Saturday, February 23, 2008

PhD Research Studentship in Engineering - University of Cambridge

PhD Research Studentship
Interacting Turbulent Flames Using Dns And Laser Diagnostics
Department of Engineering

A Research Studentship position is available on an EPSRC funded research project in the study of interacting turbulent flames using DNS and laser diagnostics. This project involves collaboration with Rolls-Royce Plc. and Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd. in the UK. The main aim of the project is to develop close understanding of interacting turbulent premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) methodology and laser diagnostics. The interacting flames are one of the fundamental root cause for "noisy" combustion, but this is still a terra incognita for modelling. The research student will be involved in the experimental part of the project but there will be constant interaction between the experimental and computational parts. The Ph.D student will work closely with one of investigators and will be using state of the art multi-scalar imaging and particle image velocimetry (PIV) facilities available in the Engineering Department.

The successful candidate will have a first class degree in Mechanical/Aerospace/Chemical engineering. Applications from overseas students will also be considered. Funding, covering all fees and maintenance will be available for the three years. The studentship will commence from 1st October 2008.

Further details on the project may be obtained from Dr E. Mastorakos or Dr N. Swaminathan. An application form may be downloaded from the Board of Graduate Studies (BGS) office. More information on the graduate studies at the Engineering Department is available If you submit your application on-line via BGS website, send a copy in PDF format to Mrs. Kate Graham so as to reach her not later than 10th May 2008.

Quote Reference: NA03047, Closing Date: 10 May 2008

Interview Date(s): Interviews will take place as soon as suitable candidates are identified.

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