- Yale College
- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- School of Architecture
- School of Art
- Divinity School
- School of Drama
- School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
- Law School
- School of Management
- School of Medicine
- School of Music
- School of Nursing
- English Language Institute
- Summer Programs
- World Fellows Program
Fellowships and Financial Assistance
Each school in Yale makes its own arrangements for Financial Aid and Fellowships.
General Resources
Business Plan Competition: How to Write a Business Plan
Location: Calit2 Auditorium
The 2007 Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth Business Plan Competition in The Paul Merage School of Business is one of the nation's premier business plan competitions. It offers all UCI students, faculty and researchers the opportunity to form a team, create a business plan and generate funding within a four-month span. UROP is co-sponsoring the undergraduate awards. The competition started January 17th and will end with the Final Presentations and Awards Ceremony Friday, May 18th, in the auditorium of Calit2.
For more information, please visit:
Business Plan Competition: How to Write a Business Plan
Location: Calit2 Auditorium
The 2007 Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth Business Plan Competition in The Paul Merage School of Business is one of the nation's premier business plan competitions. It offers all UCI students, faculty and researchers the opportunity to form a team, create a business plan and generate funding within a four-month span. UROP is co-sponsoring the undergraduate awards. The competition started January 17th and will end with the Final Presentations and Awards Ceremony Friday, May 18th, in the auditorium of Calit2.
For more information, please visit:
University of Washington: Postdoctoral Training Opportunities
The Biomedical and Health Informatics program offers a modest number of postdoctoral training fellowships, funded by the National Library of Medicine and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. These fellowships typically begin on July 1st of each year, and are usually of two-year duration. Note that eligibility for these fellowships is limited to US citizens and permanent residents.
These fellowships are available to individuals from a variety of backgrounds who are interested in working with our faculty on their ongoing research projects. Funded postdocs are also required to take four of our eight core courses.
Prospective applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship should contact the program office in advance of the deadline to indicate their interests and discuss our research culture and admissions process. For additional information and to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship, please see our page on how to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 15 February 2007 )
The Post baccalaureate Research and Education Program (PREP) at the University of New Mexico
Program Description:
Use that hard earned BA/BS degree as a full time research scholar AND get ready to take your career to the next level!
So you have just graduated or you are about to graduate with a degree in Science, Mathematics, or Engineering and you want to go to graduate school but feel you need one more year to gain research experience and to fill in those last few deficiencies in order to be highly successful. You are not alone. Many recent graduates feel they need just a little more time, experience and direction before entering the graduate program of their choice.
The UNM PREP program offers recent graduates, with BA/BS degrees from a variety science, mathematics and engineering programs, the opportunity to work full time in a biomedical related research laboratory, while taking courses and attending seminars that will better prepare them to apply and be accepted into a biomedical related graduate program.
Scholars will work and be paid a full time salary to carry out original independent research under the mentorship of a research active professor at the University of New Mexico. While working full time as a research scientist, scholars will be given the opportunity to take courses to eliminate any deficiencies they may have, attend regular scientific seminars, and take part in short courses offered by the PREP program in connection with other on-campus research and education programs on how to take the GRE and apply to graduate school. Finally all scholars, under the direction of their research mentors, will apply to a graduate program of their choice.
Students must meet program eligibility requirements. Basic eligibility requirements are that participants must be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident with a completed baccalaureate degree (BA/BS) in Math, Science or Engineering prior to first day of program. Have decided for one reason or another to postpone graduate studies. Can demonstrate commitment to the pursuit of a PhD in the biomedical related field (i.e. Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Cell Biology etc.). Must be an individual belonging to a particular ethnic, racial, or other underrepresented (i.e. economically disadvantaged, first generation college graduate, etc) group that has been determined by the grantee institution to be underrepresented in biomedical related research fields. Must possess a 3.0 GPA or better. Applicants with a cumulative GPA of less than 3.0 will be considered on a case by case basis.
PREP is designed to prepare underrepresented minority students who hold a recent baccalaureate degree to pursue a Ph.D. degree in the biomedical sciences. Students whose primary career goal is medicine (M.D. or M.D./Ph.D degrees) are encouraged to explore post-baccalaureate opportunities on the American Association of Medical Colleges website.
Participating Departments
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biology, Cell Biology & Physiology, Chemistry, Chemical & Nuclear Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics & Statistics, Optical Science & Engineering, Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, Neuroscience, Pathology, Psychology, Physics & Astronomy
Salaries and Benefits:
- Salary is $21K / yr
- Health, dental and vision insurance
- Tuition for up to two courses per semester
Summer 2007 Dates and Deadlines:
- April 1, 2007-Application deadline
- April 13, 2007-Notification of acceptance into program by email and followed by official letter.
- Starting date of Summer interns-May 29, 2007
Selection Process:
University of Washington: Master's degree program Research 2007
Department of Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics
The goal of our Master's degree program is to train the next generation of researchers and leaders to advance the science of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Our M.S. program is research-focused; students must complete a thesis that aims at solving a research problem in the science of biomedical and health informatics. When broadly defined, we believe that a research-focused M.S. thesis can help our students achieve a broad range of career goals in the variety of domains that comprise BHI.
Our cross-cutting themes provide a more general vision statement for our graduate programs (MS and PhD) and the broad themes and goals we value in biomedical & health informatics education.
The core curriculum for our M.S. program is built around eight courses, and students may also select from the wide range of related courses available from BHI-affiliated programs, as well as the UW catalog as a whole.
For additional information about our M.S. program, please see:
Last Updated ( Monday, 22 January 2007 )[source]
Summer Undergraduate Research 2007
The Summer Undergraduate Research Program provides paid internship opportunities for students to work intensively with faculty on research projects for ten weeks during the summer. The program's goals are to introduce students to research projects in Biomedical and Health Informatics, to facilitate contact with faculty, and to increase awareness among undergraduates about this emerging field. Biomedical and Health Informatics studies the acquisition, maintenance, retrieval and application of biomedical knowledge and information to improve patient care, medical education and health sciences research. Students are expected to present their research projects at the end of the program in a mini symposium. Titles of past undergraduate projects are available for browsing.
Eligibility for the Summer Undergraduate Research Program is limited to students who are either attending a college in the State of Washington or Washington residents going to college outside of the state. Seniors graduating in the Spring or Summer of 2007 are not eligible for the program.
In 2007, we expect to offer 5 - 7 students positions with various faculty in the Division of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Applicants should browse all of our research projects web pages to get an idea of the breadth of work carried out by the UW BHI group. This year, the following faculty have indicated that they are willing to mentor summer undergraduates. These faculty usually have specific projects in mind that fit within their research interests, and you may wish to browse their web pages to understand more about these. Most of the funding for SURP comes from research grants led by these faculty and is earmarked toward specific research goals. Applicants are encouraged to contact these faculty to ask questions or find out more about this summer's opportunities.
Jim Brinkley | Valerie Daggett |
John Gennari | Ira Kalet |
Bryant Karras ( See CPHI project page ) | Eugene Kolker ( See BiaTech research page ) |
Bill Lober | Peter Myler |
Peter Tarczy-Hornoch ( See Biomediator and UII pages ) | Anne Turner ( See CPHI project page ) |
Application materials are due on March 31, 2007. Admissions decisions will be made by April 11th. However, if applicants have other offers or earlier deadlines, please note these when you apply. In some cases, we may carry out "rolling admissions", and accept outstanding candidates soon after they apply.
Application Materials must include
- A resume
- Transcripts (may be an "unofficial" copy)
- An application form
- A statement of purpose
- A letter of recommendation
All materials should be sent to:
by email: informat@u.washington.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
or by postal mail to:
Joan San
Program Coordinator
University of Washington
Box 357240
Seattle, WA 98195-7240
Junior Year Study Abroad
In preparation for study abroad, fellows complete a Study Abroad Profile listing their countries and programs of interest. During SSPI, fellows have a full day orientation session on overseas study and meet one-on-one with assigned IIPP Study Abroad Consultants expert in advising minority students to discuss program selection and to prepare a study abroad budget.
Fellows study abroad at accredited overseas institutions during the junior year in college. To date, IIPP Fellows have studied across the globe: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Ecuador, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Niger, Paraguay, Poland, Puerto Rico, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe; and the list continues to grow.[source]
Graduate Fellowship
To date, IIPP Fellows have enrolled at the following institutions: American University, Columbia University, Georgetown University, George Washington University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Princeton University, Syracuse University, Tufts University, University of Denver, University of Maryland, University of Michigan, University of Washington, and Yale University. Non-APSIA schools include Cornell University, Pepperdine University, New York University, and the Bush School at Texas A&M.
Participating graduate schools provide support of at least $15,000 over the course of a two-year program. IIPP, in turn, provides each of its Fellows with a matching grant of $15,000 to be applied in accordance with an agreement between IIPP and the institution the Fellow attends.[source]
The Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium
Fostering a Community of Student Scholars
The Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium is not only a chance for undergraduates to present what they have learned through their research experiences to a larger audience, but also an opportunity for students, faculty, and the community to discuss cutting edge research topics and to examine the connection between research and education. The Symposium includes poster and presentation sessions by students from all academic disciplines and all three UW campuses, plus invited guests.
All UW undergraduates involved in research are encouraged to apply and those not yet involved in research will discover that attending the Symposium is a great way to learn about the broad range of opportunities available at the UW. In 2006, over 540 undergraduates participated in the Symposium, with over 3500 people attending.
The Symposium includes projects from all disciplines and encourages interdisciplinary discourse, allowing students to learn from each other about a broad range of exciting research topics. To help participants prepare, the URP conducts Symposium Information Sessions, abstract writing, poster design and presentation workshops.
Participant abstracts are published in the Symposium Proceedings, and students can include their presentations on resumes and graduate school applications.
Questions about the symposium? Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
The Summer Institute in the Arts & Humanities
The institute was created by the Undergraduate Research Program in collaboration with the Simpson Center for the Humanities in response to student demand for opportunities to engage in scholarly work at the undergraduate level. Conversations with and surveys of faculty in the humanities led to the concept of an intensive summer research program that would bring faculty and students together to explore an interdisciplinary theme.
he Summer Institute offers a research opportunity for undergraduates that provides them the intensive training and environment in which to pursue individual research. This scholarly experience occurs in the context of a group of students working on related projects with faculty who offer expertise from disciplinary and interdisciplinary points of view.
The goals for the Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities are to increase the number of undergraduates doing research in the humanities by providing an intensive research opportunity for humanities and arts students; to engage humanities and arts faculty in research with undergraduates; to create tools for faculty to introduce individuals and groups of students to scholarly research; to establish a community of undergraduate arts and humanities scholars; and to create a forum for humanities undergraduates to present their scholarly work.
Participants are selected through an open, competitive application process and are provided a scholarship to participate in the program. Student participants develop individual, original research ideas related to an interdisciplinary theme, create a scholarly research paper or project, work through a faculty and peer critique process and formally present their work to their colleagues and the larger community at a closing symposium.
Be sure to read Phillip Thurtle's 2005 Summer Institute Symposium closing remarks on the value of undergraduate research in the arts and humanities.
The Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities at the University of Washington is sponsored by Undergraduate Academic Affairs , the Simpson Center for the Humanities
, the Office of Research
, UW Educational Outreach
, the Undergraduate Research Program, and the Mary Gates Endowment for Students
IIEP 2007 Summer School Paris, 6–15 June 2007
Rigged calls for tender, embezzlement, illegal registration fees, academic fraud – there is ample evidence of the prevalence of corruption in education. Recent surveys suggest that leakage of funds from education ministries to schools can represent up to 80 per cent of the total sum allocated (non-salary expenditures) in some countries. Bribes and payoffs in teacher recruitment and promotion tend to lower the quality of teachers; and illegal payments for school entrance and other hidden costs contribute to low enrolment and high drop-out rates.
Since 2001, the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) has been conducting a research project on ‘Ethics and corruption in education’ with the aim of assessing the nature and extent of the problem, and identifying good practices and solutions. It has focused on the financing of schools, teacher management and behaviour, public contracts, production and distribution of textbooks, organization of examinations, accreditation of higher education institutions, private tutoring, and more.
The project has included the organisation of a large number of policy seminars, training workshops, study tours and courses in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. The IIEP is now ready to launch its first
international course which will be based on the numerous activities carried out within the framework of the project.
IIEP’s 2007 Summer School on Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education will be held from 6 to 15 June 2007 in Paris. The IIEP will collaborate with the World Bank Institute (WBI) and the Open Society Institute (OSI) for its preparation and organisation. Transparency International (TI) and the Utstein Anti-corruption Resource Centre (U4) will also be associated with this initiative.[source]
Study Abroad (UNESCO)
The Study Abroad information include:
Tools for Students - A list of key questions for learners that students can ask institutions before beginning a course of study and step-by-step instructions on how to use the UNESCO conventions on the recognition of qualifications in higher education.
Open and Distance Education (ODL) - Information on ODL and an annotated listing of regional directories and databases.
Database on Scholarships and Courses - The international and national listings in this database Study Abroad Database contain some 3,000 opportunities for post-secondary studies in all academic and professional fields in 147 countries and territories for the years 2004 and 2005. Higher Education Institutes can also automatically update their entries through this website.
Student NGO's: You are invited to take part in a survey regarding Study Abroad. Please download the survey form and return it to the Study Abroad unit as quickly as possible.
Attention Students: The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)Secretariat, Belgium, announces the launch of an online survey on perceptions of European higher education.
Why and how do students from non-European Union (EU) countries choose an international education, and how do they perceive European higher education? The survey targets non-European students who are thinking about an international education in an EU member state, in the United States, in Australia or elsewhere. Participating students can win one of many attractive prizes. The survey is accessible at
If you have any ideas, comments, opinions and especially testimonials regarding the Study Abroad publication and/or webpage, we would be happy if you would send them to us at:
Please, however, do not send us requests for UNESCO fellowships, as these must be sent by the UNESCO National Commissions of your country to the UNESCO Fellowships unit.
STUDY ABROAD 2004 - 2005 (2003) is also available through UNESCO Publishing, 690 pp., 24 x 17 cm (new format) ISBN: 92-3-003888-1, price: 18,50 Euros Ed. UNESCO Publishing. [source]
Current Job Vacancy in Oxford University: niversity Lecturership in Chinese History
GRADE 10a: Salary £31,885 - £42,851 p.a.
The University proposes to appoint a University Lecturer in Chinese History in association with Pembroke College. The appointment will run from l October 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter. The person appointed may be offered a tutorial fellowship at Pembroke College. The lecturer will be required to give lectures, classes, and tutorials in modern (including the twentieth century) and pre-modern Chinese history; to contribute to the co-ordination of teaching at all levels; and to carry out research, examine, supervise graduate students, and play a part in the administrative work of the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Applicants should have a primary expertise in Chinese History. (S)he will have a research specialization in one or more areas of the field of Chinese history, and candidates who work on any period of Chinese history are encouraged to apply. The lecturer's duties include teaching within his/her own area of specialization, but also require competence to teach over the entire field, including both modern and pre-modern Chinese history, at undergraduate and graduate levels, although a highly specialized knowledge of all periods of Chinese history would not be expected. Applicants should hold, or expect to hold by the start of the appointment, a doctorate in History, Sinology, or a related relevant field and be able to provide evidence of their ability to teach Chinese History, including the use of original sources in Classical and Modern Chinese, at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Substantial publications, or evidence of forthcoming substantial publications, will also be an advantage. Further particulars, including details of how to apply, should be obtained from or from the office of The Faculty Board Secretary, Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, tel. 01865 288200; fax no. 01865-278190; e-mail, to whom applications and references should be sent not later than Thursday 26 March 2007. Interviews will be held as early as possible thereafter.
Current Job Vacancy in Oxford University: University Lecturership in Socio-Legal Studies
Applications are invited for a University Lecturership in Socio-Legal Studies. The post is associated with a non-tutorial fellowship at St Cross College and is tenable from 1 June 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter. The salary is on a scale from £38,019 to £51,095 per annum. The post will be based at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies within the Faculty of Law. The duties of the University Lecturership are primarily to conduct research in socio-legal studies, to give lectures and seminars in the Faculty of Law and to supervise research students in appropriate areas of socio-legal studies. Applicants are encouraged from any of the disciplines associated with socio-legal studies, including law, sociology, anthropology, political science and economics. Further particulars may be obtained on the web at or from Elizabeth Anderson, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ (email, tel. 01865 284223). Informal enquiries are welcome and should be directed to Professor Denis Galligan ( or 01865 284231). The closing date for applications is 30 March 2007; it is planned to hold interviews in the week beginning 15 April 2007.
Current Job Vacancy in Oxford University: Departmental Lecturership in German Linguistics
GRADE 7: Salary £25,889 - £31,840 p.a. with a discretionary range to £34,793 p.a.
The University proposes to appoint a Departmental Lecturer in German Linguistics in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages. This fixed-term post, which is to cover while a permanent senior appointment is sought, is available from 1 October 2007 to 30 September 2008. There is no possibility of renewal. The successful candidate will be required to deliver a range of lecture courses and tutorials within the field of German Linguistics. A completed PhD and a record of successful teaching (or participation in teaching and learning seminars or some other form of relevant training) are essential. In addition, the successful candidate should be able to lecture at an appropriate level to an undergraduate audience in an interesting and engaging manner. The ability to teach topics in sociolinguistics is desirable but not essential. Tutorial teaching in German linguistics is also required and will be paid for separately by the Colleges. Further particulars are available to download from or from Ms Margaret Pinsent, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, 41 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JF (E-mail:; Tel. 01865 270755). The closing date for applications is 30 March 2007 and interviews are expected to take place April/May.
The electors intend to proceed to an election to the Nuffield Professorship of Surgery, which falls vacant with effect from 1 October 2008, upon the retirement of Professor Jonathan L. Meakins. The successful candidate will have strong leadership skills, international recognition as a clinician, an outstanding record in research and a genuine commitment to teaching. A non-stipendiary fellowship at Balliol College is attached to the professorship. Applications (eleven copies, or one only from overseas candidates), naming three persons who have agreed to act as referees on this occasion, should be received not later than Monday 23 April 2007 by the Registrar, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, from whom further particulars may be obtained. Further particulars may also be accessed on the Web (URL:
Useful links for Student Funding Idea
List of research fellowships and similar awards offered by the colleges of the University.
The awards listed here are generally intended for those who seek funding to enable them to undertake research at post-doctoral level, or who are well-advanced in their doctoral research, and are not aimed at students at the start of their postgraduate studies.
Oxford University Research Services
The RSO offers a number of web-based resources for those looking for external research funding (some services may only be accessed by current Oxford students). For further information on the main source of funding information,, and other funding resources, please see the Find Funding section of the Research Services website.
British Federation of Women Graduates Charitable Foundation
This foundation offers grants/bursaries/emergency grants to women graduates from the UK and overseas who are studying in the UK.
Community of Science (COS)
Oxford subscribes to the 'Funding Opportunities' searchable database service offered by COS. Only members of the University with an email account can gain access to this particular service but the main site may be useful for prospective students too. Social Sciences and Humanities are included despite its name!
Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
The ACU administer a number of scholarships for Commonwealth citizens (and those permanently resident in a Commonwealth country) to study in the UK.
Wingate Scholarships
Wingate Scholarships aim to award funding for projects that may not fit into any of the conventional funding categories. They welcome applications from mature students and those from non-traditional academic backgrounds. Awards are designed to help with the costs of a specific project which may last up to three years.
Finding out more about Postgraduate Study and Funding
This is a Lancaster University website but has general information on postgraduate study in the UK and a large section on current scholarships / funding offered by external agencies and other UK universities.
Study Abroad (UNESCO)
This is an online book (also available in print) published by UNESCO which covers higher-education study opportunities and scholarships offered by universities, specialized schools and international organizations in 124 countries.
The Education Virtual Campus - Finance
This site gives you a 'virtual' tour of UK education and includes a section on funding and scholarships.
Sources of Funding for International Students (UKCOSA)
Provides general advice about searching for funding and also has a list of trusts and charities that offer small grants. UKCOSA also offer downloadable guidance notes on funding.
Scholarship Search
Offers a search facility aimed primarily at UK undergraduates but there is some information for international students (EU and overseas).
Homepage for European Union Students
This is a Department of Education and Skills website for students and provides information for EU undergraduate students (non UK) about applying for assitance with tuition fees.
Scholarships for Singaporean Science & Technology Graduates
The National Science and Technology Board of Singpore offer a number of scholarships for studying at selected universities overseas, including Oxford.
The Croucher Foundation
This foundation offers scholarships to permanent residents of Hong Kong for new postgraduate study in Natural Science, Medicine or Technology in approved academic institutions.
The Grants Register 2007
Published by Macmillan in print only (£125), this includes information on a variety of scholarships, fellowships and research grants, professional and vocational grants. Available from Macmillan Reference Limited, 25 Eccleston Place, London SW1W 9NF. There is a copy here in the International Office and the British Council Office in your city / country may also keep a copy for reference.
Scholarships for undertgraduate study at Oxford
Funding for international students
- Dulverton Scholarships
- Hill Foundation Scholarships
- Noon/OCSKET Scholarships
- Raffy Manoukian Scholarship
- Application procedures
- Oxford Student Scholarships
- Further Information
A limited number of awards are available for overseas students who obtain a place for undergraduate study in October 2006 and details are given below. Further information may be found on the Student Funding and International Office web page ( Details of scholarships for overseas students offered by colleges of the University may be obtained from individual colleges.
Dulverton Scholarships
A small number of full and partial Dulverton Scholarships will be available for students of outstanding merit and financial need from Eastern/Central European countries (information about eligible countries is available at
Hill Foundation Scholarships
A number of awards will be available for students who are nationals of and resident in the Russian Federation taking up places to read for a Second BA or postgraduate degree of the University in October 2007. Candidates should have a first degree from a Russian university and should not have taken any subsequent degree. The scholarship may be held in any subject area. Candidates should not normally be more than 25 years of age and should be intending to return to Russia at the end of their period of study.
Awards will cover University and college fees, travel to and from the UK, and provide a maintenance grant. Further information is available on the Foundation's website:
Noon/OCSKET Scholarships
One or more full or partial awards, funded jointly by the Noon Educational Foundation, the University and the Oxford and Cambridge Society, Karachi, Educational Trust, is expected to be available for students from Pakistan entering or currently studying for a degree at Oxford. The scholarships may be held in any subject area, except Medicine. Preference will be given to candidates who have not already begun their course at Oxford.
Raffy Manoukian Scholarship
Scholarships will be available for Armenian nationals or those of Armenian descent (one or both parents must be Armenian nationals) for study at the University of Oxford. The scholarships are tenable for study in the Humanities (Classical Languages and Literature, Ancient History, English, Modern Languages, Modern History), the Medical Sciences, the Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Biochemistry, Law, Economics, or Politics. Students wishing to follow certain joint degrees such as Philosophy, Politics and Economics will also be eligible. Candidates should be under 20 years of age on 1 October 2007.
The award will cover full fees and provide a maintenance grant of £7,000 p.a.
Application procedures
The closing date for applications for the Dulverton, Hill, Noon and Manoukian scholarships will be 22 February 2007. The forms may be obtained from the Student Funding and International Office after 5 January 2007 (email They will also be available for downloading from the web from the same date at
Oxford Student Scholarships
A number of Oxford colleges offer scholarships to students from developing countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because equivalent educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries. This scheme is only suitable for candidates of the highest academic ability who have outstanding examination results. However, financial need and social commitment are also major criteria for selection.
The scholarships are largely financed by undergraduates (jointly with colleges and the University) and cover University and college fees and provide a maintenance grant. Awards are not tenable to read medicine due to the length and expense of this course.
Application forms and further information can be obtained from the website or the Student Funding and International Office, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD. The closing date for applications is 1 October 2006.
Further Information
International Awards
Published by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, 36 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PF
Study Abroad Published by UNESCO
7 Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France. Also obtainable from Her Majesty's Stationery Office, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT
The Grants Register
Published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Provides information about awards for graduates and advanced scholars from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, USA, and developing countries and other foreign countries
Directory of Grant-Making Trusts
Published by the Charities
Aid Foundation, 48 Pembury Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 2JD
British Council
Enquiries about British Council administered awards should be made through the British Council in the candidate's home country
For US students only
British Information Services, 845 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA
Rhodes Scholarships:
The American Secretary, Rhodes Scholarship Trust, 8229 Boone Boulevard, Suite 240, Vienna, VA 22182, USA