At the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine 5 PhD stipends are available within the general study programmes Wireless Communication and Computer Science. The stipends are open for appointment from September 15, 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Job description
Electronic Systems/Computer Science/Mathematical Sciences
5 Mobility Stipends in ICT
The PhD stipends are offered via a grant to three departments at Aalborg University; Department of Electronic Systems, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Mathematical Sciences. The grant from The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation covers 5 full financed PhD stipends. The driving hypotheses of the projects are the following:
A. Hypothesis: Adaptive signal processing algorithms implemented as embedded software can be used to linearize a highly nonlinear but energy efficient power amplifier core to yield an overall linear and energy efficient amplifier. The applicant needs competences in one or more of the areas: RF electronics and modelling, embedded systems, IC design, FPGA design, power amplifier design, and RF simulation techniques. Contact: Professor Torben Larsen (E-mail:, phone: ).
B. Hypothesis: Bayesian statistical methods based on a unified approach for divergence approximations can be used to improve the performance of data receivers for mobile communications where the challenge is to make a decision on what data was originally sent by a transmitter or a group of transmitters, when the data is corrupted due to interferences, e.g. generated by other transmitters. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: Data receiver design, wireless communication, signal processing, and Bayesian statistics. Contact: Professor Bernard Fleury (E-mail:, phone: +45 9940 8629).
C. Hypothesis: Quantitative model checking, simulation, static analysis and compiler optimizing methods may be used for designing and implementing optimal mappings and scheduling of embedded applications onto multi-core, multi-processor and networked architectures. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: Computer science, embedded systems, multi-core architectures, and verification and scheduling. Contact: Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen (E-mail:, phone: +45 9940 8893).
D. Hypothesis: Advances in spatial and computational statistics are capable of improving the foundation for understanding and exploiting data-dependent characteristics of spatio-temporal indexing and query processing techniques for the mobile Internet, thus resulting in more effective techniques. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: computer science and statistics – in particular interest in the mobile Internet and spatial and computational statistics. Contact: Professor Jesper Møller (E-mail:, phone: +45 3057 3127).
E. Hypothesis: Utilizing simultaneous coverage from multiple wireless access devices and exploiting knowledge about typical spatio-temporal communication patterns obtained through spatio-temporal data mining techniques, it is possible to predict which links can be kept in a low power state at certain times, while still allowing data packets to be routed in the mobile core network, and thereby reducing the overall power consumption very significantly. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: databases, data mining, and/or spatio-temporal data management, combined with an interest in wireless communications. Contact: Professor Torben Bach Pedersen (E-mail:, phone: +45 9940 9975).
If you want to apply for more than one PhD position you must submit an application for each position. Please indicate in the comment box which stipend (A, B, C, D or E) you are applying for. Applications sent by email will not be accepted.
The projects are supported by three departments as mentioned earlier; Dept. of Electronic systems, Dept. of Computer Science, and Dept. of Mathematical Sciences. For all projects two supervisors will be appointed – a main supervisor and a co-supervisor. The two supervisors will always be from different departments. It is the plan to have some joint activities for all 5 PhD students – for example, a summer school is planned.
Since the PhD stipends have been funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation with the plan to improve mobility, you are not allowed to have a Masters degree from Aalborg University. As long as your qualifying masters degree has been received from any other university than Aalborg University you can apply – also if you have your degree from another Danish university.
The application:
The applicant must submit an application for each stipend he or she wishes to apply for. The application must include the following:
1. An application letter stating the motivation of the applicant to apply for precisely this stipend, applicants background, other relevant information etc. This letter must also include a list of submitted material.
2. A Curriculum Vitae.
3. Copies of all relevant degrees obtained as well as copies of relevant scientific papers etc. These must be in Danish or English (signed by an authorized translator). Exam papers in other languages can’t be assessed.
4. A maximum 2 page (11 point Calibri / 2 cm margins all sides) proposal for the research to be pursued in the project containing:
a. Suitable title.
b. Brief background for the project.
c. Initiating problem.
d. Short state-of-the-art in the field with use of a few key references.
e. Novel ideas to solve the proposed problem (in the form of bullet points).
f. Main challenges to work on in the project (in the form of bullet points).
g. A rough sketch of a time and work plan.
h. Up to 5 key references.
PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 18 of January 14, 2008 on the PhD Programme at the Universities. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed every six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.
The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee. On the basis of the recommendation of the assessment committee, the Dean of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine will make a decision for allocating the stipend.
For further information about stipends and salary contact Ms. Helen Kjerstein Kristensen, The Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, phone: +45 9940 7373.
The faculties have a research school, The Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine: and a Network for all PhD students:
Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of January 11, 2006 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the Ministry of Finance Circular of June 13, 2007 on the employment structure at Danish Universities.
Apply online
Aalborg University (AAU) conducts teaching and research to the highest level in the fields of humanities, engineering, and natural, health, and social sciences.
Scholarship Corner
international scholarship resources
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Anti Aging Solution from Oxis International
Oxis International is the best way to avoid aging problems and diseases cause by free radicals. They provide anti-aging, antioxidant, glutathione, penny stocks and free radical. Oxis International Inc. have Advancing Oxidative stress Technology Oxis International Inc. is the premier provider for the potent antioxidant, Ergothioneine and through their patented synthetic manufacturing process remains the only significant commercial source of pure L-ergothioneine worldwide.

This company focus on naturally occurring protective substances since they are more likely to be both safe and efficacious. Theirproducts incorporate and emphasize the multifaceted “super antioxidant” compound, L-Ergothioneine (“ERGO”), as a key component. They also own several patents and pending applications related to ERGO that cover current and planned products relevant to our nutraceutical and cosmecuetical businesses.
To know more about on their unique products log on to , oxis on facebook and oxis on twitter.
This company focus on naturally occurring protective substances since they are more likely to be both safe and efficacious. Theirproducts incorporate and emphasize the multifaceted “super antioxidant” compound, L-Ergothioneine (“ERGO”), as a key component. They also own several patents and pending applications related to ERGO that cover current and planned products relevant to our nutraceutical and cosmecuetical businesses.
To know more about on their unique products log on to , oxis on facebook and oxis on twitter.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
ACFJ journalism fellowships for 2010
Applications for the 2010-2011 Fellowships for M.A. Journalism are now being accepted by the Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University (ACFJ).
The fellowships are awarded to full-time Asian journalists who have excellent professional and academic record, strong commitment to good journalism and leadership qualities. A grant covers tuition and other expenses for the two-year M.A. Journalism program which is offered by the Ateneo de Manila University with ACFJs support.
Since its inception in 2003, 90 journalists from 15 Asian countries have received grants. Ateneos M.A. Journalism is distinctive for its innovative use of online and conventional learning methods. The master?s program covers 12 courses which are conducted using a mix of online and conventional methods. Six are purely online courses, three are held in the conventional classroom, and another three are hybrid courses that take place alternately in the online and on-campus. The program?s design allows working journalists and other media professionals to study at their own pace and time, and in their own homes or workplaces. Courses in ethics, media law and news writing are at he core of the program. Journalism courses which are regional and cutting edge in content comprise the electives. Lecturers come from Asia as well as Australia, U.K., and the U.S.
ACFJ, a joint project of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the Ateneo, was founded in June 2000 to promote good journalism in Asia by providing training opportunities primarily for working journalists.
Application forms for the fellowship grant may be downloaded from or requested by e-mail at email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it . ACFJ may also be contacted by phone at (+632)
9263253 or (+632) 4266001 (local 5296), or fax at (+632) 9263254.
Deadline of application is on Friday, 12 February 2010.
For admission to the M.A. program, a separate set of application forms are required. These are also available from ACFJ or Ateneo?s Office of Graduate Studies (OGS).
Jasmine Sabrina Rombaoa
Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University
Tel Nos. (+632) 9263253 / (+632) 4266001 (local 5296)
Fax No. (+632) 9263254
E-mail: email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
The fellowships are awarded to full-time Asian journalists who have excellent professional and academic record, strong commitment to good journalism and leadership qualities. A grant covers tuition and other expenses for the two-year M.A. Journalism program which is offered by the Ateneo de Manila University with ACFJs support.
Since its inception in 2003, 90 journalists from 15 Asian countries have received grants. Ateneos M.A. Journalism is distinctive for its innovative use of online and conventional learning methods. The master?s program covers 12 courses which are conducted using a mix of online and conventional methods. Six are purely online courses, three are held in the conventional classroom, and another three are hybrid courses that take place alternately in the online and on-campus. The program?s design allows working journalists and other media professionals to study at their own pace and time, and in their own homes or workplaces. Courses in ethics, media law and news writing are at he core of the program. Journalism courses which are regional and cutting edge in content comprise the electives. Lecturers come from Asia as well as Australia, U.K., and the U.S.
ACFJ, a joint project of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the Ateneo, was founded in June 2000 to promote good journalism in Asia by providing training opportunities primarily for working journalists.
Application forms for the fellowship grant may be downloaded from or requested by e-mail at email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it . ACFJ may also be contacted by phone at (+632)
9263253 or (+632) 4266001 (local 5296), or fax at (+632) 9263254.
Deadline of application is on Friday, 12 February 2010.
For admission to the M.A. program, a separate set of application forms are required. These are also available from ACFJ or Ateneo?s Office of Graduate Studies (OGS).
Jasmine Sabrina Rombaoa
Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University
Tel Nos. (+632) 9263253 / (+632) 4266001 (local 5296)
Fax No. (+632) 9263254
E-mail: email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Friday, July 25, 2008
Italy: Master Scholarships in Design, Master Politecnico di Milano
Research of eligible students’ for Masters Scholarships
Master Politecnico di Milano – Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano addresses your institution, which is a relevant reference point in the cultural and commercial exchange with Italy. requests your cooperation in propagating news about qualified opportunities of post-university training:
MDS - Master in Strategic Design. Design of the Value Offering (in cooperation with MIP Politecnico). – 1st level – 10th edition, held in English. Duration 13 months. Design, management, technology and empowerment, for those oriented to work on the borderline between design and management.
MBC - Master in Brand Communication, the Project, the Construction and the Brand Management (in cooperation with AssoComunicazione) – 1st level – 8th edition. Duration 12 months. To manage the strategic thought of the brand as a Strategic Planner, Product Manager, Account and Media manager.
MA&C - Master in Art Direction e Copywriting. The creative couple of the future – 1st level – 2nd edition. Duration 12 months. From advertising to global communication, with 11 art directors of important agencies, for the communication of the brand of the future.
MDSPI - Master in Design for the Development of the Industrial Product – 1st level – 2nd edition. For the Product Design specialists, to run the entire procedure of realization of industrial products, from their conceiving to their production.
The complete information about the masters and the courses is on line in the site
For each of these courses our Academic Partners offer some scholarships to the eligible foreign designers, students and architects interested in specializing in Italy.
In order to be considered for a scholarship it is necessary to send a curriculum vitae by 10th september 2008 and have a fairly good knowledge of the Italian language.
For further information you may contact us at the phone number +39 02 23995864 or e-mail address: formazione[ at ]
Deadline: 10th september 2008
Master Politecnico di Milano – Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano addresses your institution, which is a relevant reference point in the cultural and commercial exchange with Italy. requests your cooperation in propagating news about qualified opportunities of post-university training:
MDS - Master in Strategic Design. Design of the Value Offering (in cooperation with MIP Politecnico). – 1st level – 10th edition, held in English. Duration 13 months. Design, management, technology and empowerment, for those oriented to work on the borderline between design and management.
MBC - Master in Brand Communication, the Project, the Construction and the Brand Management (in cooperation with AssoComunicazione) – 1st level – 8th edition. Duration 12 months. To manage the strategic thought of the brand as a Strategic Planner, Product Manager, Account and Media manager.
MA&C - Master in Art Direction e Copywriting. The creative couple of the future – 1st level – 2nd edition. Duration 12 months. From advertising to global communication, with 11 art directors of important agencies, for the communication of the brand of the future.
MDSPI - Master in Design for the Development of the Industrial Product – 1st level – 2nd edition. For the Product Design specialists, to run the entire procedure of realization of industrial products, from their conceiving to their production.
The complete information about the masters and the courses is on line in the site
For each of these courses our Academic Partners offer some scholarships to the eligible foreign designers, students and architects interested in specializing in Italy.
In order to be considered for a scholarship it is necessary to send a curriculum vitae by 10th september 2008 and have a fairly good knowledge of the Italian language.
For further information you may contact us at the phone number +39 02 23995864 or e-mail address: formazione[ at ]
Deadline: 10th september 2008
USA: AAUW International Fellowships
International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Fellowships support one year of study in the United States at the Master’s, PhD or Postdoctural level. Six of these awards are available to members of International Federation of University Women affiliate organizations.
* Award Amount: $18,000; $20,000; $30,000
* Type of Award: Assistantship
* Grade Level: Graduate, Doctoral, Postdoctoral
* Postmark deadline: 1st of December
Questions about applications must be directed to the Iowa City office. Please do not contact the AAUW Educational Foundation office in Washington, D.C., or local branches for application information.
Please call 319/337-1716 ext. 60, e-mail, or write to the customer service center at
AAUW Educational Foundation
Dept. 60
301 ACT Drive
Iowa City, IA 52243-4030
* Award Amount: $18,000; $20,000; $30,000
* Type of Award: Assistantship
* Grade Level: Graduate, Doctoral, Postdoctoral
* Postmark deadline: 1st of December
Questions about applications must be directed to the Iowa City office. Please do not contact the AAUW Educational Foundation office in Washington, D.C., or local branches for application information.
Please call 319/337-1716 ext. 60, e-mail, or write to the customer service center at
AAUW Educational Foundation
Dept. 60
301 ACT Drive
Iowa City, IA 52243-4030
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