Friday, February 22, 2008

PhD Positions in Neuroscience, University of Ulm

Location: Germany

The group neuronal degeneration and axon regeneration in the central nervous system (AG Fischer) at the University of Ulm, (Germany) invites applications for PhD student positions (BATIIa/2) within the Ulm Graduate School of Neuroscience. Our group is working on the discovery of new pharmacological and genetherapeutic approaches for repairing the central nervous system, after traumatic injuries, stroke or neurodegenerative diseases.

The lab covers a variety of methods including microscopy (video-, immunofluorescence), molecular biology (cloning of fusion-proteins, mutagenesis, 5-RACE, Real-time PCR), biochemistry (protein-protein interactions), cell culture techniques (primary neurons and cell lines), histology and various animal models.

For this project we are looking for highly motivated students who like to work on a disease-relevant study. Experience in one of the above-mentioned techniques is desirable.

For informal enquiries about the position please contact:

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fischer
Experimentelle Neurologie
Festpunkt O25, Raum 541
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Tel.: 0731-500-63048
Fax: 0731-500-63049

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